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Training for Open Contracting in Infrastructure (GT0119)



Action Plan: Guatemala Action Plan 2021-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2021



Lead Institution: Comisión Presidencial de Gobierno Abierto y Electrónico (GAE) Iniciativa CoST Guatemala

Support Institution(s): Comisión Presidencial de Gobierno Abierto y Electrónico (GAE) ▶ CoST, Fundación Prosperiti Guatecívica

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Anti Corruption and Integrity, Capacity Building, Infrastructure & Transport, Open Contracting, Open Data, Public Procurement, Public Service Delivery, Sustainable Development Goals

IRM Review

IRM Report: Guatemala Results Report 2021-2023, Guatemala Action Plan Review 2021-2023

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: No

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Which is the problematic than the commitment addresses? There is little knowledge in the public institutions about the current regulations that contemplate guidelines to comply with the international standard of open data in infrastructure (OC4IDS) for which reason the public portals reflect low percentages of disclosure of data and documents that correspond to the different stages of a public works project.

Which is the commitment? The organization of an annual specialized training in the international open data standard in infrastructure (OC4IDS) aimed at governing entities and executing units of the public works of the central government in Guatemala, with feedback from multisectoral actors.

How will you contribute to solve the problematic? It will contribute by providing specialized knowledge to the technical teams of the executing units of public works responsible for the administration, implementation and transparency of the projects, in order to comply with current regulations related to the disclosure of open data in infrastructure.

Why is it relevant to OGP values? Because it promotes accountability on the part of public entities, attending to the standardized disclosure of infrastructure data in compliance with current regulations and policies on the matter, contributing to access to public information in this sector, thus raising its levels of transparency. Likewise, citizen participation will be encouraged by opening spaces where feedback from various multisectoral actors can be received.

Additional Information ▶ Decree 46-2016 Reforms to the State Procurement Law ▶ Government Agreement Number 540-2013, Regulation of the Organic Law of the Budget ▶ General Rules of the National Public Investment System ▶ Resolution 18-2019 of the Ministry of Public Finance ▶ Government Agreement 199-2018 National Open Data Policy ▶ Government Agreement Number 360-2012, the Presidential Commission for Transparency and Electronic Government was created ▶ Government Agreement Number 41-2018, its name is reformed as the Presidential Commission for Public Management, Open and Transparency ▶ Government Agreement Number 45-2020, its current name being the Presidential Commission for Open and Electronic Government. ▶ National Development Plan Link with the General Government Policy 2020-2024 ▶ Sustainable Development Goal Number 09. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure. ▶ Sustainable Development Goal SDG Number 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities. ▶ Sustainable Development Goal SDG Number 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Milestones: goals/stages that allow verifying the compliance with the commitment 11.1 Annual training in webinar mode for the public sector on the open infrastructure data standard (OC4IDS), organized and taught by CoST International and its Guatemalan chapter, with the technical support of the Open Contracting Partnership and Open Government Partnership and inter-institutional coordination of the Presidential Commission on Open and Electronic Government. GAE CoST January 2022 August 2023

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Compromiso 11. Implementación del Estándar de Datos de Contrataciones Abiertas para Infraestructura

● Verificable: Sí

● ¿Tiene un enfoque de gobierno abierto? No

● Potencial de resultados: Modesto

IRM End of Term Status Summary

Results Report

Compromiso 11. Implementación del Estándar de Datos de Contrataciones Abiertas para Infraestructura

  • Verificable:
  • ¿Tiene una visión de gobierno abierto? No
  • Potencial para obtener resultados: Modesto
  • Cumplimiento: Completo
  • Resultados tempranos: No tiene resultados notables
  • Este compromiso consistió en una capacitación para el sector público sobre el estándar de datos abiertos en infraestructura (OC4IDS) organizado e impartido por CoST Internacional y su capítulo guatemalteco. El IRM pudo verificar listados de asistencia y fotografías que dan constancia de los procesos de formación realizados.

    La implementación de este compromiso no representa cambios en esta área de política pública, más allá del fortalecimiento de capacidades institucionales necesarias para continuar el proceso de adopción de este estándar.


    Open Government Partnership