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Côte d'Ivoire

Create specific budget line for purchase of contraceptive products (CI0033)



Action Plan: Côte d’Ivoire Action Plan 2020-2022

Action Plan Cycle: 2020



Lead Institution: Ministry of Health and Public Hygiene National Mother-Child Health Program (PNSME)

Support Institution(s): State actors involved Ministry in charge of the Budget CSOs, private sector, multilaterals, working groups

Policy Areas

Gender, Health, Inclusion, Public Participation, Public Service Delivery, Sustainable Development Goals, Youth

IRM Review

IRM Report: Côte d’Ivoire Results Report 2020-2022, Côte d’Ivoire Action Plan Review 2020-2022

Early Results: No early results to report yet

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: No

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i



What is the public interest issue to be addressed by this commitment? In Côte d'Ivoire, the maternal health situation is worrying. Indeed, according to the Report of the Demographic Health Survey and Multiple Indicators (EDSCI-III Côte d'Ivoire 2011-2012), the maternal mortality ratio is 614 per 100,000 live births. In other words, 3 women die every 2 hours in Ivory Coast, either during pregnancy, during childbirth or during the first 42 days postpartum. Faced with this situation, several interventions including Family Planning are implemented to reduce this rate. In fact, the improvement in the current contraceptive prevalence which is 23%, the reduction of unmet need for contraception which is 46.6% and the reduction of maternal deaths go through several channels including the increase in supply of Family Planning (FP) service and product availability until the last mile. The absence of a specific budget line dedicated to the purchase of contraceptive products poses the problem of taking charge of “unmet FP needs” and the increase in maternal deaths on the one hand, and on the other hand, the follow-up of the commitment to increase the FP budget by 10% made during the Ouagadougou Partnership which was held in February 2011.

What is the commitment? The commitment involves: - Government ownership of MSHP action; - The synergy of action of all the sectors involved; - The decision to increase budgetary funds allocated to procurement; - Resource mobilization to finance FP; - Efficient management of resources allocated to the purchase of contraceptive products; - Orientation of appropriate resources to the purchase of contraceptive products. Expected results: - A clear distinction between goals, forecasts and reality; 31 - A real needs assessment; - The availability of products at the last mile; - Meeting the needs for contraceptive products; - State assurance of better control of supply; - State sovereignty on this issue.

How will commitment contribute to solve the public problem? The creation of a specific budget line for the purchase of contraceptive products called "Purchase of contraceptive products" will help to effectively deal with unmet needs, to reduce maternal deaths in order to lead in the near future to the increase. of the budget allocated to the purchase of contraceptive products. The commitment to create a specific budget line for the purchase of contraceptive products called "Purchase of contraceptive products" will have the advantage: - To help plan future purchases of contraceptive products; - Identify the difficulties associated with purchasing contraceptive products before they occur; - To have a better supply of quality and quantity of products; - Obtain satisfaction of the needs for contraceptive products; - To contribute to an improved service offer; - To contribute to a reduction in maternal and infant mortality. The commitment will improve women's access to contraceptives and therefore reduce the risk of death.

Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values? - Commitment enables transparency and accountability. - The populations can follow the specific budget line created for the purchase of contraceptive products, the partners can follow the financing of FP products; - It will help improve financing mechanisms and publicly report on actions taken in this area; - The commitment allows the improvement of the public health service. The state and partners are informed and can make effective and efficient decisions in the area of FP; - The engagement promotes citizen participation so that civil society can continue to watch over the interests of the population and the achievement of the objectives of development partners.

Additional information - Budget of the commitment : • State = 400 million CFA francs in 2020; • Partner (UNFPA) = 1,300 million CFA francs. - Link to other government programs: 32 • National School and University Health Program - Adolescent and Youth Health; • National AIDS Control Program. - Link to the National Development Plan or other sectoral plans: • Budgeted National Action Plan for family planning; • Mother-Child Health Strategic Plan. - Link to other relevant plans, such as a National Development Plan or a National Anti-Corruption Strategy: • National Development Program; • National Development Program for Health; - Link to the Sustainable Development Goals: • SDG3.

Important activity having a verifiable deliverable Start date End date PNSME meetings for the adoption of a roadmap and a meeting and activity schedule February 2021 June 2021 Development of TORs for the various activities (validation meeting of the draft of the advocacy document, carrying out the advocacy) February 2021 June 2021 Validation of the advocacy document February 2021 June 2021 Advocacy meeting with civil society at the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry of the Budget for the creation of a budget line "purchase of contraceptives" July 2021 June 2022 Budget line created July 2021 June 2022

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 8: Purchase of Contraceptive Products

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? No
  • Potential for results: Unclear
  • IRM End of Term Status Summary

    Results Report

    Commitment 8. Purchase of Contraceptive Products

    Verifiable: Yes

    Does it have an open government lens? No

    Potential for results: Unclear

    Completion: Substantial

    Did it open government? No early results to report yet

    In November 2022, the United Nations Agency of Family Planning transferred 400 000 000 CFR to the Côte d’Ivoire Ministry of Health for contraceptives. [20] The process began with meetings and planning documents (ToR, technical notes), but did not directly reflect milestones stated in the action plan. [21] This is due to changes in the budget process and the introduction of Integrated System for State Planning and Budget, which included contraceptives as a line in the General Budget of the State. [22]

    On 26 September 2021, during the celebration of World Contraception Day in Agboville, the Minister of Health, Public Hygiene and Universal Health Coverage launched free family planning in five health districts in the regions of Sud-Comoé, Bélier, and Agnéby-Tiassa. [23] Before the commitment was abandoned, the process had nevertheless begun with meetings and documents drafted [24] (ToRs, technical note), but it did not reflect milestones set in the action plan. [25] Côte d’Ivoire has undertaken new family planning commitments for 2030 that include the adoption of a law on reproductive health to strengthen family planning and to make family planning free across Côte d’Ivoire. [26]

    [20] United Nations Agency for Family Planning. Documents shared by the Government of Côte d’Ivoire with the IRM. 2022.
    [21] Chantal ANGOUA, resource person in the CT-OGP, interviewed by the IRM researcher by WhatsApp call and email on 22 September 2022.
    [22] Côte d’Ivoire OGP Self-Evaluation. Submitted to OGP. 2022.
    [24] Francisca GNEPROUST, In charge of integrating family planning into the social structures of the Ministry of Health.
    [25] Chantal ANGOUA, resource person in the CT-OGP, interviewed by the IRM researcher by WhatsApp call and email on 22 September 2022.
    [26] Côte d’Ivoire OGP Self-Evaluation. Submitted to OGP. 2022.


    Open Government Partnership