Gender Equality in Public and Private Sectors (IT0078)
Action Plan: Italy Action Plan 2021-2023 (December)
Action Plan Cycle: 2021
Lead Institution: Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Public Administration Department (DFP), Presidency of the Council of Ministers - Department of Equal Opportunities (DPO)
Support Institution(s): Other actors involved in the implementation - Public sector Rome Municipality Emilia-Romagna Region, Unioncamere University of Salerno - Lab Diritto di Accesso Civico - Osservatorio OCIPA Other actors involved in the implementation - Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and the private sector Impegno Donna Association, Fondazione Sodalidas, Period Think Tank, Save the Children
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Gender, Inclusion, Open Data, Public Participation, YouthIRM Review
IRM Report: Italy Results Report 2021-2023, Italy Action Plan Review 2022-2023, Italy Action Plan Review 2021-2023 – For Public Comment
Early Results: No IRM Data
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
What is the problem that the commitment will address? The inclusiveness of participation and consultation processes is a fundamental element to ensure that these are carried out with quality and effectiveness and the availability of data that highlight the impact of public policies by gender and gender equality policies. Cultural barriers and stereotypes must be overcome in participatory processes.
What is the commitment? The commitment intends to strengthen the gender dimension in the participatory processes activated by the OGP Multi-Stakeholder Forum and increase data availability within the gender equality certification system. The expected results are 1) to guarantee equal gender representation within the future OGP Multi-stakeholder Forum; 2) definition of structured moments of dialogue between the National Observatory for the integration of gender equality policies and the future OGP Multistakeholder Forum; 3) transparency of the implementation measures of the certification system for gender equality in companies; Commitments connected to - public participation; - open gender data (digital inclusion).
How will the commitment contribute to solving the problem? Strengthening the gender dimension in the offices responsible for promoting participation processes in public decisions and making data available on implementing the certification system for gender equality in companies.
Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values? Because it is a commitment that will help promote and develop a culture of gender equality in the public and private sectors, also reducing the current gap between men and women in the world of work. Because it will help disseminate practices and behaviours that are more attentive to listening to women's needs in public decision-making processes among institutions while strengthening the involvement of women in discussions between the Government and civil society.
Additional information The proposed activities follow the commitments defined in the G20 Leaders' Concluding Declaration (commitments 33 and 34) on gender equality and female empowerment: Governments must act on "key factors such as equal access to 'education and opportunities, also in the STEM sectors, the promotion of entrepreneurship and female leadership […] overcoming gender stereotypes ”. In the NRRP, the Government dedicates a specific Mission to inclusion (Mission 5 Inclusion and cohesion), which plays a central role in the pursuit of the objectives - transversal to the whole Plan - of support for female empowerment and the fight against gender discrimination, increase in the employment prospects of young people, territorial rebalancing and development of the Mezzogiorno and inland areas. ● EU gender equality strategy [ gender-specific-2020-2025] ● National strategy for gender equality [] ● Gender budgeting to assess the commitments of administrations/companies and promote effective equality [ genre / index.html]
Activities Activities Start Date End Date 1) Mapping and expansion of women's representatives in the OGP Multi-Stakeholder Forum by the DFP, in collaboration with the PAs and CSOs participating in the implementation of the commitment 1st March 2022 30th April 2022 2) Identification and enhancement, by the DFP and the DPO, of structured moments of confrontation between the OGP Multistakeholder Forum and the National Observatory for the integration of gender equality policies 1st January 2023 31st December 2023 3) Creation and development by the DPO of a platform that makes data on the implementation of the certification system for gender equality in companies accessible and transparent 1st January 2023 31st December 2023
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Commitment 4.01: Gender equality in the public and private sector
● Verifiable: Yes
● Does it have an open government lens? Yes
● Milestones 1 and 2 of this commitment are clustered as: Cluster 1 – Governance and strategy for open government (Commitment 1.01, milestones 1 and 2 of Commitment 4.01, and Commitment 4.02)
● Potential for results for milestone 3: Modest
Commitment 1.01, milestones one and two of Commitment 4.01, and Commitment 4.02: Governance and strategy for open government
Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Public Administration (DFP) and Department for Equal Opportunities (DPO), Ministry of Ecological Transition (MITE); Conference of Regions – Liguria Region; Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFA); The Good Lobby; Orizzonti Politici; Impegno Donna Association; Fondazione Sodalidas; Period Think Tank; Save the Children [1]
For a complete description of the commitments included in this cluster see Commitments 1.01, 4.01 and 4.02 in Italy’s 2022-2023 Action Plan (original and amended versions):
Context and objectives:
This commitment cluster seeks to establish a multi-stakeholder forum (MSF) to steer the definition of national OGP action plans and of a national strategy for open government (1.01). Particular attention will be placed on ensuring representation and fostering opportunities for dialogue with women (4.01) and youth (4.02). As it seeks to improve participatory mechanisms for the public, including underrepresented groups, the commitment is relevant to the OGP value of civic participation.
