Establishment of an Open Data Ireland Governance Board (ODIGB) and Steering and Implementation Group (SIG) for Open Data Ireland (IE0005)
Action Plan: Ireland, First Action Plan, 2014-16
Action Plan Cycle: 2014
Lead Institution: DPER
Support Institution(s): Working closely with the network of Chief Information Officers in public bodies
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Open Data, Public ParticipationIRM Review
IRM Report: Ireland End-of-Term Report 2014-2016, Ireland 2014-2015 IRM Progress Report (Final)
Early Results:
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): High
Implementation i
These two bodies will be established by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform to ensure that a comprehensive governance and oversight and implementation framework is in place in Ireland for the future development of Open Data in line with the roadmap and evaluation framework outlined in Action 1.4. The ODIGB will be responsible for developing a strategy for Open Data in Ireland for approval by Government; and for agreeing the detailed implementation plan drawing on the roadmap (set out at Action 1.4 above) developed by the SIG for implementing that strategy. The members of the ODIGB will be appointed by the Minister of Public Expenditure and Reform, following the selection procedures set out at The membership of the OGIGB will be drawn from key stakeholder groups for Open Data in Ireland including civil society. The individual members of the Board will be selected by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform on the basis of their demonstrated capacity and skills, expertise and experience to oversee the development of a national strategy for Open Data and a plan for the implementation of the strategy. The SIG will be responsible for achieving the objectives set out in the strategy through the development and implementation of the implementation plan reporting to the ODIGB. The SIG will include representatives from public bodies, industry, academia, and civil society organisations who can drive the implementation of a national strategy for Open Data in Ireland. The final Terms of Reference for the ODIGB and the SIG will be determined by the Minister following an open public consultation.
IRM End of Term Status Summary
Cluster 1: Open Data B (1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7)
1.4 - Establish a roadmap for the Open Data and an evaluation framework to provide assessment of the ongoing Open Data.
1.5 - Establishment of an Open Data Ireland Governance Board (ODIGB) and Steering and Implementation Group (SIG) for Open Data Ireland.
1.6 - Signing up to the G8 Open Data Charter
1.7 - Implementing Open Data
Committment Text:
Action 1.4 - Establish a roadmap for the Open Data and an evaluation framework to provide assessment of the ongoing Open Data. The roadmap will outline steps for the development of Open Data in Ireland over the next three years. The evaluation framework will set out quantitative and qualitative criteria to be met by the project at quarterly milestones over the next three years.
The evaluation framework will include a progress assessment done regularly comparing G8 Open Data recommendations versus where we are at in Ireland and also bench marking to best international practice.
Action 1.5 - Establishment of an Open Data Ireland Governance Board (ODIGB) and Steering and Implementation Group (SIG) for Open Data Ireland.
These two bodies will be established by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform to ensure that a comprehensive governance and oversight and implementation framework is in place in Ireland for the future development of Open Data in line with the road map and evaluation framework outlined in Action 1.4.
The ODIGB will be responsible for developing a strategy for Open Data in Ireland for approval by Government; and for agreeing to the detailed implementation plan drawing on the roadmap (set out at Action 1.4 above) developed by the SIG for implementing that strategy. The members of the ODIGB will be appointed by the Minister of Public Expenditure and Reform, following the selection procedures set out at The membership of the OGIGB will be drawn from key stakeholder groups for Open Data in Ireland including civil society. The individual members of the Board will be selected by the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform on the basis of their demonstrated capacity and skills, expertise and experience to oversee the development of a national strategy for Open Data and a plan for the implementation of the strategy. The SIG will be responsible for achieving the objectives set out in the strategy through the development and implementation of the implementation plan reporting to the ODIGB. The SIG will include representatives from public bodies, industry, academia, and civil society organisations who can drive the implementation of a national strategy for Open Data in Ireland. The final Terms of Reference for the ODIGB and the SIG will be determined by the Minister following an open public consultation.
Action 1.6 - Signing up to the G8 Open Data Charter
Ireland will sign up to the G8 Open Data Charter and will formulate and implement a plan for the release of the high value data sets taking account of the Charter’s Annex within a 2 year timeframe. The plan will form part of the roadmap for the Open Data strategy (Action 1.4).
