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Self-Assessment System on Freedom of Information Performance (AM0048)



Action Plan: Armenia Action Plan 2022-2024 (December)

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: Office of the Prime Minister

Support Institution(s): Office of Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan, Personal Data Protection Agency of the Ministry of Justice, National Security Service; "Freedom of Information Center" NGO, Other NGOs and organizations that will join the commitment; State administration bodies

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Right to Information

IRM Review

IRM Report: Armenia Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief Description of the Commitment
For the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations in the field of freedom of information, as well as for collecting systematic and evidencebased data on their efficiency, forming and publicizing an information database, it is proposed to develop and introduce a unified system for self-assessment and statistics maintenance/publicizing of the field of freedom of information, which will be used by the state authorized body every year for evaluating the process of execution of the right to freedom of information within the state administration system. The results of self-assessment will be combined with the external assessment results, enabling to make the problem mapping more targeted, comprehensive, and the proposed solutions — more effective. This is also a tool for introduction and development of a unified and combined evaluation culture for freedom of information, which will bring field analyses and reforms aimed at the development of the field to a new level.

Problem Definition
1. What problem does the commitment aim to address? Promote the publicity, accountability and freedom of information (FoI) of the state administration system by introducing a (pilot) public and transparent evaluation system

2. What are the causes of the problem? Currently, the system, mechanisms and tools for evaluation, statistics maintenance and publicity of the field of FoI is missing. In this context, it is not possible to receive substantiated and reliable data about the general state of application of the law on FoI by state institutions of the Republic of Armenia, and the objectivity and purposefulness of existing data processing process is questioned both by the public and CSOs, as well as by state institutions/experts working with these data. The absence of an evaluation system deprives the expert community and the State of having the overall picture of various components of FoI, such as, for example, information availability/accessibility, coverage of subjects, received requests, rejections and appeals, quantitative and substantive data, etc.

Commitment Description
1. What has been done so far to solve the problem? Currently, unified evaluation systems of FoI are missing. Due to the commitment, all actors in the field of FoI will have evidence-based, complete and accessible information about the exercise of the right to FoI, which is an important prerequisite for public control, as well as for effective decisions and reforms related to the field.

2. What are the solution proposed by us? For the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations in the field of FoI, as well as for collecting systematic and evidence-based information database on their efficiency and publicizing it, it is proposed to develop and introduce a system for self-assessment of the field of FoI, which the state authorized body will be able to use every year for evaluating the process of execution of the right to FoI by the state administration system. Within the framework of elaboration of the evaluation system, not only the international and local standards regulating the process will be taken into account, but also the observations of the main actors of the field — those in charge for the FoI of the state administration system bodies, public servants coordinating the secretariat, representatives of the organization managing the electronic document circulation, as well as specialized civil society institutions.

3. What results do we want to achieve by implementing this commitment? The system will also include a unified format for maintaining and publicizing statistics, which will enable to apply, at least in an identical and comparable manner, the norms established by the law with regard to statistics. At the same time, this is an excellent way to form a unified practice of developing and publicizing statistics, ensuring their combination and effective use by all actors in the field. Within the framework of the commitment it is envisaged to: ● develop self-assessment standards for the field of FoI; ● develop unified mechanisms for maintaining statistics and accountability on FoI by state bodies; ● introduce a unified evaluation system and provide the conditions necessary for its application.

Commitment Analysis
1. How will the commitment promote transparency? FoI self-assessment standards will enable the state institutions (if desired, not only state institutions) to reveal the FoI proactive and reactive problems and develop specific targeted solutions. This process will directly and indirectly improve the access to information and data.

2. How will the commitment help foster accountability? FoI self-assessment standards, contributing to proactive transparency, also promote the accountability of state agencies. Within the framework of development of self-assessment standards, such components are taken into account that their application would also reveal the problems of the monitoring and evaluation systems for further development and implementation of solutions aimed at them.

3. How will the commitment improve citizen participation in defining, implementing, and monitoring solutions? The publication of self-assessment results can be an excellent opportunity for CSOs and citizens in terms of verification of these results, as well as submitting their own observations and opinions. In the long term, this also provides a platform for systemic dialogue in the field; the State raises the problems detected thereby, CSOs compare them with the results of external evaluation, and in this case, both the mapped problems and the solutions proposed for them will become more targeted and realistic, which will make the State-CSO co-operation more effective.

Commitment Planning (Milestones | Expected Outputs | Expected Completion Date)
(This is an initial planning process largely looking at milestones and expected outputs, as well as key stakeholders involved.)

Action 1. Elaborate the FoI concept of self-assessment and the system of indicators | Introduction of modern mechanisms for monitoring the state of FoI in line with international best practice | November 2022

Action 2. Develop a methodology for assessment of indicators within the framework of FoI self-assessment | Setting unified methodological bases for ensuring the monitoring of the state of FoI, clarification of information sources and ways of obtaining indicators, determination of those in charge | December 2023

Action 3. Ensure pilot introduction of self-assessment system of freedom of information in selected bodies | Improvement of the system based on the test results of monitoring the state of freedom of information and ensuring universal implementation. The pilot self-assessment system will be implemented in the Prime Minister’s Office, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. | June 2024

Relation of the Commitment to strategic documents and other international processes Public Administration Reform Strategy Sustainable development goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions: Promote building fair, peaceful and inclusive societies. OECD recommendation: to improve access to information and public communication in the Republic of Armenia.

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 3. Self-assessment system in the freedom of information

● Verifiable: Yes

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Modest


Open Government Partnership