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Basque Country, Spain

ALTXOR - Design and launch a centralised online office and three blended pilot offices in order to offer the over-65s, or those approaching retirement, support for their individual and collective life projects. (ESPV0005)



Action Plan: Action plan – Basque Country, Spain, 2021 – 2024

Inception Report Summary: Inception Report – Action plan – Basque Country, Spain, 2021 – 2024

Commitment Start: Sep 2021
Commitment End: Dec 2024

Institutions involved:

  • Basque Government
  • Innobasque
  • Eusko Federpen
  • Agijupens
  • Las cuatro torres
  • Nagusiak
  • Helduak Adi!
  • Secot
  • Nagusilan
  • Araba Provincial Council
  • Bizkaia Provincial Council
  • Gipuzkoa Provincial Council
  • Local Council (EUDEL)
  • Bilbao City Council

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Civic Participation
  • Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability

Inception Report Summary

Verifiable: Yes

Relevance to OGP Values: Yes

The commitment is a new regulation, policy, practice or requirement.

The commitment activities will result in a change of the rules, practices or policies that govern a policy area, public sector and/or relationship between citizens and is binding or institutionalized across government or specific institution(s).


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

ALTXOR - Design and launch a centralised online office and three blended pilot offices in order to offer the over-65s, or those approaching retirement, support for their individual and collective life projects.


  • Improve public-run services in cooperation with the social initiative by driving online and in-person information, guidance, brokerage and mentoring services, that are comprehensive, specialised and personalised, and with the emphasis on a full life. The target is all older people and managed with their participation in a Basque society that is increasingly ageing and digitalised, while incorporating OGP parameters.
  • Increase corporate responsibility of the Administration in the dialogue and cooperation with a significant segment for the Basque Country, by co-designing and deploying initiatives with the organised participation of older people.

The project seeks to offer information, guidance, brokerage and mentoring on different issues relating to older people's life projects –retirement, coexistence and occupation, lifelong learning, leisure, support for situations of dependency, wills and living wills, estate planning, etc. – from when they approach retirement age to end of life, with the goal of  them enjoying a full life and being engaged in society  The aim is to facilitate informed and aware personal decision-making regarding the way in which they wish to live the different stages of this very long phase of the life cycle. It also seeks to give impetus to resources adapted to the profile, expectations, values... of the new generations, along with comprehensive, personalised and specialised support.

Status quo

  • The need for quality, free public support to access key information in those life stages, about old-age care resources and about the initiatives and the relationship, participation and mutual aid networks organised by the older people.
  • The difficulties of the more vulnerable to access information, resources and networks, particularly in a digital environment.
  • The ever-increasing emergence of new profiles of older people with skills, talents and full life expectations in these life cycle stages and political and social engagement, in the broadest sense. Stages that they therefore consider as a time full of opportunities to embrace the different aspects of their life, broaden their perspective and continue to make their contribution to society, taking into account that not only ageing, but also personal growth, is part of our lives right to the end.
  • The diversity of life journeys, experiences, qualifications, skills acquired throughout life, in different contexts, that they have and are ready to harness and to put to the service of a society requiring their talent.
  • The overwhelming desire of the new generation of older people to continue living in their homes and their willingness to be cared for, and to care, provided that the caring does not compromise the health, leisure, self-care and other fundamental aspects of the work (or occupational), family and personal life of the carer.


- The design, implementation and assessment of an online assistance service (Basque Government) and 3 pilot assistance offices for older people. The necessary measures are to be designed beforehand with older people’s organisations and those working for them, by means of a co-design and participation process, in order to provide care that is: comprehensive, specialise and personalised.
- Co-design of the different possible care models. For example, with different degrees of participation of older people’s associations or teams in the provision of the different service content. Older people’s organisations will be involved, and other private or social initiatives and/or public stakeholders may intervene, in the design of the prototype of the pilot offices and their deployment, assessment and updating.
- The office prototype may be adapted to the characteristics of each territory and envisage different ways of organising and providing the services, including self-management by older people's organisations or their participation in the office activity involving a team of older people.

