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Dialogue on Nutrition (GT0111)



Action Plan: Guatemala Action Plan 2021-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2021



Lead Institution: Secretaría de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de la Presidencia de la República (SESAN)

Support Institution(s): ▶ Instituciones que conforman el SINASAN, artículo 6. Ley del Sistema Nacional de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional, Decreto número 32-2005 del Congreso de la República de Guatemala. ▶ OSC, Sector privado, Organizaciones multilaterales, grupos de trabajo ▶ Organización de Red Ciudadana, CoST Guatemala, Centro Internacional de Investigaciones en Derechos Humanos

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Health, Open Data, Public Participation, Public Service Delivery

IRM Review

IRM Report: Guatemala Results Report 2021-2023, Guatemala Action Plan Review 2021-2023

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Which is the problematic than the commitment addresses? According to the National Survey of Maternal and Child Health carried out in 2014-2015, 46.5% of children who have not yet reached the age of five have a height that reflects chronic malnutrition, the result of having suffered permanent deprivation of one or more of the factors necessary for the achievement of optimal growth: this prevalence, according to the World Health Organization is classified as very high. According to the same survey, low weight-for-age (global malnutrition) and low weight-for-height (acute malnutrition) are considered to be of medium and low severity, respectively. Great National Crusade for Nutrition. Page 06.

Which is the commitment? Based on Article 22 of the Law of the National Food and Nutritional Security System, Decree Number 32-2005 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, Attributions. “SESAN will be in charge of establishing technical planning and coordination procedures between State institutions, Guatemalan society, nongovernmental organizations and international cooperation agencies linked to food and nutritional security, at the different levels of the country ( national, departmental, municipal and community), therefore, the promotion and implementation of the Great National Crusade for Nutrition is planned, aimed at the population in general, taking as support the spaces for dialogue, in training events, technical assistance, Departmental Commissions, Municipal and Community Councils for Food and Nutritional Security CODESAN, COMUSAN and COCOSAN; Thus, the Interinstitutional Liaison Technical Committee will monitor and evaluate the intersectoral activities carried out at all territorial levels, made up of senior liaison technicians assigned by the State institutions represented or not in the National Food and Nutrition Security Council. hereinafter referred to as –CONASAN–“.

How will you contribute to solve the problematic? Through the generation of spaces for dialogue between individuals, families and communities so that they become agents of change and acquire knowledge regarding nutrition and generate social and behavioral change; as well as promoting spaces for intersectoral decision-making through municipal food and nutrition security offices in the municipalities where the municipal authority manages to create it. As part of the accountability and transparency processes, it is expected that, through the publication of open data, it will be useful for the user in decisionmaking in support of food and nutritional security. Strengthening of information systems that implies data quality, analysis, exchange and integration of information to strengthen decision- making based on evidence.

Why is it relevant to OGP values? It is relevant to the values of OGP, derived from the fact that it contributes to the promotion of transparency in the exercise of the public function, through the promotion of communication strategies on government actions to promote policies and plans in the public sphere regarding food security. and nutrition, which will help citizens to have information available to exercise social audit processes and accountability on the implementation of government policies and programs on the matter, as well as information that contributes to the knowledge of the benefits derived from the implementation of the Great National Crusade for Nutrition.

Additional Information Linkage with the Strategy of the Great National Crusade for Nutrition, specifically in line of action number five and the transversal axis of Governance. SESAN has the mandate to strengthen governance in SAN, at the national, departmental, municipal and community levels, respectively, as established in article 20, numerals 2, 4 and 5 of the Regulation of the SINASAN Law, Government Agreement number 75-2006, which is why the Communication for Social and Behavioral Change -CCSyC- is a fundamental axis for addressing malnutrition in the country and constitutes one of the lines of action of the Great National Crusade for the Nutrition.

Milestones: goals/stages that allow verifying the compliance with the commitment 3.1 Publication of open data in the open data portal, coordinated by the Open Data Committee of the institution prior to being formed through an official appointment of higher authorities. 3.2 Promote participation in the Interinstitutional Liaison Technical Committee of civil society representatives, for the monitoring and evaluation of intersectoral activities carried out at all territorial levels. 3.3 processes of training virtual me face-to-face meetings within the framework of Governance in Food and Nutritional Security, Food and Nutritional Security Policy and the Strategy of the Great National Crusade for Nutrition, aimed at collaborators, public officials and civil society, which will aim to increase the recognition of the human right to adequate food. SESAN SESAN SESAN January 2022 January 2022 January 2022 Entity Responsible Date finished Date beginning December 2022 December 2022 August 2023

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Compromiso 3. Promoción de la Gran Cruzada Nacional por la Nutrición

● Verificable: Sí

● ¿Tiene un enfoque de gobierno abierto? Sí

● Potencial de resultados: Modesto

IRM End of Term Status Summary

Results Report

Compromiso 3. Promoción de la Gran Cruzada Nacional por la Nutrición

  • Verificable:
  • ¿Tiene una visión de gobierno abierto?
  • Potencial para obtener resultados: Modesto 
  • Cumplimiento: Limitado
  • Resultados tempranos: No tiene resultados notables
  • Este compromiso tenía por objetivo promover la publicación de datos abiertos, fortalecer el Comité Técnico de Enlace Interinstitucional con participación de la sociedad civil, y realizar procesos de capacitación sobre seguridad alimentaria y nutricional.

    Sobre el primer punto, la evidencia presentada da cuenta de que al cierre del periodo de implementación únicamente se había conformado el Comité de Datos Abiertos y se estableció la jerarquía que tendría el portal [17]. El investigador del IRM no encontró una sección de datos abiertos en el portal de la Secretaría de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SESAN).

    Respecto a la participación de la sociedad civil en el Comité Técnico, se verificó el oficio de incorporación al Comité de los representantes de la Fundación Prosperiti Guatecívica y Red Ciudadana. El representante de esta última consideró que este proceso consistió en un formalismo y que su organización no tuvo involucramiento significativo en las actividades. La evidencia proporcionada para este hito incluyó listados de asistencia a reuniones del Comité, sin presentar minutas o documentos que permitan determinar el tipo de participación de los actores de sociedad civil.

    Finalmente, sobre los procesos de capacitación se da cuenta de la realización de un curso para organizaciones de Gobierno y sociedad civil del que participaron 24 personas, aprobando únicamente 17.

    [17] Tablero de Avance, Quinto Plan de Acción Guatemala 2021-2023, Compromiso 3, Hito 1:


    Open Government Partnership