Improve the transparency of the recovery plan (FR0069)
Action Plan: France Action Plan 2021-2023
Action Plan Cycle: 2021
Lead Institution: Ministry for the Economy, Finance and the Recovery
Support Institution(s):
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Fiscal Openness, Open Data, Publication of Budget/Fiscal Information, Stimulus and Economic RecoveryIRM Review
IRM Report: France Results Report 2021-2023, France Action Plan Review 2021-2023
Early Results: No IRM Data
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
What is the public problem that the commitment will address? To address the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, France’s government introduced a €100bn investment plan with three main areas of focus: the environment, competitiveness and cohesion. For improved visibility on the rollout of the recovery plan, the Ministry for the Economy, Finance and the Recovery has made a dashboard available for monitoring the progress of the main measures in each of the plan’s three areas. This public commitment will improve the transparency of the recovery plan by addressing the following: Making information more understandable to the general public Continuing to promote and encourage the use of this open data
What is the commitment? The commitment to make the rollout of the recovery plan more transparent involves three actions: 1. Publish recovery plan data on a regular basis 2. Promote public access to data: - by developing a national platform showing the progress made on implementation of the recovery plan, region by region, including a search engine - by publishing regular information using explanatory tools (data visualisation, maps, articles) on the official recovery plan website 81 3. Encourage data reuse via dedicated events with the open data community in France
How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem? Action 1, which underpins the other two actions, will be accomplished by automating the recovery plan data publication process in order to ensure regular communication while complying with confidentiality requirements (on economic and tax matters). The scope of the data that is published will be tailored to different user groups: general public, researchers, evaluation committees. Action 2 will provide a simplified view of the data for nondata specialists. It will help make information accessible to a wider audience. Action 3 aims to help open data specialists reuse data and, if needed, help the government make adjustments to how it publishes the data.
Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values? This commitment is relevant to: Transparency: - More data will be made public - Data will be uniform - Data will be more accessible in a “general public” format Civic participation: - It will be easier for citizens to use the data Additional information n/a Milestone activity with a verifiable deliverable Start date End date
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Commitment 19. Improve the transparency of the recovery plan
● Verifiable: Yes
● Does it have an open government lens? Yes
● Potential for results: Unclear