Ultimately, the aim is for the support offered to act as the basis for older people to engage in their life projects, according to their expectations, values, interests... both individually or as families and groups. This will involve triggering projects and initiatives allowing them to develop their abilities and talent, in order to serve the common good (volunteering, intergenerational, self-managed projects...) and with an impact on the community where the offices have been set up.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

- A service aligned with the community model - characterised by the personalisation, continuity, comprehensiveness and proximity of the care and participation of the (older) recipients - and which includes query solving, information, guidance and brokerage services to access a whole range of resources and social mentoring during the different stages and milestones of this stage of the life cycle.
- A view of older people, particularly of the new generations of older people, as people with talent and skills that may be harnessed for the common good or general interests and with expectations of a full life at this senior stage of the life cycle; a full life as a paradigm of satisfaction of comprehensive needs and personal growth in different aspects that expand the active ageing approach.
- Synergies among different types of stakeholders; the talent of older people are channelled and fostered, while counting on their participation.

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

It is a commitment that seeks to apply OGP standards to a social policy for older people:

  • Applying the areas or principles (information/open data/transparency, integrity, accountability and engagement of the stakeholders) and the Open Government Partnership methodology to the design, implementation, assessment and updating process (PDCA). The OGP methodology seeks, among other aspects, to use digital technologies to strengthen governance.
  • It is demanded by society and is a commitment of the Basque Government's Government Plan for the 2020-2024 parliamentary term. It is also a project included in Next Generation Euskadi.
  • The application of this open government partnership is in keeping with the Basque Government's Social Policy Office’s implementation of the Basque Governance Strategy with older people and the Nagusi Agenda as an associated participation methodology in recent years.

It also connects to the inherent dynamics of civil dialogue and, therefore, to the rights of the target individuals, families, groups and communities and who are at the heart of the social intervention as they participate in all phases of the public policies affecting them, including the implementation phase (The Basque Social Third Sector Act 6/2016, of 12 May).

Primary Policy Area

Civic Space, Inclusion

Primary Sector

Public Services (general)

What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Civic Participation On the one hand, this commitment seeks to foster the involvement of citizens to improve public-run services. Public engagement, in the shape of co-design, clearly benefits institutions whose processes incorporate the knowledge, ideas, innovation capacity and the critical oversights of the citizens - and in particular of older people - in the design, deployment and assessment of this new service. Furthermore, this commitment seeks to protect the ability of non-profit organisations and civil society to take part in generating public value, by combining OPG methodology and civil dialogue.
Technology and Innovation for Transparency and Accountability Finally, the implementation of this commitment will allow institutions to explore the opportunities that the new technologies offer to share information and to generate greater engagement and cooperationFinally, the implementation of this commitment will allow institutions to explore the opportunities that the new technologies offer to share information and to generate greater engagement and cooperation


7 Milestones

Design of the prototypes (benchmarking and approach) with impetus for an Open Government Partnership (OGP) pilot scheme.

Start Date09/2021
End Date12/2021
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Tendering, resolution and awarding of the centralised service and of the three pilot offices, with different models.

Start Date10/2021
End Date12/2022
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Setting up the offices: fitting out the premises, forming teams and the office network (sharing, coordination and cooperation mechanisms, coordination with Zuzenean and other services and programmes of the government, centralised online services, training…) and preparing the 2022-2024 work plan.

Start Date06/2022
End Date12/2024
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Deployment of the offices (opening, dissemination, task forces with institutions and older people, online activities, decentralised in-person and telephone assistance, etc.).

Start Date06/2022
End Date12/2024
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Continuous assessment, with participation of users and recipients from 2022 onwards.

Start Date06/2022
End Date12/2024
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Knowledge systematisation and transfer

Start Date06/2023
End Date12/2024
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Final assessment.

Start Date11/2024
End Date12/2024
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership