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Córdoba (Province), Argentina

Co-creation of a Public Access to Information Bill (ARPCR0009)



Action Plan: Action plan – Córdoba (Province), Argentina, 2024 – 2027

Inception Report: Not available

Commitment Start: Oct 2024
Commitment End: Sep 2027

Institutions involved:

  • Open Government Secretariat, Ministry of Government, Province of Córdoba
  • Open Government Secretariat, Ministry of Government, Province of Córdoba
  • Open Government Secretariat, Ministry of Government, Province of Córdoba
  • Open Government Secretariat, Ministry of Government, Province of Córdoba
  • Instituto Universitario Aeronautico
  • Fundeps
  • Minka Digital
  • Minka Digital
  • Minka Digital
  • Red Ciudadana Nuestra Córdoba

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Access to information


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

Co-creation of a Public Access to Information Bill


The Province of Córdoba currently regulates the right to access public information through Provincial Act 8803, which was enacted and published in 1999. This legal framework is outdated, especially considering that National Act 27.275 on the Right to Access Public Information was enacted and published in 2016. This situation has been observed by various civil society organizations, which demand the drafting and enactment of a new legal framework that is adapted to the new challenges in this area.

Status quo

Currently, there is a legal framework regulating the matter, but it has become obsolete over time and due to the substantial change in the paradigm of Open Government. Clearly, it is neither sufficient nor reflective of what is currently considered best practices in other provinces and countries, and therefore, urgent modification and adaptation are required. Regardless of this, the Government of Córdoba Province currently has positive regulations regarding access to information, such as Act 10.618 on the Modernization and Simplification of the Administration (Article 17 - Access to information on administrative procedures).


This commitment seeks the co-creation of a bill that regulates the purpose, scope, rights, and obligations regarding access to public information for the Province of Córdoba.

The expected result is the complete drafting of the bill, which the Provincial Executive Branch will bring before the Provincial Legislature for its consideration. This bill will be prepared jointly with various stakeholders, including experts in the field, representatives of different branches of government, government officials, representatives of civil society organizations, and academics.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

The implementation of the commitment fulfills the demand made by various organizations that call for the need to update the current legal framework. The project, in addition to considering the different current perspectives on the issue, will include the consensus that implies the co-creation of a common project, which strengthens the final product and gives it its own legitimacy. In the same sense, it seeks to satisfy the procedures that guarantee the fulfillment of the demands for public information required by the general public.

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

This commitment aligns with the goal of promoting access to information produced by the Government of Córdoba and ensuring that it is accurate and timely, which fosters a feedback ecosystem where the state takes advantage of the collective intelligence of its community.

Primary Policy Area

Regulatory Governance, Right to Information

Primary Sector


What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Access to information This commitment addresses a long-standing debt that the Province of Córdoba owes to countless organizations, which have been demanding a Public Access to Information Act that considers the current context and the demands arising from different sectors of society.


8 Milestones

FORMATION OF A MULTI-STAKEHOLDER COMMISSION OR COUNCIL: Create a working commission composed of experts in the field, representatives from different branches of government, government officials, representatives of civil society organizations, and academics. The objective is to ensure a comprehensive and pluralistic vision in the drafting of the bill, incorporating diverse perspectives and experiences to develop effective legislation that meets the needs of society.

Start Date03/2025
End Date06/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

ASSESSMENT OF EXISTING ACTS: Conduct a review of existing national and provincial laws. This analysis will include the identification of norms that regulate aspects related to transparency, accountability, and access to information.

Start Date10/2024
End Date01/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

EXCHANGE OF EXPERIENCES: Organize meetings and gatherings with representatives from other provinces to learn about the processes and challenges they faced during the creation and implementation of their respective regulations. Additionally, identify best practices and lessons learned that can be adapted and applied in the context of the commitment made.

Start Date01/2025
End Date03/2025
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

DRAFTING OF THE BILL: Elaborate a draft of the public access to information bill, based on the principles and guidelines agreed upon by the multi-stakeholder council and considering the results of the assessment of pre-existing laws and suggestions from public consultations.

Start Date07/2025
End Date04/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

PUBLIC CONSULTATION PROCESS: Design and implement a space for citizen validation during the bill drafting process.

Start Date05/2026
End Date08/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

REVIEW AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE DRAFT: Implement a review process to refine and perfect the text of the bill, incorporating the observations and suggestions of all stakeholders, and discussing each comment received, ensuring that all contributions are duly considered.

Start Date09/2026
End Date12/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

FINAL REVIEW OF THE BILL: Consolidate all revisions and adjustments into the draft bill.

Start Date02/2027
End Date06/2027
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

PRESENTATION OF THE BILL: Formally bring forward the public access to information bill to the Provincial Legislature for discussion and approval.

Start Date08/2027
End Date09/2027
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership