Addressing Causes of Irregular Migration (GT0124)
Action Plan: Guatemala Action Plan 2023-2025
Action Plan Cycle: 2023
Lead Institution: National Council for Migrant Assistance of Guatemala -CONAMIGUA with the support of the Center for Research and Projects for Development and Peace -CEIDEPAZ- and the members of the MMM
Support Institution(s): ▶ Ministries ▶ Secretaries ▶ Technical Institute for Training and Productivity INTECAP ▶ Attorney General’s Office Nation ▶ Attorney for Human rights Public Ministry ▶ Migrant Commission of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala ▶ CEIDEPAZ ▶ Guatemalan Women`s Group ▶ Air Association ▶ Disparity Observatory ▶ Association of Returnees of Guatemala ▶ Articulating Group ▶ Faith and Joy ▶ Butterfly Wings ▶ CIIDH ▶ International Cooperation ▶ Academy ▶ FLACSO ▶ International Red Cross ▶ Organization International for Migrations
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Citizenship & Immigration, Human Rights, Inclusion, Open Data, Public Participation, Public Service DeliveryIRM Review
IRM Report: Guatemala Action Plan Review 2023-2025
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
Summary description of the commitment To establish a space for inter-institutional and multi-sectoral coordination to analyze and implement the necessary actions that contribute to the reduction of irregular migration, implementing actions with a preventive, transformative and inclusive approach. The commitment seeks to analyze the causes that generate irregular migration and promote preventive actions -based on the human rights- by public institutions, academia and other civil society actors working to address this growing phenomenon, with the support of international cooperation. The multisectoral roundtable (MMM) is the forum that articulates preventive efforts to comply with Commitment number 4. What is the problem that the compromise seeks to address? The prevention of irregular migration requires to analyze the causes and implement the necessary actions that contribute to the reduction of irregular migration, with a preventive, transformative and inclusive approach. For this, it is necessary to reach the territories and that the preventive actions implemented involve local, municipal, and departmental actors, working in an institutional and multisectoral manner. A change in the migration paradigm based on the human rights is needed for safe, orderly, and regular migration What causes the problem? Poverty and extreme poverty, economic, social, insecurity and violence, environmental and cultural factors. Impoverished communities and indigenous peoples, children, adolescents, youth, women, and indigenous women are the most vulnerable. What has been done so far to solve the problem? Background. At the end of the year 2022, conditions were generated to establish a space for inter-institutional and multi-sectoral articulation, voluntary, collaborative, open and inclusive, as part of the V National Action Plan for Open and Electronic Government, in Commitment number 8, “Design of strategy and inter-institutional coordination plan for the reduction of irregular migration”, which contemplated 3 milestones: 1) the establishment of a Multisectoral Roundtable for Attention to the Causes of Irregular Migration; 2) the design, by the Multisectoral Roundtable for Attention to the Causes of Irregular Migration MMM, of an inter-institutional coordination Strategy, which allows attending with territorial, social and ethnic relevance, to the most vulnerable population segments, in areas with higher rates of irregular migration, and 3) accountability in CONAMIGUA Institutional Portal that includes: (a) actions eventually carried out by the MMM; and, (b) inter-institutional coordination activities carried out. During the year 2023, significant progress was made, such as the establishment and sustainability of the MMM, which brings together actors from public institutions, civil society, academia, and international cooperation. Monthly meetings were held and working commissions were formed to address the problem of irregular migration from the economic, social, environmental, and cultural aspects, as well as insecurity and violence. Other advances of the WMW are the following work tools: analysis of territorial contexts to generate inputs that facilitate the periodic evaluation of the causes and trends of irregular migration in Guatemala, mapping of actors of the MMM and the proposed Strategy and action plan of the MMM to address the causes of irregular migration in Guatemala; this strategy will guide the operation of the MMM. In 2024, work was done on the readjustment of Commitment 4 related to the proposed Strategy and action plan of the MMM for the attention to the causes of irregular migration in Guatemala, for the approval of the actors of the Board and the territorialization of actions is projected, starting with a pilot plan. What is the proposed solution? Implement the Strategy and inter-institutional coordination plan to attend with territorial, ethnic, age, gender, diversity, and socioeconomic relevance to the most vulnerable segments of the population in the areas with the highest rates of irregular migration. Address the problem through information, training and awareness-raising on the risks posed by irregular migration, among other areas such as prevention, care, and protection of the individual. Accompany with communication and information actions that reinforce the importance of migrating in a safe, orderly, and regular manner. Which outcomes do we want to achieve with the implementation of this commitment? Strengthening of inter-institutional and multisectoral coordination. Sustained functioning of the MMM. | Implementation of multisectoral actions to contribute to the reduction of irregular migration in Guatemala. | Promotion of safe, orderly, and regular migration. | Transparency and Accountability How will transparency be promoted within the commitment? Accountability through the information published on the website of the National