Consip Tenders’ Dashboard (IT0033)
Action Plan: Italy Third National Action Plan 2016-2018
Action Plan Cycle: 2016
Lead Institution: Consip SpA
Support Institution(s): NA
Policy Areas
Anti Corruption and Integrity, Capacity Building, Fiscal Openness, Open Contracting, Public Participation, Public Procurement, Publication of Budget/Fiscal InformationIRM Review
IRM Report: Italy End-of-Term Report 2016-2018, Italy Mid-Term Report 2016-2018
Early Results:
Design i
Verifiable: No
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): High
Implementation i
Short description Presenting the number and value of tenders issued as well as contracts awarded by Consip and make sure that the work of the Tender Committees can be tracked (from the beginning of the procedure throughout the award of the contract), through the implementation of the Consip Tenders’ Dashboard which will be available at General objective Make available clear and updated information on the status of ongoing tendering procedures handled by Consip to all major stakeholders (PA, businesses and citizens), to ensure accountability and transparency of the activities carried out by the organization. Current situation The project “Consip Tenders’ Dashboard” (Cruscotto Gare Conspip) is part of a broader initiative to innovate the whole Consip website. The aim is to ensure greater transparency, involvement of citizens and civil society, userfriendliness and compliance with the recent legislation including: » Legislative Decree 33/2013 – Reorganization of legislation concerning the obligations of publicity, transparency and dissemination of information by public administrations. Organization of the section “Transparent Society” (in compliance with Annex A of Legislative Decree 33/2013 and the guidelines issued by Anac/Mef); » Law 190/2012 on anticorruption and transparency. The homepage of the web site – beyond presenting other interesting content such as a direct link to the Open Data portal of the Rationalization Program – gives prominence to the Cruscotto Gare that provides an immediate picture of the state of the art of all tenders managed by Consip, through two different counters regarding the number and value of bids issued and contracts awarded. The chromatic variation of the counter shows whether the tender is for supplies, services or works (issued or awarded). By clicking on the color strip you can access the full list of relevant tenders. Just below the counters of issued tenders and awarded contracts, you can find an additional set of counters showing the number of ongoing procedures, distinguishing the award criterion at the lowest price of the most economically advantageous tender It provides a clear and transparent overview of the overall status of the work carried out by Tender Committees, and specifies whether tender envelopes have been opened or not. If you navigate the site further, you can learn about the status of each tender and, where possible, of each lot, learn about the opening of envelopes and the progress of the work carried out by the relevant Tender Committee. Expected results Provide civil society with information – not available yet – about the status of a tendering procedure. Provide the contracting authorities with the information required to plan their procurement. Increase the perception of Consip as an institution having a public interest function and a digital identity, improving user-experience and facilitating access to information.
IRM Midterm Status Summary
For commitment details, see IRM Year 1 report:
IRM End of Term Status Summary
For commitment details, download the IRM report: