Strengthened Village Governance (ID0062)
Action Plan: Indonesia National Action Plan 2016-2017
Action Plan Cycle: 2016
Lead Institution: Ministry of Home Affairs (Director General of Village Administration Supervision)
Support Institution(s): NA
Policy Areas
Capacity Building, Democratizing Decision-Making, Fiscal Openness, Local Commitments, Oversight of Budget/Fiscal Policies, Publication of Budget/Fiscal Information, Regulatory Governance, Social AccountabilityIRM Review
IRM Report: Indonesia End-of-Term Report 2016-2017, Indonesia Mid-Term Report 2016-2017
Early Results: Marginal
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): High
Implementation i
Strengthened Village Governance in Transparency, Participation, and Responsiveness; Ministry/Agency: Ministry of Home Affairs (Director General of Village Administration Supervision); Indicators of Success 2016: ; Indicators of Success 2017: Facilitation of 30 selected pilot villages for village governance models through village development planning and financial management, through the following stages: 1. Formulation of brief baseline report of village situation prior to village governance pilot project implementation 2. Formulation of pilot village administration governance technical guidelines for village development planning and financial management; 3. Dissemination of pilot village governance technical guidelines for village development planning and financial management; 4. Technical assistance provided for responsive, participatory, and transparent village development planning; 5. Technical assistance provided for village financial management for sub national government and village administration officials; 6. Technical assistance provided for village financial and asset information management; 7. Facilitation of Village Mid Term Development Plan, Work Plan and Budget (RPJMDesa, RKPDesa, APBDesa) document formulation and application of village finance information system; 8. Facilitation of regent/mayor regulations /Perwalkot) on village development planning and financial management; 9. Facilitation of village development work plan and budget publication at village halls or public spaces in the villages; 10.Open village government pilot project implementation report for 2017 Target location in 3 Provinces, 6 Regencies/Cities, 30 villages in West Sumatera, Maluku, and Central Java Provinces, i.e.: 1. West Sumatera: Solok Regency and City of Sawahlunto 2. Maluku: City of Tual and South East Maluku Regency 3. Central Java: Sukoharjo Regency and Karanganyar Regency
IRM Midterm Status Summary
For a full report on Indonesia's commitments, see or
IRM End of Term Status Summary
For a full report on Indonesia's commitments, see or