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Buenos Aires, Argentina

Mi Subte BA (My underground - Buenos Aires) (BUE0018)



Action Plan: Buenos Aires Action Plan 2018-2020

Action Plan Cycle: 2018



Lead Institution: NA

Support Institution(s): Other actors involved • Government - General Secretariat and International Relations - Transport Secretariat - Secretariat for Citizen Culture and Public Service of the City of Buenos Aires - Ministry of Urban Development and Transport of the City of Buenos Aires • Civil Society / Private Sector - Citizens users of the services - Universities and institutions who work on and re- search into sustainable mobility topics - / Wikimedia - SubteData (Laboratory of Public Policies)

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Democratizing Decision-Making, Infrastructure & Transport, Local Commitments, Open Data, Private Sector, Public Participation, Public Service Delivery, Social Accountability, Sustainable Development Goals

IRM Review

IRM Report: Buenos Aires Transitional Results Report 2018-2020, Buenos Aires Design Report 2018-2020

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Link with the Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 (SDG) SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities

Status quo / Issue to be addressed Sustainable mobility and the underground system are the most recurrent topics in the deliberative forums of the OGP co-creation process. We will seek to address concerns through open government initiatives. Sustainable mobility is a key factor to make a human scale city more connected and healthier for everyone. During the last years, the government has promoted the bicycle as a sustainable and safe means of transport by building bike lanes and a system of free public bikes in different points of the City. This led to a growth in the use of the bicycle as a means of transport. Citizens’ topics of interest to be addressed: expansion of the bike lane network, stations, etc.; road safety education; healthy and non-motorised mobility. Furthermore, the underground is the most important means of transport of the City of Buenos Aires, it has an average of 1,300,000 users per day according to data from July 2018. While there is currently information published regarding the service (including some datasets in open format), there is still a need to open complete and quality information. The promotion of user education, diffusion of reporting channels and the publication of quality information in open format would contribute to improve accountability and public conversation.

General objective Taking into consideration that sustainable mobility is a topic that contributes to a healthy human scale city, that it is in the public agenda and it is a topic of interest for neighbours according to the forums, we will seek to open information on the programme to promote sustainable mobility and generate an open planning based on user experience. Likewise, we will seek to open information on the underground service through open formats, diffuse reporting channels to improve the information flow, and begin a process of cultural change to promote transparency, accountability and citizen participation.

Brief description of the initiative Improve the planning of policies for the promotion of the use of bicycles by opening and bringing the policy-making process and information programmes closer to citizens. We will seek to provide information, communication tools and guidance for the promotion of sustainable and safe mobility practices and encourage collaborative work between public and private sectors and the third sector in order to optimise resources, redirect efforts and leverage actions related to the topic. We will also work collaboratively in the construction of indicators, their revision, etc. Likewise, work will be done to provide citizens with information regarding the underground service, diffuse reporting channels to improve the flow of information and begin a cultural change in this public transport system.

Describe the way in which this commitment is relevant to strengthen OGP values of transparency, access to information, public accountability, civic participation, and technology and innovation for openness and accountability The initiative has a facet of transparency and openness of information regarding the promotion of the use of bicycles as a means of transport as well as of the operation of the underground public service. It contemplates accountability to increase the monitoring capacity of the Civil Society and citizens regarding the effective use of the public resources allocated to the sustainable mobility and underground service programmes. It has a citizen participation aspect in order to: generate feedback stages and assess satisfaction and the access to information, collect information, proposals, suggestions and revise indicators. It also encourages dialogue and citizen participation through the diffusion of channels for complaints, openness of information and campaigns on cultural change in the underground.

Milestones Ongoing or new commitment Start date End date 2. Mi Subte BA (My underground - Buenos Aires) 2.1 Improve the diffusion of channels for complaints to increase user’s knowledge (147, web page, social networks) through information campaigns regarding existing channels; information at public institutions, etc. Ongoing September 2018 December 2019 2.2 Develop and implement a campaign on cultural change and education aimed at promoting a better use of the underground as a means of transport and improving coexistence in it. Examples of actions to be conducted: campaign aimed at minding the yellow line when waiting for the underground in the platform; allowing the exit of passengers before getting on the underground unit, among others. The campaign will be disseminated mainly through interventions and posters at busy underground stations, social networks, audio messages from the drivers, subtv, wi-fi network, Subte App (Underground application) New November 2018 December 2019 2.3 Publication of information, in open format, aboutstatistics and operation of services (operation,maintenance, improvements, investments, extensions, etc.) New August 2019 August 2020

IRM Midterm Status Summary

IRM End of Term Status Summary

13. Mi Subte BA


De los tres hitos del compromiso, solo dos se cumplieron completamente. Por un lado, se reforzó la comunicación del canal de reclamos a través de la página web del Subte a partir de un trabajo conjunto entre la Secretaria de Atención Ciudadana y el área de Calidad y Servicio al Usuario [57]. Asimismo, desde el área de Calidad avanzaron en una actualización de los sistemas informáticos, para que el CRM de gestión interna de Metrovías (la empresa reguladora del transporte subterráneo) se integre a la plataforma del Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, y el Gobierno pueda recibir las respuestas directamente. Finalmente, desde el área de Información al Usuario trabajaron en una campaña de cambio de hábitos [58] sobre el uso de los dispositivos móviles en los subterráneos así como frente al contexto de la COVID-19, reforzando la educación de la necesidad de tomar distanciamiento social obligatorio y el uso del tapaboca. También desde la misma área se ejecutó una campaña de recepción de denuncias por violencia/acoso, reforzando el uso de canales digitales y de rápida respuesta, tanto en el interior de los vagones como en las estaciones.

El hito relativo a la publicación de información en formatos abiertos sobre estadísticas y funcionamiento del servicio quedó pendiente de implementación y a la fecha de cierre de este informe no se habían llevado tareas para iniciarlo.

[58] Se lanzó la campaña “Buenos Hábitos en el Subte” en SUBTV y redes sociales junto con la Asociación de Periodistas de Tránsito y Transporte de Argentina (APTTA). La campaña consiste en cinco spots con un total de 13 consejos para mejorar la convivencia en el subte. Aquí uno de los spots de referencia:


Open Government Partnership