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Open Data in Education (GT0112)



Action Plan: Guatemala Action Plan 2021-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2021



Lead Institution: Ministerio de Educación (MINEDUC)

Support Institution(s): MINEDUC ▶ OSC, Sector privado, Organizaciones multilaterales, grupos de trabajo ▶ Asociación Civil Red Ciudadana, Fundación Guatemalteca para Niños con Sordoceguera Alex (FUNDAL), CoST Guatemala, Centro Internacional para Investigaciones en Derechos Humanos.

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Education, Open Data, Public Service Delivery

IRM Review

IRM Report: Guatemala Results Report 2021-2023, Guatemala Action Plan Review 2021-2023

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Which is the problematic than the commitment addresses? The website of the Ministry of Education does not present a specific field of transparency and accountability, which is easily accessible and understood by citizens, so the relevant information is not understandable, it can only be known by a limited portion of citizens, who have had some induction in data management. Although when visiting the website, Open Government Partnership access buttons are identified, it is required that the access button be titled Transparency and Accountability and that it contain the commitments made in each plan, as well as proceed to upload the up- to-date data that can be easily viewed.

Which is the commitment? Develop a digital consultation tool that makes transparent the efforts of the Ministry of Education that strengthens transparency and accountability. Provide the general population with accessible, understandable and up-to-date information, as well as promote the use of the tool within the website.

How will you contribute to solve the problematic? Within the web portal of the Ministry of Education, the field of transparency and accountability which will have relevant and transparent information, which will be reviewed and updated at least twice a year, its design will be easy to locate and will contain the specific information of the commitment acquired in this plan. The variables will be evaluated through the feedback of the suggestion of the population, which will be obtained within the same website.

Why is it relevant to OGP values? Because it responds to the transparency of the data and decisions can be made seeking participation and dialogue. as well as contributing to transparency and social auditing. It is also relevant in terms of citizen participation and collaborative work between different social actors, including CSOs.

Additional Information SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. 5th. National Open Government Action Plan 2021-2023 35 4.1 Conduct an information needs assessment for all users. Monitoring and follow-up for the incorporation of ICT information and communication technologies. Repository of collective agreements in force in the last five years. 4.4 Updating and publishing in an open format and interactively visualizing data from the education sector, disaggregated: by gender, geographic location and educational level. 4.2 Create within the web portal of the Ministry of Education the thefield of transparency and accountability, which responds to this commitment. 4.3 Carry out the collection of information from the education sector. 4.5 Approve, Ministerial Agreement that ensures the constant publication of data and that defines the internal actors for the different actions. 4.6 Socialize and promote the countryside of transparency and accountability and the use of open data in the education sector. (July to December 2022) MINEDUC MINEDUC MINEDUC MINEDUC MINEDUC MINEDUC February 2022 July 2022 May 2022 June 2022 August 2022 December 2022 January 2022 July 2022 January 2022 April 2022 August 2022 July 2022

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Compromiso 4. Herramienta digital para transparentar las acciones del Ministerio de Educación

● Verificable: Sí

● ¿Tiene un enfoque de gobierno abierto? Sí

● Potencial de resultados: Modesto

IRM End of Term Status Summary

Results Report

Compromiso 4. Herramienta digital para transparentar las acciones del Ministerio de Educación

  • Verificable:
  • ¿Tiene una visión de gobierno abierto?
  • Potencial para obtener resultados: Modesto 
  • Cumplimiento: Sustancial
  • Resultados tempranos: Resultados moderados
  • Las actividades desarrolladas para este compromiso buscaron mejorar la transparencia y rendición de cuentas en el sector educación. En el caso de los datos abiertos, el Ministerio suscribió un acuerdo con la Asociación Civil Red Ciudadana, que apoyo el proceso de realización de grupos focales, capacitaciones en datos abiertos, recopilación y publicación de datos. El portal muestra tres conjuntos de datos con información sobre estudiantes, establecimientos educativos y tasas de cobertura. Este proceso colaborativo demostró cómo las organizaciones de la sociedad civil pueden tener un rol activo para el fortalecimiento de las capacidades técnicas de las entidades públicas. Esto, sobre todo, tomando en cuenta que en Guatemala existen organizaciones especializadas con reconocida trayectoria en temas relevantes a la agenda de gobierno abierto.

    El Ministerio también creó un tablero de “rendición de cuentas”, que presenta información de ejecución presupuestaria, principales logros y avances, ejecución presupuestaria por clasificación geográfica, entre otros. La presentación de información del mes actual se hace por medio de un aplicativo interactivo, sin embargo, para los meses anteriores -iniciando en marzo 2023- los datos se presentan en formato PDF [18].

    El hito de aprobación de un Acuerdo Ministerial que asegure la publicación constante de datos y defina actores internos para distintas acciones no se completó. Este Acuerdo habría sido clave para asegurar la sostenibilidad de los procesos de publicación de datos y generar resultados tempranos sustanciales en la implementación de este compromiso.

    [18] Tablero de Rendición de Cuentas, julio 2023, Ministerio de Educación:


    Open Government Partnership