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Review of the National Policy on Disability (GT0117)



Action Plan: Guatemala Action Plan 2021-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2021



Lead Institution: Consejo Nacional para la Atención de las Personas con Discapacidad (CONADI)

Support Institution(s): ▶ Nombres completos CONADI, SEGEPLAN ▶ FUNDAL, GAX ONG, CODEFEM

Policy Areas

Democratizing Decision-Making, Inclusion, People with Disabilities, Public Participation, Regulation, Regulatory Governance, Sustainable Development Goals

IRM Review

IRM Report: Guatemala Results Report 2021-2023, Guatemala Action Plan Review 2021-2023

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Which is the problematic than the commitment addresses? The lack of recognition of the rights of persons with disabilities established in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The absence of a system that allows the certification of people with disabilities in Guatemala.

Which is the commitment? Follow up and support the implementation of a National Certification System for Persons with Disabilities, with the aim of promoting and socializing it.

How will you contribute to solve the problematic? The system will provide registration and data on persons with disabilities in Guatemala, as well as the procedure to certify the degree of disability, in accordance with the principles of human rights established in the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, will contribute to the planning, coordination and execution of policies for this population sector.

Why is it relevant to OGP values? By promoting an open government in states and political regimes of a democratic nature, government actions are oriented towards promoting social inclusion, citizen participation, collaboration, transparency and social inclusion.

Additional Information Link with the Sustainable Development Goals -ODS ▶ Sustainable Development Goal -ODS- 3. Health and Well-being ▶ Sustainable Development Goal -ODS- 4. Quality education ▶ Sustainable Development Goal -ODS- 8. Decent work and - economic growth ▶ Sustainable Development Goal -ODS- 10. Reduction of Inequalities ▶ Sustainable Development Goal -ODS- 16. Peace, Justice and solid institutions

Milestones: goals/stages that allow verifying the compliance with the commitment 9.1 Creation and follow-up of high-level working groups with representatives of public entities that are linked to the critical path of certification for people with disabilities to deal with the issue and coordinate interinstitutional actions. 9.3 Follow-up and socialization report in public spaces and in electronic media, of the results of the pilot plan of the National Certification System for Persons with Disabilities in the Country’s Hospitals. 9.4 Socialization of System National of Certification for Persons with Disabilities, to social organizations in accordance with the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the United Nations Organization. 9.2 Carry out a report on follow-up actions before the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala for the approval of the Biopsychosocial Certification Law initiative for people with disabilities, with registration number 5463, and its socialization before institutional and social actors. CONADI CONADI CONADI CONADI January 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2023 May 2022 January 2022 January 2022

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Compromiso 9. Política nacional de discapacidad

● Verificable: Sí

● ¿Tiene un enfoque de gobierno abierto? Sí

● Potencial de resultados: Modesto

IRM End of Term Status Summary

Results Report

Compromiso 9. Política nacional de discapacidad

  • Verificable:
  • ¿Tiene una visión de gobierno abierto?
  • Potencial para obtener resultados: Modesto
  • Cumplimiento: Completo
  • Resultados tempranos: Resultados moderados
  • Este compromiso buscó responder a la falta de un sistema que permita la certificación de diferentes tipos de discapacidad. Para ello se propuso la conformación de mesas de trabajo con actores involucrados, cabildeo con el Congreso de la República para la aprobación de la iniciativa de Ley de Certificación Biopsicosocial de las personas con discapacidad (5463), procesos de formación y de socialización del sistema. La certificación permitiría al país contar con estadísticas e información pertinente para la planificación y ejecución de políticas públicas orientadas a atender a este sector de la población.

    La evidencia da cuenta de un proceso de certificación para 83 personas trabajadoras de 11 hospitales, con base a un manual de certificación. Este proceso incluye el abordaje de la discapacidad desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos. De acuerdo a una nota de prensa del Gobierno, se avanzó en una plataforma para el registro de datos de certificación, pero no se encontró evidencia para verificar dicha información [29].

    Sobre las acciones de cabildeo en el Congreso, los actores involucrados participaron en reuniones con diputados de diferentes bancadas. Sin embargo, a la fecha de redacción de este informe, la Ley 5463, clave en este proceso, aún no había sido aprobada.

    [29] Primera fase para la certificación de personas con discapacidad está próxima a finalizar. Gobierno de Guatemala, Sala de Prensa:


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