Monitoring of comprehensive sexual education program (AR0095)
Action Plan: Argentina Action Plan 2019-2022
Action Plan Cycle: 2019
Lead Institution: Ministerio de Educación Argentina
Support Institution(s): ACIJ, ELA, FEIM, Fundación Huésped y Amnistía Internacional
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Education, Gender, Health, Inclusion, LGBTQIA+, Open Data, Public Participation, Public Service Delivery, Sustainable Development Goals, YouthIRM Review
IRM Report: Argentina Results Report 2019-2022, Argentina Design Report 2019-2021
Early Results:
Design i
Verifiable: Pending IRM Review
Relevant to OGP Values: Pending IRM Review
Ambition (see definition): Pending IRM Review
Implementation i
What is the public problem the commitment will address? Law No. 26,150, of 2006, establishes that each and every student has the right to receive Comprehensive Sexual Education (ESI) in all establishments. educational institutions of the country, whether they are state or private management, of the jurisdictions national, provincial, of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires or municipal From the sanction of the law that implements the teaching of ESI in schools, its implementation has had different levels of progress throughout the country. In that In this sense, it is necessary to have systematized information that allows the monitoring of the implementation of the law at the national and jurisdictional level, to make visible the progress made and identify vacancies and thus develop (actions / strategies etc) that guarantee their effective application. Likewise, there is a demand from civil society regarding access to information on the implementation of the ESI. Finally, the involvement of various actors from the state, civil society and The educational community will promote the implementation of the Law, guaranteeing the effective exercise of these rights. What has allowed the implementation of highly relevant experiences located in some regions of the country, as well as like others that still need to continue deepening their implementation within of their classrooms expanding to different and diversified strategies. Argentina has ratified most of the international and regional treaties rights and is actively participating in the implementation efforts of the 2030 Agenda. Law No. 26,150 includes the constitutional principles of equality and non-discrimination, and in its spirit proposes a democratic culture that promotes participation and access to information, communication and education processes with universal reach. Its fulfillment seeks to strengthen the capacities of its own children and adolescents to assume a full life, as recommended by the Committee on the Rights of the Child regarding the inclusion of content from sexual education, prevention of HIV AIDS and reproductive health in school programs. In the same sense, sex education constitutes an opportunity so that the institutions, in coordination with other actors, strengthen the search effective responses to situations of rights violations such as the violence, abuse and mistreatment of children and adolescents, and implement protection and repair measures to address these problems. The ESI proposal articulates biological, psychological, social, affective aspects and ethics, focusing on five axes: the care of the body and health, the assessment of affectivity, guarantee gender equality, respect for diversity and particularly sexual diversity, and the exercise of rights. Commitment is to provide relevant, accurate, reliable and updated knowledge, through of carrying out various systematic educational actions. The MEN works in a coordinated manner with the provincial governments through the Federal Council of Education. The Council meets monthly and is made up of by representatives of the provincial governments, It is a space that has as objective to promote joint work between the nation and the provinces.
What is the commitment? The commitment consists of establishing a Federal Observatory of Implementation of the ESI with the purpose of collecting and systematizing information that allows the monitoring at the national and jurisdictional level of the implementation of Law No. 26,150 of Comprehensive Sexual Education, through different instruments. This space will have the participation of different social actors. Expected that the participants of the observatory are references of:
• Ministries of Education through the Federal Council of Education
• Bicameral commission created for this task
• Teachers' unions
• Students
• Civil society organizations
• Social movements (for example against the ESI)
• National Universities through their free chairs, related chairs with the axes of the ESI, university extension, etc.
The objectives of the Observatory will be:
• Advance in the deepening of the implementation of the ESI, especially in the axes that address the gender perspective and sexual diversity
• Inquire about the advances in the transversality of the ESI, that is, its meaning and the practices that sustain it in educational institutions
• Monitor the progress of the proposal of ESI school referents in the schools
The expected results should be interpreted based on the characteristics of each jurisdiction for the case of the files, in particular with regard to the characteristics of each education system in terms of, for example, the number of educational establishments, school agents and enrollment size, among others. In turn, it is expected to have the systematization of experiences that civil society and higher-level educational institutions are implementing.
How will this contribute to solving the problem? The creation of the ESI Implementation Observatory is intended to be a participatory, federal, multi-agency, transversal and intersectional space, dedicated to research and monitoring. The proposal is to collect experiences and gather information to account for the actions that are being carried out to promote and strengthen the implementation of the ESI; as well as to identify the vacancy areas and the spaces for improvement to ensure that compliance with the right is made effective. It will seek to produce and collect evidence that accounts for the actions that are implemented to ensure the implementation of the ESI, as well as to identify the gaps and areas for improvement to achieve compliance with the objectives of the Law.
1. The bimonthly meetings with the different actors of the Observatory with actors of civil society and government entities will contribute to the coordination of actions, monitoring and information management in a participatory way and plural and jointly design diversified strategies.
2. Annual publication of data to account for progress in implementation of the ESI in the different jurisdictions, and thus be able to strengthen the transparency of public policy and also expand the mechanisms that allow guaranteeing the extension of the law.
3. Publication of information on the jurisdictional file ESI 2020 will allow to give account of the actions carried out throughout the country and also design policies and specific strengthening strategies according to needs and courses of each province and / or region.
4. The Investigations will provide qualitative data in order to constitute a state of the art in the subject as well as contribute to the systematization of the experiences carried out at the national level, the impact and also collaborate in the design of future actions.
How is this commitment relevant to values of OGP? Commitment is relevant to transparency. Promotes the transparency of the performance of national and jurisdictional governments, accountability for their actions, citizen participation, collaboration with other actors of civil society.
