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Strengthening Inclusion in Local Decision-Making (IE0053)



Action Plan: Ireland Action Plan 2021-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2021



Lead Institution: Department of Rural and Community Development; Department of Housing Local Government & Heritage

Support Institution(s): National Secretariat of the Public Participation Network and as per existing PPN processes.

Policy Areas

Inclusion, Local Commitments, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Ireland Results Report 2021-2023, Ireland Action Plan Review 2021-2023

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Objective To further enhance civic representation, engagement and participation, including in the Public Participation Network (PPN) and Strategic Policy Committee (SPCs) in local government decision-making processes.

Status Quo Public Participation Networks Section 46 of the Local Government Reform Act 2014 commenced on 1 June 2014, provides the legislative basis which gives effect to the Framework for Public Participation and the Public Participation Networks (PPNs). A Public Participation Network (PPN) is a structure that brings together Community and Voluntary, Environmental and Social Inclusion groups in each local authority area. The primary purpose of the PPN is to enable the PPN member groups to input into and have their voices heard within the formal decision making structures of the local authority. The PPNs should have as diverse a membership as possible, which reflects the volunteer-led activity in the Local Authority area and which is socially inclusive. Throughout Local Authorities, public participation must be seen as an important and valued element of policy development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. In addition, it should be demonstrated that the public’s contribution has the potential to meaningfully influence the decisions or outcomes, and the public participation process should communicate to the PPNs how their input affected the decision or outcomes once the decisions are made Refer to the Public Participation Network Handbook for the statutory remit and more detail on the purpose and operations of PPNs. A structural review of the PPNs was undertaken in 2021. The purpose of the review was to: 1. Assess how the existing structure has facilitated the operation of the PPN network to date against the overall objectives as outlined in the 2014 Report of the Working Group on Citizen Engagement with local government. 2. Identify opportunities to further strengthening and enhancing PPN structures. 3. Make recommendations as to how to build on existing structural strengths and support the future development of PPNs. The following are the high level areas that were included in the Review terms of reference:  Structure and Governance;  Impact of Structure on Strategic Effectiveness;  Impact of Structure on Participation, Engagement and Inclusion;  Effectiveness of “three college” structure and linkage groups; Ireland’s third Open Government Partnership National Action Plan —— 44  Administrative Support and Development under the current structure;  Review of National Advisory Group (NAG) structure,  Suitability of PPNs for contributing to climate action and community development. Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs): SPCs assist the council in the formulation, development and review of policy; reflecting the major functions or services of a local authority within the broader context. Each local authority has established SPCs which bring together both elected members and people actively working with social, economic, cultural and environmental bodies to develop and review policies related to council services. The SPCs provide elected members with external views as they discharge their strategic role in the development of the local authority, including their policy development and oversight roles. Involving people in making the decisions that affect them and their lives is a core principle of democracy. Real participation goes beyond voting (representative democracy) to a situation where people and government work in partnership to co-create infrastructure and services, solve problems and work towards the well-being of all in this generation and the generations to come (deliberative democracy). By definition, such an approach requires making a specific effort to ensure that the voices and views of people who are not traditionally influential are heard and considered.

Commitment description

What is the public problem that the commitment will address? PPNs are a key method under statute for civil society to influence local policy decisions made by Councils52. PPNs have been operational for five years with significant investment from the Department of Rural and Community Development and local authorities. Given the length of time which has elapsed since their establishment, a review of the PPN structures is timely. (1) There is a need to identify opportunities for further strengthening and enhancing PPN structures, and for recommendations as to how to build on existing structural strengths and best support the future development of PPNs. (2) For PPNs to fulfil their potential, it is important the breadth of perspective on societal issues that impact all people is not limited. At present, it is not clear whether there is diversity in representation within PPNs in practice. As a result, an evidence base is required to; a. collate data on the demographic characteristics of those involved in PPNs, b. identify demographics with low representation, c. identify any barriers that may be preventing certain demographics who wish to participate from doing so, d. make recommendations on how barriers to participation can be addressed. (3) PPN reps participate in Local Authority Committees, deliberative processes need strengthening along best practice lines to ensure meaningful participation.

What is the commitment? A: To publish the PPN Structural Review report To publish and disseminate widely the PPN Structural Review report which will provide evidence based recommendations on governance and accountability, and national support structures to inform the future DRCD/PPN initiatives arising.

B: Upon publication of the report, the Department will work collaboratively with stakeholders to shape the future of PPNs Ireland’s third Open Government Partnership National Action Plan —— 46 Stakeholders will have involvement at every step, from planning to implementation.

C: To develop an evidence base and recommendations on addressing barriers to participation from across all demographics within communities In order to ensure diverse input by citizens into the decision-making process, it is essential that PPNs represent a range of perspectives from throughout the community sector. DRCD propose to engage consultants to research the current barriers to participation from across all demographics within our communities. The current draft timeframe (subject to resource allocation) is to agree a terms of reference and request for tender to engage consultants in Q2 2022 with a report to be produced by end 2022. The purpose of the research will be to collate data on; a) the demographic characteristics of those who currently take an active part in PPN activities, b) identify demographics with little or no representation, c) identify any barriers that may be preventing certain demographics who wish to participate from doing so, and d) make recommendations on how barriers to participation can be addressed.