The cluster directly stems from the priorities of civil society. Established in 2016 to support the drafting of the third national action plan, the current OGP national forum only involves CSO representatives. [2] During the co-creation process for the fifth plan, civil society criticized the limited involvement in and the limited transparency of the implementation of the previous action plan (especially during the COVID-19 pandemic). [3] From this emerged the need for a more structured forum for exchanges between civil society and public administrations. [4]
Potential for results: Modest
This cluster has a modest potential for results. The establishment of a multi-stakeholder forum involving both public administration and civil society representatives would overcome the limitations to the current conformation of the Open Government Forum (OGF) in terms of establishing an institutionalized OGP governance tool where public administration and CSOs have equal standing. This analysis, however, focuses on the potential for results in developing a national open government strategy, as the actions pertaining to the multi-stakeholder forum for the OGP process are basic expectations of participating in OGP.
The national strategy for open government will be the first of its kind in Italy and could be a key step toward advancing open government policy in the country. The expected objectives are currently being developed, and include: promoting civic participation toward inclusive public policies; reinforcing transparency by promoting public policies that are open to civic monitoring and seek to prevent conflicts of interest, promoting government accountability and integrity; inclusive digital innovation, with public policies promoting digital citizenship and enhancing high-quality and effective services; and lastly simplification of norms and procedures to expand and protect the civic space and further protect citizens’ rights. [5] Interviews confirmed that the new MSF would co-create the strategy in coordination and interaction with the OGP Community, and place it under public consultation before its approval to ensure a participatory approach to its development. [6] The strategy would define the underlying, long-term policy objectives in open government, to which specific activities in the action plans would be linked. The amended version of the action plan has been updated to highlight that, following the creation of the MSF, the responsibility for the definition of the national strategy would fall under the remit of the DFP as lead implementing actor [7].
Although it responds to the minimum requirements of the OGP process, the creation of an MSF would institutionalize cooperation between public administration and civil society and provide a positive opportunity more broadly, to influence a national strategic framework for open government in Italy. An MSF creates a structured mechanism to empower civil society, placing them at equal level with public administration, and creates a continuous and open channel of communication on issues beyond the OGP process. Lessons learned would be drawn from the functioning of the national MSF for sustainable development, managed by the MITE (which is also indicated as a reference administration for Commitment 1.01), but a CSO representative highlighted that the process, structure, and terminology for the MSF is not totally clear even as implementation progresses. [8] A government representative said this approach was deliberate so that those involved directly in developing the MSF could determine their parameters. [9] The activities aimed at fostering the participation of women and youth respond to OGP’s broader calls for increasing women’s voices in open government, [10] and fill gaps in the representativeness of the current OGF, where there is no youth representation. [11] Active engagement of women is also foreseen through the future interaction between the MSF and the recently set up National Observatory for the integration of gender equality policies. [12] These activities are aligned with cross-cutting priorities on women and youth as presented in the PNRR. [13]
In terms of the structure of the MSF, the current OGF would evolve into a broader “OGP Community” and the MSF would become a governance tool, similar to a Steering Committee. [14] Ongoing discussions center around the participation of a maximum of 11 CSO representatives and 11 representatives of public administrations. [15] A government representative confirmed that the MSF would have a mandate of two years, in line with the duration of national action plans. It would also go beyond minimum requirements of the OGP process by having rules of engagement defined through a participatory process, a fair and transparent membership selection process, defined accountability and reporting mechanisms, and clear operating and decision-making procedures. The interviewee confirmed, however, that the commitment as written does not foresee permanent high-level political participation. [16]
Opportunities, challenges, and recommendations during implementation
If successfully implemented, this commitment can represent a considerable step forward in the way open government is approached in Italy. One possible risk affecting implementation is the level of commitment of the parties involved. A representative of the OGP Task Force highlighted that the number of CSOs actively involved has already decreased during the implementation phase from those who originally signed up during the design process. [17] A representative from civil society highlighted that the limited involvement is related to capacity issues for smaller organizations, as well as the high level of commitment required for participating in the process (e.g. several frequent meetings). The interviewee further highlighted that limited high-level political support could have an impact on the relevance of the MSF as well as on the strategy itself. [18]
Another possible risk is the lack of clarity among interested parties on the governance structure, including whether and how the new MSF will replace the current OGF, and the relationship between the MSF and the “new” OGP community. This may lead to greater confusion within civil society and result in lower participation.
