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Knowledge and Capacity Building of Public Servants in the Freedom of Information and Anticorruption Field (AM0025)



Action Plan: Armenia, Second Action Plan, 2014-16

Action Plan Cycle: 2014



Lead Institution: Civil Service Council of the RA

Support Institution(s): Ministry of Territorial Administration Freedom of Information Center» NGO Young Lawyers Association of Armenia

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Right to Information

IRM Review

IRM Report: Armenia End-of-Term Report 2014-2016, Armenia IRM Progress Report for 2014-2015

Early Results: Did Not Change

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: No

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



At present, many state servants do not possess enough knowledge and skills in the sphere of fight against corruption and of freedom of information to act openly and transparently. The recommendation will help bridge the gap of information and knowledge of the officials.
Knowledge of 200 public servants on the fight against corruption, integrity and freedom of information will be improved, as well as the skills on the application of legislation on the freedom of information. The trainings will help the public servants to work openly and transparently, guided by the ethics rules for public servants.

IRM End of Term Status Summary

10. Freedom of Information and Anti-Corruption Training

Commitment Text:

At present, many state servants do not possess enough knowledge and skills in the sphere of fight against corruption and of freedom of information to act openly and transparently. The recommendation will help bridge the gap of information and knowledge of the officials.

Knowledge of 200 public servants on the fight against corruption, integrity and freedom of information will be improved, as well as the skills on the application of legislation on the freedom of information. The trainings will help the public servants to work openly and transparently, guided by the ethics rules for public servants.

Responsible Institution: Ministry of Territorial Administration of the Republic of Armenia

Supporting Institution(s): Civil Service Council of the Republic of Armenia

Start Date: August 2014 .......                                                                End Date: December 2016

Commitment Aim

The commitment intends to provide training to civil servants in the areas of freedom of information and the fight against corruption.


Midterm: Limited

In April 2014, in cooperation with Freedom of Information Center CSO (FOICA), the Civil Service Council of Armenia started conducting trainings for civil servants on “Freedom of information and strengthening of public relations in public administration”.

End of Term: Substantial

At the time of writing this report, FOICA carried out a specialized training of 60 civil servants on issues related to freedom of information. The Ministry of Territorial Administration organizes regular general trainings of community servants. Among other topics, such trainings also allocate time for addressal of issues related to corruption (8 hours) and freedom of information (2 hours). According to the Government, during 2014-2015, more than 3700 community servants, mayors and members of community councils, and employees of Marzpetaran participated in general trainings. These trainings are more of generic nature and only partly cover topics highlighted in the commitment, that is, freedom of information and fight against corruption. CSO representative was not assigned for monitoring the implementation of this commitment within the framework of general trainings conducted for civil/public servants.

Did it Open Government?

Access to Information: Did Not Change

Civic Participation: Did Not Change

Public Accountability: Did Not Change

The Government of Armenia recognized the fact that many civil servants lack necessary knowledge and skills in the fields of fight against corruption and freedom of information. The commitment aimed at addressing this gap. However, there is no publicly available evidence on the level of any changes as a result of the aforementioned trainings. It is also unclear if the questionnaires from the trainings were completed and analysed in a thorough manner, to help adapt future government trainings.

Carried Forward?

The commitment is not included in the next action plan.


Open Government Partnership