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Strengthening the competence and use of dialogues (FI0034)



Action Plan: Finland Action Plan 2019-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2019



Lead Institution: Ministry of Finance

Support Institution(s): NA

Policy Areas

Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Finland Results Report 2019-2023

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: Pending IRM Review

Ambition (see definition): Pending IRM Review

Implementation i



One of the key priorities of the open Government Strategy is to bring the dialogues more strongly
into the use in public administration and to strengthen interactive professional skills in the public

National dialogues – a concept for national dialogues will be created in cooperation and on the basis of Lockdown Dialogues The development of national dialogues will be based on the Lockdown Dialogues in broad- based cooperation with various actors. At the same time, the aim is to form a new flexible structure for conducting national dialogues. In its reviews of trust and civil space, the OECD has recommended that Finland establish national dialogues. The aim of the national dialogues is to strengthen trust between different actors in society by discussing issues that are important to citizens.

Dialogue pilots and good practices as part of the #Hyvinsanottu (#Wellsaid) campaign The objective of open government #Hyvinsanottu campaign is to promote the use of dialogues. This will be implemented in cooperation with pilot organisations and by sharing good practices on those public sector organisations where the dialogues are already in permanent use.

Dialogue with dialogue researchers and active utilisation of research data in development work The project “Do you know your neighbour” funded by Kone Foundation investigated Open Government dialogues and Lockdown Dialogues (Open Government 2020). The results of research on the dialogues will be actively utilised and potential new opportunities for research cooperation will be explored.

Dialogues as part of the development of anticipatory innovation governance and leadership development In work on anticipatory innovation governance and in the development work on public sector leadership dialogues will be carried out to strengthen trust between different public sector actors.


Open Government Partnership