Urban Dynamic Map (BUE0012)
Action Plan: Buenos Aires Action Plan 2018-2020
Action Plan Cycle: 2018
Lead Institution: NA
Support Institution(s): • Government - General Secretariat and International Relations of the City of Buenos Aires - ASI (Agency of Information Systems of Buenos Aires City) - Secretary of Social Integration for Older Adults, Ministry of Human Development and Habitat of the City of Buenos Aires - COPIDIS (Commission for the Entire Participation and Inclusion of Disabled People) - CNRT (National Commission of Transport Regulation) - Ministry of Urban Development and Transport of the City of Bue- nos Aires - Ministry of Health of the City of Buenos Aires - Ministry of Environment and Public Space of the City of Buenos Aires - Ministry of Education of the City of Buenos Aires, Housing Institute of the City of Buenos Aires - Secretariat of Habitat and Inclusion of the City of Buenos Aires - Presidency of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires - USIG (Unit of Geographic Information Systems of the City of Buenos Aires) - Communication Secretariat - AGIP (Government Administration of Public Revenue) • Civil Society / Private Sector - CPAU, FADU, Professional Associations, Central Association of Architects - Fundación SURCOS and other sectoral CSOs - Citizens users of the services. - Universities and research institutions who work on these topics.
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Capacity Building, Fiscal Openness, Infrastructure & Transport, Land and Spatial Planning, Local Commitments, Open Data, Public Service Delivery, Publication of Budget/Fiscal Information, Sustainable Development GoalsIRM Review
IRM Report: Buenos Aires Transitional Results Report 2018-2020, Buenos Aires Design Report 2018-2020
Early Results:
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): High
Implementation i
Link with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 (SDG) SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities Status quo / Issue to be addressed One of the work axes raised by the City is the design of an enjoyable city at human scale. We seek to contribute to make a city designed for people, more connected, with initiatives which contribute to improve citizens’ enjoyment and experience in the City. The promotion of the use of public space and implementation of improvements in a collaborative manner. In this context, we identify several situations to be addressed: • Existence of different types of obstacles in the public space (darkness, physical obstacles, their state), which particularly affect people with reduced mobility (older adults, disabled people, etc.) • There is lack of knowledge about the urban planning and construction code among citizens, mainly because it is difficult to nderstand for non-experts. • Marginalisation (exclusion) of older people in the public space and surroundings (housing, public services, transport services, businesses, among others) • The Ministry of Culture contributes significantly to the development of independent culture in the City through the policy on promotion of diverse artistic disciplines. The information related to the actions for funding independent culture conducted by the Ministry is partially published in a fragmented manner.
General objective To think and achieve an enjoyable human scale city through different open government initiatives. We propose: • Improve public space accessibility in the City through tools which involve different open government pillars, guaranteeing safe transitability and accessibility environments, thus contributing to the re-dimensioning of Buenos Aires at human scale. • Promote and simplify the access to the information about the new urban and construction code to support knowledge and improvement. • Promote integration of older people into the public space and surroundings, adjusting them to their requirements. • Improve the access to information related to the promotion actions conducted by the Ministry to foster the development of initiatives on the field of diverse artistic disciplines.
Brief description of the initiative The Human Scale City commitment has different lines of action aimed at improving neighbours’ experience in it. These experiences are: Design and implement a collaborative georeferenced platform of diverse aspects of the public space. It will allow for the report, control and follow-up of repairs and “obstacles”. Likewise, there will be channels to receive citizens’ suggestions related to public space (in terms of accessibility) Generate friendly, accessible and clear information for citizens to be able to know the possibilities and conditions for building in the City, main characteristics, cadastral information and information on the situation of asset protection of each plot of land. We will simplify the information regarding use of plots of land and infrastructure works status, facilitate the identification of new building opportunities, and we will provide open data and tools to analyse the urban profile of the City. Make the challenges of aging nowadays visible and incorporate the old age perspective into the strategic planning of the Government of the City of Buenos Aires (GCBA). Promote the openness of data related to the offer of activities for older adults in the City of Buenos Aires. Contribute to the improvement in the access to information related to funding, projects and beneficiary agents of the actions which promote culture through its publication in the website of the Ministry of Culture in a downloadable format.