Additional Information Actions promoted by the National Comprehensive Sex Education Program are intended for children and young people of the national educational system, which they attend public establishments of state or private management, from the initial level up to the higher level of teacher training and non-university technical education. The normative plexus that sustains the ESI, added to the demands of the organizations social and international agreements that our country has committed to comply with; leads us to revalue the task of producing knowledge about the development and implementation of the ISS throughout our territory through monitoring instruments. In addition to having the funds assigned by revolving funds at the jurisdictional level, a fund will be established for the management and organization of the actions. The commitment will be linked to all the objectives set out in the Declaration of Chapadmalal signed by the CFE. To guarantee the follow-up, accompaniment and pedagogical support during the ASPO, the MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE NATION is working centrally in supporting the jurisdictions through the reorientation of the Educational Planning policy. In this sense, the program "WE CONTINUE EDUCATING" was included. (Resolution 106/20) where one of its guidelines is to include an objective 0 to the educational planning matrix. The same raises from its writing: "Develop Jurisdictional actions for the fulfillment of the objectives of the Program “We continue to educate”. Provincial actions have been established in the planning jurisdictional, in order to contribute to the continuity of the activities of teaching in all contexts, and guaranteeing access to official content for the ESI. It is linked to Goal 4 SDG through:
• Show the relevance of the international educational agenda (SDG 4) for the country
• Develop, from the context of one's own responsibilities, the capacity to analyze and interpret the public policies of comprehensive sexuality education based on evidence through a sectoral analysis
To achieve the full implementation of ESI requires understanding the multiplicity of sectors, actors and actresses that are involved in this public policy: State national and jurisdictional; educational establishments of all levels, modalities and types of management; management teams, teachers and other school agents; students; families, and the community in general; and a strong articulation with the health sector, gender, social development, sports and other government agencies involved.15 years after the enactment of the Law, we understand that the challenge is to install the existence institutional referents and jurisdictional technical teams that promote the actions derived from the Law
Activity and deliverable product Start End
17.1 Bimonthly meetings of the Observatory with stakeholders of civil society and government entities. November 2020 September 2022
17.2 Annual publication of open data on the implementation of the ESI. June 2021 June 2022
17.3 Publication of information on the ESI 2020 jurisdictional file of all the provinces where it is investigated the actions of the ESI jurisdictional teams. (Indicators will be included on: training actions in ESI, ESI materials, National Day "Educating in Equality: Prevention and eradication of gender violence ”(Law 27,234), technical assistance in ESI. June 2021 June 2022
17.4 Publication of a printed map and its distribution in indigenous communities and civil society, as well as implementation of a wider dissemination plan. July 2020 December 2020
17.5 Qualitative research on progress in the implementation of the ESI in the jurisdictions. October 2021 June 2022
IRM End of Term Status Summary
Compromiso 17. Observatorio federal de implementación de la ESI
● Verificable: sí
● ¿Tiene una visión de gobierno abierto? sí
● Potencial para obtener resultados: no evaluado*
● Cumplimiento: sustancial
● ¿Abrió el Gobierno? significativamente
Compromiso 17. Observatorio federal de implementación de la ESI
Agencia implementadora: Subsecretaría de Educación Social y Cultural
Cumplimiento: Sustancial
¿Abrió el Gobierno? Significativamente
Como se indica en el texto del plan de acción, el objetivo del compromiso consistía en establecer un Observatorio Federal de Implementación de la Educación Sexual Integral (OFESI) y por su intermedio relevar y sistematizar información para hacer un seguimiento a nivel nacional y jurisdiccional de la implementación de la Ley 26.150 de Educación Sexual Integral.
El compromiso se implementó en lo sustancial: se conformó el Observatorio y éste realizó por lo menos cuatro reuniones con actores de la sociedad civil, academia y entes gubernamentales, determinó los principales indicadores y comenzó a publicar bases de datos anuales sobre la implementación de la ESI, no solamente para los años 2020 y 2021, sino también para los dos años precedentes. Para la fecha de cierre del período de implementación del plan, el equipo técnico del OFESI se encontraba en pleno proceso de recopilación y sistematización de los datos, que iría subiendo a la web a medida que estuvieran disponibles.
Asimismo, se publicó un informe de síntesis de la información obtenida de la ficha jurisdiccional ESI 2020 a nivel provincial. Este informe sistematiza información sobre la legislación y la organización del trabajo de la ESI y la ejecución de acciones por parte de los equipos técnicos de ESI de los ministerios de educación de las 24 jurisdicciones del país. Estos equipos son los encargados de difundir los objetivos de la Ley 26.150; diseñar propuestas de enseñanza, con secuencias y pautas de abordaje pedagógico; diseñar, producir o seleccionar y luego distribuir materiales didácticos; realizar acciones de formación docente, asistencia técnica y acompañamiento a personal docente, equipos directivos y supervisores/as; e implementar acciones de seguimiento y evaluación de la implementación de la ESI, entre otras.
Por último, se emprendió una investigación de corte cualitativo sobre el avance en la implementación de la ESI en las jurisdicciones provinciales, aún no publicada.
Fuentes consultadas confirmaron que este compromiso reviste gran valor para la sociedad civil. El de la ESI fue un tema que generó bastante resistencia y no pudo ser incluido en la primera versión del plan, por lo cual fue importante que se incluyera, aun en versión abreviada, en el plan revisado y que se implementara en forma sustancial. La sociedad civil tiene claro que el impacto que la implementación del compromiso pueda tener a largo plazo dependerá de su continuidad, en particular en lo que se refiere a las actividades del Observatorio, pero considera a este compromiso como un importante primer paso en la dirección correcta [56].
* Este compromiso fue incluido en la versión revisada del plan de acción, por lo que no fue evaluado en el informe de diseño.