To maximize the impact of this commitment, and mitigate the possible risks outlined above, the IRM recommends the following:
- Draw inspiration from international experiences in defining the national strategy. The OECD provides guidance on how to design an open government strategy, as well as key considerations to keep in mind for successful open government initiatives. [19] The MSF could also consider implementing a mapping exercise to learn from the experience of developing and implementing national open government strategies in other countries. Finland’s open government strategy sets out a long-term vision and key priorities, guiding the implementation of action plans but also the application of open government principles in the daily work of the public administration. [20] Tunisia is developing a national strategy for open government with civil society that would identify indicators, set priorities, and align efforts for long-term open government reforms. [21] Argentina’s open government strategy goes beyond the national level and seeks to coordinate regional and local open government policies as well, strengthening the creation of such policies where they do not yet exist. [22] The strategy would benefit from being open to periodic amendments and not being too prescriptive or narrow in scope.
- Ensure clear and transparent governance structures and working mechanisms to ensure quality and transparency of process, guarantee its effective functioning, and clarity on the role of the MSF vis-à-vis the OGP community and vice versa, as well as what their respective responsibilities and tasks are. As stakeholders work on establishing governance structures and working mechanisms, they need to ensure clear rules and processes are in place and publicly accessible, defining how membership in the MSF works and whether and how CSOs can apply to participate. Mechanisms should be in place to guarantee an inclusive approach to participation, taking into consideration the significant time commitment that might be required from CSOs to take part in the MSF and how this might represent a barrier to participation for smaller actors with fewer resources. Members of the MSF could consider setting up a functional review moment after one year of implementation to discuss possible challenges and best practices and redefine the regulations as required.
- To guarantee equality of representation and powers between public administration and civil society ensure civil society has the power to convene the MSF and set the agenda. This can include convening the MSF for ad-hoc moments of dialogue beyond regularly scheduled sessions. This can further empower civil society and contribute to the establishment of an open channel of communication and exchange that can be tapped into if specific developments take place that are particularly relevant to the open government context.
IRM End of Term Status Summary
Results Report
Commitment 4.01. Gender equality in the public and private sector
This commitment sought to foster gender equality in the public and private sectors. Two milestones focused on widening opportunities for representation and dialogue with women on the OGP multistakeholder forum (MSF) but saw limited completion. According to stakeholders, this was in part due to MSF regulations requiring members to have at least one-year prior experience working within the OGP domain, which limited the involvement of several newcomers, including women’s organizations. [116] The mapping of women’s organizations at local, national, regional, European, and international levels was carried out as foreseen and, according to an MSF representative, served as a basis to invite some organizations to participate to the OGP Community. [117] However, few women’s organizations joined the OGP Community during the implementation period, falling below targeted expansion. [118]
Under a third milestone, the Department of Equal Opportunities (DPO) aimed to develop a platform that makes data on the implementation of the certification system for gender equality in companies, as defined by Law 162/2021,23, accessible and transparent. The initiative on certification was one of the measures included in the PNRR. [119] The platform was created and launched on the DPO website in December 2022, [120] and awareness raising and training activities involving civil society were implemented under the leadership of Unioncamere and the Emilia Romagna Region to promote the initiative to Small and Medium Enterprises and Industry. The guidelines regulating the key performance indicators underpinning the achievement of the certification (UNI/PdR 125:2022) were placed under public consultation on the Italian Legislation Authority before being finalized. [121] At the time of writing of this report, a total of 1,269 entities had been certified and listed on the platform, while 46 organizations were listed as accredited certification entities. However, the data is not available in public format and further work needs to be done to integrate the platform with statistical analysis data. [122] DPO indicated that work is currently ongoing to enhance the platform, including by increasing quality and quantity of available data. [123] The department further stated that inclusion in the OGP framework contributed to raising awareness about the initiative. [124]