D: Review of Strategic Policy Committees (DHLGH) DHLGH is committed to undertaking a review of Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs), which will commence during 2022.

E: Develop mechanisms to enhance the engagement of marginal groups in local deliberative processes (DRCD) Develop mechanisms to enhance the engagement of marginal groups in local deliberative processes. DRCD have secured Dormant Accounts Funding. How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem? This commitment will generate actionable evidence based recommendations which will be progressed.  The publication of the structural review of the PPNs, undertaken in 2021, will provide recommendations on governance and accountability, to inform the future DRCD initiatives arising.  The collaborative process of co-production on future changes to the PPN following the findings of the report will ensure that the changes are sustainable, and address those communities’ needs, and have community buy-in.  The research report will provide a base line of the PPNs diversity and produce evidence based recommendations to inform the future DRCD/PPN initiatives arising.  The review of the Strategic Policy Committees will consult with stakeholders, including the PPN Advisory Group, in drafting the TORs and as part of the review process to generate findings, conclusions and/or recommendations for implementation.

Describe what the intended impact of successful implementation will be? Civic society passionately engaged in civic participation, in a manner valued by citizens, Local Authorities and National Government, with clear deliberative, independent processes that reveal innovative solutions to complex social challenges.

Which Open Government value(s) does your commitment relate too? Civic Participation

Why is (and describe how) this commitment is relevant to the Open Government value(s)? This commitment will generate actionable evidence based recommendations which will be progressed to further enhance civic participation.

What United Nations Sustainable Development Goal does this commitment relate too? . Goal 16: Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Sub-goal 16.6: Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels.

Additional information (if known) Programme for Government commitment – To fully implement Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities, the five-year strategy to support the community and voluntary sector in Ireland up to 2024. Sustainable, Inclusive and Empowered Communities: A five-year strategy to support the community and voluntary sector in Ireland: Objective 7 - Supporting commitments in Our Public Service 2020, continue to develop and strengthen Public Participation Networks as the primary mechanism for communities to engage with local government decision-making.

Commitment milestones Suggested next steps and milestones to guide implementation (Don’t forget to capture and detail any public facing element desired; e.g. stakeholder engagement) Who / What organisation (if known) When (if known) Additional info. Review findings of the Mazars independent report. PPN Oversight Group Q1 2022 Approval of next steps by DRCD Management Board and Minister. DRCD Q2 2022 Finalise terms of reference to address barriers to participation. DRCD Q2 2022 Finalise research on barriers to participation. DRCD Q4 2022 Commence the Review of the Strategic Policy Committee during 2022 and to consult with stakeholders, including the PPN Advisory Group, in drafting the TORs and as part of the review process55 . DHLGH Q4 2022

IRM End of Term Status Summary

Results Report

Commitment 5. Strengthening inclusion and civic deliberation in local decision making

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest
  • Completion: Limited
  • Early results: No Notable Results
  • This commitment made limited progress on its milestones to strengthen Public Participation Networks (PPNs) and Strategic Policy Committees—existing structures that local authorities use to collaborate with community members. Under the commitment, Mazars—an international firm—conducted an independent structural review of PPNs that was published in mid-2022. [32] It was commissioned in 2021 prior to the action plan cycle. [33] Following publication of the review report, stakeholders were asked to provide feedback on its recommendations, with 26 comments received from PPNs, 13 from local authorities, and 7 from other groups. A working group comprised of representatives from PPNs, local authorities, civil society, and the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage was established to oversee development and implementation of a roadmap to guide PPNs’ growth over the coming years. By April 2023, the group had met five times. [34]

    Milestones to research participation barriers for diverse communities in PPNs resulted in the preparation and circulation of a draft terms of reference, [35] but the actual research work did not commence during the implementation period. [36] The Department of Rural and Community Development attributed this delay to administrative bottlenecks, [37] and expects the research to be completed in 2024. [38] Regarding Strategic Planning Committees, the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage established a stakeholder working group to steer the planned review of these committees and published this group’s terms of reference online. [39] However, the review fell behind schedule and was not completed by the end of the implementation period. [40]

    [32] “Structural Review of the Public Participation Network Report,” Department of Rural and Community Development, March 2022, .
    [33] "PPN Structural Review Report,” Department of Rural and Community Development, 17 June 2022, .
    [34] “Briefing on commitment related to PPNs: Strengthening inclusion and civic deliberation in local decision making,” Open Government Partnership Round Table, 20 April 2023, .
    [35] “Request for tender Research on barriers to involvement in Public Participation Networks,” Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, 6 July 2023.
    [36] “Open Government Partnership (OGP) 13th Round Table meeting minutes,” Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, 20 July 2023, .
    [37] Moylan, interview.
    [38] Jackie Fisher (Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform), correspondence with IRM, 4 April 2024.
    [39] “Terms of reference for working group for the review of local authority Strategic Policy Committees,” Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, 27 March 2023, .
    [40] “Open Government Partnership (OGP) 14th Round Table meeting minutes,” Department of Public Expenditure, NDP Delivery and Reform, 31 August 2023, .


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