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Encouraging Local Open Government Initiatives (HR0055)



Action Plan: Croatia Action Plan 2022-2024 (June)

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Croatian Government; Central State Office for the Development of the Digital Society; Council of the OGP Initiative

Support Institution(s): Information Commissioner, Central State Office for the Development of the Digital Society Croatian County Association, Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Croatia

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Democratizing Decision-Making, Digital Transformation, Fiscal Openness, Local Commitments, Open Data, Public Participation in Budget/Fiscal Policy, Regulatory Governance

IRM Review

IRM Report: Croatia Action Plan Review 2022–2023

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Which public issue does the measure address? Although representatives of the Association of Cities, Croatian Associations of Municipalities and Croatian County Association have been involved in the OGP Initiative since the outset of its implementation, and there were earlier attempts to reach the local and regional levels through the activities of the Action Plan, these have not been particularly successful. This is primarily due to the specific position of local and regional levels, or rather the fact that they are self-governing areas. Therefore, this measure plans to encourage the implementation of the OGP at these levels, in cooperation with the organisations mentioned, and in particular, to encourage the opening of data and conduct of consultations at these levels, since, with the exception of a few examples of good practice, most local units cannot boast of results in these areas.

What does the measure include? The measure includes encouraging the implementation of the OGP Initiative at the local and regional level by presenting the Initiative, conducting trainings on the development of action plans at local levels, launching city Open Data Portals and establishing an Internet system for conducting consultations with the public at the local and regional level. It is expected that at least three units of local and regional self-government will implement the OGP Initiative, that is, produce and begin to apply the Action Plan for its implementation. It is also planned that at least five city Open Data Portals will be set up and start functioning, along with a system for Internet consultations. The overall goal of the measure is to contribute to achieving the goals of the OGP at the local and regional levels. The measure places particular emphasis on the opening of data and consultations with the public, as well as trainings in the field of increasing citizens' participation in decision-making processes, particularly in the field of participatory budgetary planning, as well as the participation of units of local and regional self-government in the use of innovative tools that improve citizens' participation in improving the quality of life at local levels, such as joining Platforms (FixMyStreet, within which the web interface allows citizens to easily and clearly report problems on public utility installations by locating the place on the map). Participatory budgetary planning is a process of democratic reflection and decision-making and a type of participatory democracy where citizens decide how part of the public budget should be distributed. It allows taxable persons to work with the authorities to make budgetary decisions that have an impact on their lives. This method is used to improve the involvement of citizens in the management of public resources in a collaborative way, encouraging the gathering of opinions on the spending of the city budget, or one part of it.

How does the measure contribute to resolving the public issue? Through the implementation of the training on producing Action Plans for the implementation of the OGP Initiative in three units of local and regional self-government, the implementation of activities aimed at achieving the goals of the initiative in these units of local and regional self-government will be ensured, and partnerships set up between local/regional authorities and NGOs through the implementation of the Initiative. In addition, it is expected that the results will have a positive influence on other units of local and regional self-government, in that they will also conduct 78 similar activities. Activities aimed at opening up data and conducting consultations will ensure the establishment of five local open data portals that are expected to be followed by other units as examples of good practice and the establishment of a consultation system for local and regional units that will be integrated into the already existing e- Consultation system. This will ensure the possibility for regional and local units to publish their consultations there and in the future, all Internet consultations from all levels of public authorities are expected to be available to citizens in one place and on the basis of registration to one system. The implementation of the measure will be coordinated by the Council of the OGP Initiative, or the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, as the Council's expert service, with a large number of co-leaders, also represented in the Council, and primarily with the support and partnership of the Croatian County Association, Association of Cities and Croatian Association of Municipalities.

Why is this measure relevant to the values of the Open Government Partnership? The measure is relevant to transparency, the participation of citizens and public accountability, since it attempts to achieve the goals of the OGP at local and regional levels, and will have a particular effect on opening data and conducting consultations at all levels, all of which will contribute to the stated values of the Partnership.

Additional information: The implementation of the measure will not require the planning of any additional resources.

Activities: Implementation start date: Implementation end date:

15.1. Conducting trainings on the OGP Initiative for the representatives of units of local and regional self- government January 2022 December 2023

15.2. Launching city Open Data Portals January 2022 December 2023

15.3. Setting up Internet systems for consultation with the interested public at local and regional levels June 2022 June 2024

Activity name: 15.1. Conducting trainings on the OGP Initiative for the representatives of units of local and regional self- government Co-leaders: Croatian County Association, Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia, Croatian Association of Municipalities Implementation indicators: - One presentation of the OGP Initiative for municipalities, cities and counties held annually - One training on the development of action plans for representatives of units of local and regional self- government held annually The baseline value of result indicators: - 0, because it has not been organised yet Source of data and frequency of data collection: Report on the work of the Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, annually 80 Financial resources required (Source of funding and planned resources): Resources are assured from the State Budget, section 02010 Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs of the Croatian Government, activity A509067, Open Government Partnership, in the amount of HRK 15,000.00 annually. Implementation start date and implementation deadline: January 2022 – December 2023

Activity name: 15.2. Launching local Open Data Portals Co-leaders: Central State Office for the Development of the Digital Society, Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia, units of local and regional self-government Implementation indicators: - Number on units of local and regional self-government that have launched Open Data Portals The baseline value of result indicators: Source of data and frequency of data collection: - Reports of units of local and regional self-government that have launched Open Data Portals Financial resources required (Source of funding and planned resources): Resources are assured from the State Budget, section 02010 Government Office for Cooperation with NGOs, activity A509000 Administration and management, and they relate to resources for the ordinary activities of the Office. Implementation start date and implementation deadline: January 2022 – December 2023

Activity name: 15.3. Setting up Internet systems for consultation with the interested public at local and regional levels Co-leaders: Central State Office for the Development of the Digital Society, Croatian County Association, Association of Cities in the Republic of Croatia, Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Croatia, Information Commissioner Implementation indicators: - A system for consultation with the interested public for units of local and regional self-government set up within e-Consultations - Number of units of local and regional self-government which implement procedures for consultations via the newly established system - Number of consultations held with the interested public at local and regional levels 81 The baseline value of result indicators: As of the second quarter of 2023 – When the system is upgraded, i.e. extended to local and regional level and all activities carried out within the "e-Consultations – expanding, building up and improving legislative processes of public consultations". Source of data and frequency of data collection: Websites of the project Financial resources required (Source of funding and planned resources): Resources are assured from the State Budget, section 034 Central State Office for the Development of the Digital Society, activity A912014 - e-Consultations - expanding, building up and improving legislative processes of public consultations from the ESF fund, in the amount of HRK 20,000.00 in 2022 (source 12: HRK 3,000.00; source 561: HRK 17,000.00). Implementation start date and implementation deadline: June 2022 – June 2024

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 15. OGP at Local and Regional Levels

● Verifiable: Yes

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Modest


Open Government Partnership