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Participatory Update of Digital Government Plan (GT0110)



Action Plan: Guatemala Action Plan 2021-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2021



Lead Institution: Comisión Presidencial de Gobierno Abierto y Electrónico (GAE)

Support Institution(s): Comisión Presidencial de Gobierno Abierto y Electrónico (GAE). ▶ Ministerio de Gobernación (MINGOB) ▶ Asociación Civil Red Ciudadana.

Policy Areas

Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Guatemala Action Plan Review 2021-2023

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Which is the problematic than the commitment addresses? The Government of Guatemala expresses, with the definition of the Digital Government Plan 2021-2026 (PGD), its commitment to the digital transformation of the Ministries of State; and, to the extent possible, in the other institutions of the Executive Branch, through the institutionalization of digital government measures, programs and projects. The Plan seeks the modernization of public services, transparency and efficient design of processes; where the citizen turns out to be the protagonist in the process of transforming public management, through the creation of an ecosystem of collaboration and innovation, with the participation of the different sectors of the Guatemalan State. Progress has been made in a first effort with the Digital Government Plan 2021 - 2026, however, the actions implemented to date do not have a direct impact on the population in general, despite the fact that it has shown positive results in simplifying formalities. Given the constant change in technology, it is important to update the course of the Digital Government, in addition, there is a digital gap in the country, for which it is not possible to have completely digital processes, so Guatemala must take into account hybrid services . Full digitization forces users to spend on a middleman who can bring them smart devices they don’t own. The design of the current Digital Government Plan is positive, the intention of carrying out this new version is to incorporate more actors, in such a way that the new document contemplates more perspectives, opinions, recommendations, experiences, among others. In such a way that it responds to the needs and realities of the country.

Which is the commitment? Form a working group made up of the Presidential Commission on Open and Electronic Government and representatives of academia, private initiative, Think Tanks and civil society organizations with the aim of updating the Digital Government Plan 2021-2026, based on the review impulse jointly with representatives of social organizations and different public institutions of the Executive Branch. How will you contribute to solve the problematic? Through the creation of a space for consultation and formal dialogue between Government and Society, in order to propose proposals that can be included in the update of the Digital Government Plan 2021- 2026. An open, participatory and collaborative process will allow decision makers to approach an agenda that is in line with the reality of the country, both to optimize digital services and to support society that lacks access to information and communication technologies.

Why is it relevant to OGP values? This collaborative exercise will promote citizen participation and deliver better quality services to citizens.

Additional Information ▶ Ibero-American Charter of Electronic Government. ▶ Recommendations of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development -OECD- on Digital Government Strategies. ▶ General Government Policy 2020 - 2024. ▶ Law on Access to Public Information, Decree Number 57-2008 of the Congress of the Republic. ▶ Law of the National Registry of Persons, Decree Number 90-2005 of the Congress of the Republic. ▶ Law for the Recognition of Electronic Communications and Signatures, Decree Number 47-2008 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala. ▶ Digital Government Index of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development -OECD-.

Milestones: goals/stages that allow verifying the compliance with the commitment 2.1 Update of the Digital Government Plan 2021-2026 January 2022 – March 2023 Launch of the Updated Digital Government Plan 2021-2026 May 2023 2.2 Preparation of the National Index of Digital Government and ICTs (Information and Communications Technologies). Preparation by the Ministry of the Interior of the National Open Data Index. January 2022 – March 2023. Presentation of national indices of Digital Government and ICTs (Information and Communications Technologies). Presentation by MINGOB of the National Open Data Index. May 2023. Presentation of the Digital Government Portal. May 2023 Comisión Presidencial de Gobierno Abierto y Electrónico -GAE- Comisión Presidencial de Gobierno Abierto y Electrónico -GAE- May 2023 January 2022 May 2023 January 2022

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Compromiso 2. Actualización participativa del Plan de Gobierno Digital 2021-2026

● Verificable: Sí

● ¿Tiene un enfoque de gobierno abierto? Sí

● Potencial de resultados: Modesto


Open Government Partnership