Open Regulation: Simplify Engagement Activities (CA0029)
Action Plan: Canada, First Action Plan, 2012-2013
Action Plan Cycle: 2012
Lead Institution: Treasury Board Secretariat
Support Institution(s): All Government of Canada Regulatory Departments
Policy Areas
Democratizing Decision-Making, Private Sector, Regulatory GovernanceIRM Review
IRM Report: Canada Progress Report 2012-2013
Early Results: No IRM Data
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): High
Implementation i
To increase public engagement on regulatory activities in Year 1, federal regulators will be required to electronically post their forward regulatory plans so as to make the regulatory system more predictable and give Canadians and businesses early warning of upcoming changes and the opportunity to engage on regulatory plans. Regulators will also be required to post service standards and policies that clarify when stakeholders can count on receiving guidance in writing.