Philippines’ Open Government Journey
As a founding member of OGP, Brazil has long been a leader in open government. In this report, learn how the national government and OGP Local members have advanced open government reform since 2011.
2024, Action Plan, Web page
2024, Final Learning Exercise, Web page
2023, End of Commitment Report, Web page
2023, End of Commitment Report, Web page
2023, End of Commitment Report, Web page
2022, Inception Report, Web page
2021, Action Plan, Web page
2021, Letter, Web page
As a founding member of OGP, Brazil has long been a leader in open government. In this report, learn how the national government and OGP Local members have advanced open government reform since 2011.
In this series, the IRM explores the challenges, major achievements, and the future of open government in some of OGP's longest members to tell that story. Understanding the steps it takes to shift the status quo to more transparent, accountable, and responsive governance holds lessons for all reformers looking to apply open government principles to real-world challenges.
As a founding member of OGP, Brazil has long been a leader in open government. In this report, learn how the national government and OGP Local members have advanced open government reform since 2011.
There has been a welcome debate in recent years about how to shift power, decisions, and resources on economic and social development into the hands of the people closest to the problems that need solving. This shift to localisation includes…
As we face challenges that affect our democracies the need to integrate a local perspective to identify innovative solutions to the most pressing issues cities face is more evident than ever.
A medida que hacemos frente a los retos que afectan a nuestras democracias, es más evidente que nunca la necesidad de integrar la perspectiva local para identificar soluciones innovadoras a los problemas más urgentes de las ciudades. La Cumbre...
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