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Istat Linked Open Data (IT0025)



Action Plan: Italy Third National Action Plan 2016-2018

Action Plan Cycle: 2016



Lead Institution: National Statistical Institute (ISTAT)

Support Institution(s): NA

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Infrastructure & Transport, Labor, Open Data, Public Service Delivery

IRM Review

IRM Report: Italy End-of-Term Report 2016-2018, Italy Mid-Term Report 2016-2018

Early Results: Marginal

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): High

Implementation i



Short description Developing a portal to access and navigate data in an open format, based on semantic web standards and technologies. The Linked Open Data, directly searchable from any application, meet the need expressed by users’ communities to have interoperable standardized data. General objective Make statistical data immediately usable by non specialist users through the activation of channels for sharing data and semantic interoperability between institutions. Foster the exploitation of statistical information in Linked Open Data format through the development of machine-to-machine application services for the integration of information systems. Current situation At present, the portal contains territorial and statistical data from the 2011 censuses and is integrated with the open data portal of ISPRA (environmental data). Expected results Enhance the portal by including new content, new thematic fields (data on the Local Labor Systems; Register of streets and street numbers; Historical Information System on Municipalities) and elementary data taken from official statistical surveys. Include new functionalities for end users in the portal.

IRM Midterm Status Summary

IRM End of Term Status Summary


Open Government Partnership