Describe the way in which this commitment is relevant to strengthen OGP values of transparency, access to information, public accountability, civic participation, and technology and innovation for openness and accountability The initiative of the platform for innovation of sidewalks is robust and it contemplates the diverse open government pillars since it strengthens transparency, access to information, accountability and it promotes civic participation through a collaborative stage of interaction with neighbours. By implementing a platform that provides information on urban code in a simple manner, we guarantee citizens access to information. For this reason, the commitment is relevant in terms of transparency. Likewise, the provision of information in a friendly and pedagogical manner will allow for the interaction with the citizens, letting them know the construction possibilities and conditions. The openness of data on older adults’ situation, services and the offer of activities for this sector of the population contribute to strengthening the OGP values of transparency, access to information and accountability; likewise, it can promote civic participation through the reuse of information. The culture initiative will allow the access to systematised information on the actions which promote culture, in a downloadable format; this will mean a progress in terms of transparency and improvement in the access to information. Likewise, the project will contribute to accountability since it includes the provision of budgetary information related to the policy on promotion of cultural activity in the City.
Milestones Ongoing or new commitment Start date End date 2. Urban Dynamic Map 2.1 Consolidation and systematisation of the available and relevant information (urban planning code, additional technical regulation and construction code.) It will offer the following information: economic districts (zoning and tax benefits); construction sites (location, type, purpose, number of square meters to be built and date); land use (location and type), urban code (location, zoning, maximum allowable construction height); value per square meter of the price of land per block; pre-feasibility study; plot of land conditions (water risk, street opening and widening, easement); special districts; authorisations (location, category, date and owner); single value of the street. New September 2018 March 2019 2.2 Interpretation of information in a pedagogical, friendly and clear manner, adjusted to demand. New March 2019 May 2019 2.3 Publication and diffusion of an open digital platform with georeferenced information for citizens. Channels: social networks, newsletters, brochures, etc. Metrics: coverage, users, visits, etc. New June 2019 December 2019
IRM Midterm Status Summary
IRM End of Term Status Summary
7. Mapa de dinámica urbana
Objetivo del compromiso
El compromiso apuntaba a resolver el desconocimiento del nuevo código urbanístico [26] y de edificación [27] sancionado en diciembre de 2018, brindando información pedagógica y amigable a la ciudadanía sobre las condiciones de construcción en la ciudad, información catastral e información sobre la situación de protección patrimonial de las parcelas.
¿Contribuyó a la apertura del Gobierno?
El compromiso se cumplió en su totalidad y los resultados se plasmaron en la plataforma Plano BA, publicada y difundida en distintos eventos de interés público donde los participantes expresaron su entusiasmo y relevancia de la plataforma [28]. La misma presenta diversas funcionalidades y la información que se encuentra disponible es de fácil interpretación, su formato es claro y amigable. Su difusión en más de cinco eventos de interés público y a la Corporación de Rematadores y Corredores Inmobiliarios [29] asegura una mayor difusión del código urbano cumpliendo con el objetivo inicial del compromiso y contribuyendo de manera significativa a la apertura del Gobierno.
Detalles sobre la implementación:
Los tres hitos del compromiso se cumplieron. Durante el primer año de implementación, la Secretaría General trabajó en la consolidación y sistematización de la información disponible sobre las condiciones de construcción de la ciudad e información catastral y diseñó y desarrolló la plataforma web. La plataforma se renombró “PABA: Plano Abierto BA”, en la que se incorporaron datos correspondientes a tres áreas de gobierno diferentes (Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Transporte, Administración Gubernamental de Ingresos Públicos y la Agencia Gubernamental de Control). Dichos datos se seleccionaron en función a un diagnóstico de las consultas y pedidos de acceso a la información recibidos por la ciudadanía. Con el objeto de simplificar y traducir la información, la Secretaría trabajó en una visualización de un mapa (una foto 100% cenital de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires) que permite visualizar y localizar los lotes de interés, y ofrece la información a través de una ficha dividida en cinco pestañas. La primera y segunda muestran los datos de altura y usos permitidos según la normativa, e incluyen elementos gráficos que ilustran de manera sencilla la información. En la tercera pestaña se encuentra la información básica de la parcela, mediante una tabla donde se muestran los valores de los ítems principales, tales como metros construidos o pisos. La cuarta pestaña contiene las obras registradas e iniciadas, mientras que la quinta tiene las inspecciones realizadas en obras y comercios. Así, cada ficha sintetiza toda la información urbanística relevante sobre cada lote de la Ciudad, y contiene explicaciones para guiar la comprensión de los datos plasmados.
Asimismo, la plataforma contiene una segunda funcionalidad, "Tu Ciudad", que permite hacer búsquedas por parámetros, eligiendo variables de altura, usos y barrios para localizar los lotes que contengan esas características.
La plataforma [30] se lanzó el 20 de agosto de 2019 y desde entonces ha recibido a más de 24.758 usuarios y ha obtenido más de138.531 visitas únicas [31]. Como parte del plan de difusión y comunicación, la plataforma se presentó en congresos, eventos, y universidades relacionadas con el urbanismo y la arquitectura [32]. Según informó la Secretaría General, aún se prevén actualizaciones en tiempo real e integraciones de la plataforma con otras páginas y funcionalidades [33].