Development of a One Data System for Natural Resources (ID0149)
Action Plan: Indonesia Action Plan 2022-2024
Action Plan Cycle: 2022
Lead Institution: Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning / National Land Agency
Support Institution(s): Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia, Indonesian Center for Environmental Law (ICEL), Yayasan AURIGA, MediaLink
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Digital Transformation, Environment and Climate, Extractive Industries, Land and Spatial Planning, Open DataIRM Review
IRM Report: Indonesia Action Plan Review 2022-2024
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
Brief Description of the Commitment
Development of governance and transparency of one thematic data on natural resources, environment and spatial planning which includes integration, checking, grouping, and management of data access for the public.
Problem Definition
1. What problem does the commitment aim to address? The problem to be solved through this commitment is the problem of accessing data on natural resources, environment and spatial planning. One of these obstacles is caused by data governance that has not been optimal, even though it has been three years since Presidential Decree No. 39 of 2019 concerning One Indonesian Data applies. The problems with data governance include (1) not all data is available and standardized; (2) the available data is still in the form of basic data; (3) limited access to information on natural resources, particularly related to extractive and forestry industries; and (4) the limited access of the information user community to be involved in the Data Forum and the One Data process (Suryani, 2022). Fulfilment of the right to natural resources-environmental information is a crucial point, because, with adequate information, the community can participate meaningfully and obtain justice in the management of the natural resources-environment. On the other hand, limited public access to natural resources, environment and spatial planning data means limited public access to information about activities and programs intended for them, which actually has the potential to endanger the health, future, and life of the community at large. Problems of governance of natural resources, environment and spatial planning data can also affect sustainable development. Since the One Map policy was enacted in 2016, based on the Indicative Map of Overlapping Spatial Use to date, there are 77,365,141 ha or around 40.6% of Indonesia's land area that overlap, which creates legal uncertainty for business actors and the public. . Reduced control over natural resources-environmental management due to limited oversight and community involvement has the potential to open opportunities for corrupt behavior. In the end, apart from having a financial impact, corruption in the natural resources sector also has an impact on the destruction of the environment and living space (Kartodihardjo, 2020).
2. What are the causes of the problem? This problem occurs partly because the data system has not been integrated between the center and the regions. Currently, most of the data is under the authority of the Central Government, and it is still difficult to review the overall data flow. In addition, natural resources data is thematic data, which has not been made a priority in implementing One Data. Because it has not been listed as a data priority, there has not been an optimal regional and central-level integration process. This problem has also been influenced by the renewal of environmental policies and bases after the passage of the Job Creation Law, which has had an impact on the authority to administer natural resources and the environment.
Commitment Description
1. What has been done so far to solve the problem? Commitments related to strengthening natural resources, environment and spatial planning data management have been doing in 2018-2020 on OGI NAP V. In OGI NAP VI 2020-2022, Indonesia already has commitments about One Data to strengthening the data governance in Indonesia. With improvements to data governance that have begun in OGI NAP VI 2020-2022, civil society proposes to push for better data governance, specifically in the natural resources, environment, and spatial planning sectors.
2. What solution are you proposing? This commitment encourages the development of One Data and enables data on natural resources, environment, and spatial planning as one of the priorities to be presented. One Thematic Data on natural resources, environment, and spatial planning integrates solutions to data management problems in each agency that previously operated separately, namely environmental and forestry data, extractive industry data, and spatial planning data. In addition, this commitment encourages communication and coordination between Central Agencies and Regional Agencies through the Data Forum.
3. What results do we want to achieve by implementing this commitment? Outputs to be achieved with the implementation of this commitment are: 1. Availability of priority data in the forestry and environmental sectors 2. There is a mapping of the challenges of integrating data on natural resources, environment and spatial planning 3. Availability of data on natural resources, environment and spatial planning on the One Data Indonesia portal
Commitment Analysis
1. How will the commitment promote transparency? This commitment encourages transparency by increasing access to natural resources, environment, and spatial planning data according to one data and open data standards.
2. How will the commitment help foster accountability? Transparency and collaboration on the governance of natural resources, environment, and spatial planning driven by this commitment will promote transparency and accountability of data on natural resources environment. The availability of data related to the management of natural resources and the environment, especially data of permit documents, contracts, and spatial plans, will also make it easier for the community to monitor the role of stakeholders in fulfilling their respective obligations. Accountability of data on the natural resources, environment, and spatial planning sectors will help the government obtain a better agreement on the management of natural resources, the environment, and spatial planning, encouraging improvements in government management, increasing public trust in the government, encouraging economic growth and development, and increasing public participation in its direction. Not only that, contract transparency can reduce corrupt practices.
3. How will the commitment improve citizen participation in defining, implementing, and monitoring solutions? This commitment will increase community participation through involvement in the One Data Forum and providing input regarding priority data.
Commitment Planning (Milestones | Expected Outputs | Expected Completion Date)
Compilation of participatory natural resources, environment and spatial planning sector priority data | Availability of priority data in the natural resources, environment and spatial planning sector | December 2024
Internal mapping regarding One Data Sector natural resources, environment and spatial planning governance issues | Compilation of challenges in the management of one natural resource, environment and spatial planning sector data | December 2024
Organizing a One Data forum in the natural resource, environment and spatial planning sector for the preparation of priority data and data standards, as well as publication in data portals | Held a single data forum in the natural resource, environment and spatial planning sector for compiling priority data and data standards, as well as publication on portals | December 2024
Production of natural resource, environment and spatial planning data on the One Data Indonesia portal | Availability of natural resource, environment and spatial planning data on the One Data Indonesia portal | December 2024
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Commitment 15. One Data system for natural resources and the environment
- Verifiable: Yes
- Does it have an open government lens? Yes
- Potential for results: Modest