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Conceptual Framework for Open Governance (BG0079)



Action Plan: Bulgaria Action Plan 2022-2024 (December)

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: The Administration of the Council of Ministers

Support Institution(s): Bulgarian Center for Not-for-Profit Law

Policy Areas

Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Bulgaria Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


What is the public problem being addressed by the measure? Lack of a systematic approach to follow the principles of open management, presence of numerous and different strategic documents in which these principles are embedded as a whole and partially, but at the same time there is a lack of a conceptual basis on which to define the goals, tasks and activities to be carried out at the national level for the implementation of the principles of transparency, accountability, integrity and civil participation in decision- making processes.

What does the measure consist of? A review will be made of the current strategic documents and their relevance to the principles of open government and the open state, and depending on the result, completely new parts will be added or further developed, with which the conceptual foundations of open government will be laid. The specific activities to implement the measure will be carried out by an interdepartmental working group created by the Administration of the Council of Ministers. Representatives of civil organizations with opinion or interest in the topic will also participate in the working group. During the activity of the working group, developing an entirely new strategy document or complementing an existing strategy, citizen participation will be encouraged using innovative methods such as organizing a hackathon or a citizen jury.

How will the implementation of the measure contribute to solving the problem? The implementation of the measure will lay the conceptual foundation of open government, synchronize the various documents governing its principles and lay the foundation on which to define the goals, policies and activities leading to transparent and open government.

How does the measure relate to the values of the initiative? The measure is relevant to the values of the transparency and civil participation initiative, as its implementation includes the active participation of the interested civil organizations.

More information (including budget for implementation of the measure) The following resources are needed to implement the measure: Human resource, expressed in the activity of the members of the working group, the representatives of civil organizations, students with degrees in public administration, international relations and other volunteers. Material – expressed in a base for holding the meetings of the group and the hackathon or the civil jury. Indicative budget for the implementation of the measure - BGN 10,000.

Activities for and measurable results of the implementation of the measure: Starting date Date of completion of activity:

1. Invitation and selection procedure for stakeholders (civil organizations with expertise in the subject, industry and other professional organizations) for inclusion in the working group for developing the conceptual framework for open governance. Results: procedure for nomination and inclusion of stakeholders in the interdepartmental group 1.10.2022 15.11.2022

2. Convening an interdepartmental working group with the participation of civil organizations with expertise on the subject and conducting group meetings. 15.11.2022 15.03.2023 The tasks of the working group are to review the current strategic documents and their relevance to the principles of open government and the open state.

3. Organizing and holding a hackathon on the topic of open government. 1.04.2023 1.05.2023

4. Drafting proposals to supplement/amend existing strategic documents or prepare a new strategic document for open management. 1.06.2023 1.09.2023

5. Review of existing action plans containing open governance measures and their synchronization with the concept of open governance. 1.09.2023 31.3.2024

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 1. Review of the Conceptual Framework for Open Governance

● Verifiable: Yes

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Modest


Open Government Partnership