Council for Attention to Migrants of Guatemala. This will be achieved through the publication of activity reports and results of the performance of the Multisectoral roundtable for attention to the causes of irregular migration in Guatemala -MMM-. These reports will include the actions carried out to achieve the milestones and expected results, in coordination with the MMM stakeholders. How will the commitment help promote accountability? With transparency in the execution of the budgets of the institutions working on migration issues. This allows the population to know the actions that are implemented through programs and projects of the involved institutions working with civil society organizations, with the support of international cooperation and other actors such as academia. How will the commitment enhance citizen participation in defining, implementing, and monitoring solutions? The Multisectoral Roundtable for Attention to the Causes of Irregular Migration in Guatemala MMM is strengthened and continues to function. Government institutions, with civil society organizations, academia, and international cooperation, implement action plans to counteract irregular migration. Citizens will be able to consult reports on the actions carried out in compliance with the milestones and expected results. Commitment Planning (Milestones | Expected Results | Start Date | End Date) Milestones 1 Strengthening and continuity of the Multisectoral Roundtable for Attention to the Causes of Irregular Migration in Guatemala (MMM), which consistently, systematically and periodically evaluates the causes, impacts and trends of irregular migration to design and propose measures and mechanisms for comprehensive attention with a focus on the human rights of the population at risk of irregular migration, taking into account territorial, ethnic, age, gender and socioeconomic perspectives | - Broaden the participation of the MMM with criteria of inclusion of decision-makers, indigenous peoples, the business sector, and Civil Society Organizations CSOs; with a territorial, ethnic, age, gender and socioeconomic perspective; with the accompaniment of international cooperation. - Officialize the delegations of the representatives of State Organizations and CSOs participating in the WMW. - Define a methodology to ensure a short- and mediumterm agenda; as well as the collection of information and the participation of the WMW members. - Identify and manage the mechanisms that ensure financial resources for the strengthening and continuity of the WMW. | June 2023 | June 2023 June 2025 Milestones 2: The design, by the MMM, of a strategy and the inter-institutional and multisectoral coordination plan, which will allow the most vulnerable segments of the areas with the highest rates of irregular migration to be assisted with territorial, ethnic, age, gender, and socio-economic relevance. Facilitation and coordination of a consultative process in the territories, with representatives of state institutions and local OSC’s and indigenous peoples for the validation of the strategy and inter-institutional coordination plan and its subsequent presentation to EOs, the private sector, international cooperation agencies and CSOs. Definition of the strategy and the interinstitutional and multisectoral coordination plan that will make it possible to attend with territorial, ethnic, age, gender and socioeconomic relevance to the most vulnerable segments of the population in the areas with the highest rates of irregular migration. Socialization of the strategy and the interinstitutional and multisectoral coordination plan. Preparation of a proposal for a pilot plan for state intervention and interinstitutional coordination to analyze and address the causes of migration in areas with high migration rates. Implementation of a pilot plan to address with territorial, ethnic, age, gender, diversity and socioeconomic relevance, the most vulnerable segments of the population in areas with the highest rates of irregular migration. | • The consultative process was facilitated and coordinated in territories, with representatives of state institutions and local OSC’s and Indigenous Peoples for the validation of the strategy and interinstitutional coordination plan and its subsequent presentation to the executive agency, the private sector, international cooperation and CSOs. • The strategy and the interinstitutional and multisectoral coordination plan were defined. • The strategy and the interinstitutional and multisectoral coordination plan were socialized. • Proposals for pilot programs for state intervention and inter-institutional coordination to analyze and address the causes of migration in areas with high migration rates were developed • A pilot plan was implemented to address with territorial, ethnic, age, gender and socioeconomic relevance, the most vulnerable segments of the population in the areas with the highest rates of irregular migration. • The agenda of the MMM was integrated into the annual plans of state institutions, the agenda of the MMM | June 2023 | June 2025 June 2025 Milestones 3 Follow-up, monitoring, and evaluation for accountability on CONAMIGUA’s Institutional Portal and publication of actions carried out by the MMM, other information arising from the demand for data from the members of the MMM and the population. | Monitoring and evaluation mechanisms for the activities and results of the MMM and the inter-institutional and multisectoral coordination plan and strategy were defined and implemented. • Monitoring and evaluation reports on the activities and results of the MMM and the strategy and the inter-institutional and multisectoral coordination plan were published. • Periodic reports were published. • The MMM self-assessment report was published. • The open data strategy was designed. | June 2023 | June 2025
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Compromiso 4. Gestión de la Estrategia Multisectorial y Plan de Coordinación
Interinstitucional para abordar las causas de la migración irregular en