Transparency of health issues in schools (FR0066)
Action Plan: France Action Plan 2021-2023
Action Plan Cycle: 2021
Lead Institution: Ministry for Primary and Secondary Education, Youth Affairs and Sport
Support Institution(s): Local and regional authorities (as representatives for school properties)
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Education, Health, Open Data, Public Service DeliveryIRM Review
IRM Report: France Action Plan Review 2021-2023
Early Results: No IRM Data
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
What is the public problem that the commitment will address? This commitment will help take better account of health and environmental issues in schools in line with public education values.
What is the commitment? This commitment involves the following actions: 1. Publish open data relating to pandemic management (number of closed schools/classes, number of confirmed COVID cases among students/staff, number of tests conducted) 2. Every year, publish the number of healthcare positions covered at département, academic and regional levels for the previous academic year 3. Set up a committee for education on health, citizenship and the environment (CESCE) in all educational institutions 4. Document and publish information on innovative educational initiatives implemented in school settings (particularly vocational schools) that have enabled students, public employees and citizen volunteers contribute to pandemic management measures
How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem? This commitment will help improve transparency around health and environment issues in schools. It promotes health, civic values and equality, in particular by strengthening ties between educational institutions, parents and outside partners on issues such as marginalisation, at-risk behaviour, violence, physical, mental and social health (especially nutrition and sex education) and addiction prevention.
Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values? This commitment will also open the door to new collaborative initiatives with education partners in the areas of health and sustainability education.
Additional information This commitment is part of France’s Agenda 2030 for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, as advocated by the Citizens’ Climate Convention and the Climate and Resilience Bill.
Milestone activity with a verifiable deliverable Start date End date Publish open data relating to pandemic management Q3 2021: Publish open data on the number of closed schools/classes due to the pandemic and the number of confirmed COVID cases among student/staff Every year, publish the number of healthcare positions covered at département, academic and regional levels for the previous academic year Q3&4 2021: 1 st publication Set up a committee for education on health, citizenship and the environment (CESCE) in all educational institutions Q3 2021: approval of the Climate and Resilience Bill, amendments Q3&4 2022: integration of specific training into the Ministry’s national training plan Q3 2023: end of rollout Document and publish information on innovative educational initiatives implemented in school settings (particularly Q3&4 2021: produce and publish an overview in a press kit format 69 vocational schools) that have enabled students, public employees and citizen volunteers contribute to pandemic management measures
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Commitment 16. Promote health and environmental democracy in schools and universities
● Verifiable: Yes
● Does it have an open government lens? Yes
● Potential for results: Unclear