Action 1.7 - Implementing Open Data
A detailed implementation plan will be developed by the SIG, informed by, for example, the Roadmap and setting out key deliverables and timelines to implement the Open Data strategy.
Responsible institution: Department of Public Expenditure and Reform (DPER)
Supporting institution(s): Chief Information Officers in Public Bodies
Start date: June 2014 End date: 30 June 2016
Commitment Aim
The previous cluster of commitments aimed at the formulation of a strategy on open data, particularly with a technical framework and developing a centralized portal. Complimentary to the previous actions, the main objective of this cluster is to ensure an effective implementation of open data actions. The starting point before the action plan was the lack of institutional structures to oversee the implementation of the (non-existent) policy. As such, the solution provided for in these actions is to set out a roadmap for implementation and outlining the institutional structures to oversee the roadmap.
1.4: Substantial
1.5: Substantial
1.6: Substantial
1.7: Substantial
Before the OGP action plan, the government did little to establish objectives for the implementation of the Open Data policy, and little was done to establish the governance structures. After the action plan was adopted, a roadmap was completed in 2014. Some of the governance structures (particularly the SIG, which has been renamed the Public Bodies Working Group, PBWG) were attained, although the naming of the ODIGB was in process during year one of the action plan, as was full implementation of the G8 Charter.
End of term
1.4: Complete
1.5: Complete
1.6: Complete
1.7: Complete
By the end of the second year of the action plan, the government completed a roadmap with the main objective to outline steps for open data development over the next three years. Most importantly, in terms of governance structures, an Open Data Governance Board is now established and operational, after the government advertized an open call for applications to be part of it, which subsequently selected the members after interviews with candidates.[Note 8: See Open Data roadmap file:///Users/denissemiranda/Downloads/Roadmap.pdf] This board holds a significant position because it is empowered to ‘join up open data initiatives from central government offices, agencies and local authorities in a coherent and cohesive way... (as well as considering) various communication forums and use of visualisation tools to encourage and support public bodies in publishing open data as well as promoting usage by developers and the wider community,’ therefore helping drive future government policy in this area.[Note 9: On the inaugural meeting of the ODGB, and from which the line quoted in this sentence is taken, please see:] Desk research by the IRM researcher confirms that the ODGB includes members from CSOs, business, and academia.[Note 10: See: (last accessed September 18, 2016)] Considering that the PBWG did not consist of any actors from outside the state (as discussed in the midterm report), this plurality of composition in the ODGB represents a significant step forward in terms of attaining institutional structures that are representative of a plethora of stakeholders, for which the government should be commended. The Board first met on 25 November 2015 (and is scheduled to meet every two months) and consists of stakeholders from NGOs (such as Open Knowledge Ireland), private companies (such as LinkedIn and EY), and academics. First actions of the Board included outlining key priorities such as identifying high value datasets by users.[Note 11: For membership of the OGDG, please see: ] With regard to adopting the principles of the G8 Charter, public consultation took place early in year 2 of the action plan, and the government said in its end of term assessment that the ODGB is finalizing its work on this, taking account of said public comments.
Did it open government?
Access to information: Marginal
Civic participation: Major
Public accountability: Did not change
Given that the implementation phase of Open Data is relatively new, having only started in the last two years with these commitments, its effect on opening government has been marginal. This is because only the preparatory stages of an open data strategy and governance strucutures have been pursued, and it is still too early to gauge if these actions will ensure mechanisms for full access to information. Nevertheless, there is some indication that this may be fully achieved in the future, given that the ODGB (which contains key actors from CSOs that have been actively involved in the group since its inception) has committed to identify and prioritize high value data sets, and publish a road map for the release of data.[Note 12: For membership of the OGDG, please see: ] In terms of civic participation, the incorporation of non-governmental stakeholders in the governance board– as seen in the ODGB, which is overseeing the overall open data process – has ensured a new space for citizen participation in open data policies. As for public accountability, it is too early to tell if the open data roadmap and ODGB will set out mechanisms for citizens to hold public officials accountable.
Carried forward?
These actions were not carried forward into the next action plan.