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Inclusion and Rights in Artificial Intelligence (IT0086)



Action Plan: Italy Action Plan 2024-2026 (June)

Action Plan Cycle: 2024



Lead Institution: PAs: National Youth Council (CNG), Puglia Region | CSOs: Federmanager, Period Think Tank

Support Institution(s): PAs: Digital Italy Agency (AgID), National Anti-Corruption Authority (ANAC), Ministry of Culture - Central Institute for the Digitisation of Cultural Heritage - DIGITAL LIBRARY | CSOs: Association of Facilitators Chapter Italia (IAF), Association of Public and Institutional Communication (Compubblica), Mappina, PASocial

Policy Areas

Automated Decision-Making, Capacity Building, Digital Governance, Inclusion, Local Commitments, Private Sector, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Pending IRM Review

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: Pending IRM Review

Ambition (see definition): Pending IRM Review

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Probelm addressed:

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a societal change agent, producing significant impacts—though not always visible or understood—on our behaviors and forecasting even more substantial future effects that could be both beneficial and highly risky. "The way we interact with AI will determine the world we live in" is a key statement from the European Commission's communication to the European Parliament, "Artificial Intelligence for Europe", announcing the development of the AI Act, one of the world's first laws to regulate AI systems' development and use. As a national strategic document, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR) also envisages the use of AI systems within various policy measures. In this context, promoting and enhancing specific exante impact assessments on AI applications is necessary, balancing technical profiles with the protection of fundamental rights. This will contribute to making PNRR measures concerning cybersecurity, the annual competition law, the national waste management program, and adopting the School 4.0 plan more effective and equitable. Every AI system risks creating or amplifying discrimination due to biases inherent in datasets and, consequently, in the algorithms used. Therefore, it is essential to periodically analyze potential biases in AI systems to identify and mitigate related risks. The regulatory policies that the Italian Government is defining on the subject, starting with the "Provisions and Delegation to the Government on Artificial Intelligence" bill, should be developed with the involvement of all interested stakeholders (field experts, research bodies), including public administrations, civil society organisations, and citizens. The goal is to enrich the evaluation process and strengthen the regulatory framework to ensure fairer and more reliable decisions by those using AI systems.

Description of the commitment:

To implement this commitment effectively, collaboration with the Democratic Innovations Accelerator program offered by People Powered has been decided. This program provides mentoring and resources to strengthen civic participation in public policy definition and governance in Europe. Promoted by the OGP IT Community Participation Hub, the participatory process on "Risks and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Equity and Inclusion" aims to initiate a national deliberative discussion based on open government principles. The main expected outcomes include: strengthening skills for implementing and managing participatory processes; mapping practices, with particular attention to gender, intergenerational, and intersectional biases; the shared definition of ethical principles for AI use; and the formulation of recommendations on data and algorithm inclusivity in AI, to be delivered to relevant national bodies. These recommendations will also be transmitted to other regions through the Puglia Region, cocoordinator of the thematic community "data and AI" within the ITD Commission of the Conference of Regions, and shared within the Regional Competence Center on Artificial Intelligence in PA, established by the Puglia Region in October 2023.

How will the commitment address the problem?

This commitment will open spaces for civil society involvement to raise awareness of AI-related risks
and co-design AI systems used by public administrations. Collaboration with People Powered will enable
the development of an action plan promoted by the Participation Hub that is potentially of interest to
the OGP IT Community. This opportunity focuses attention on a highly relevant current issue, using the
participatory process as a means to engage the entire Community. This approach promotes the Participation Hub's visibility and strengthens relationships within the Community, involving less active
actors and including new ones. The initiative will allow reflection on AI's ethical and social implications and produce co-created, valuable national-level outcomes. The program is crucial for Italy in addressing existing discriminations against women, youth, and other groups, as well as those potentially arising from the use of AI technologies and systems spreading in both the private and public sectors. Involving the entire Community, composed of about 100 organisations—two-thirds representing civil society—the commitment can lay the groundwork for a conscious and fair use of AI by public administrations and greater civil society involvement in monitoring potential risks and discrimination.

Why is the commitment relevant to the OGP values?

The OGP invites the identification of ambitious reforms and actions in the area of digital governance, reflecting on the impact of technologies on human rights. Protecting everyone's rights requires that AI reflection involves a broad public that is often excluded from policy decisions. In this sense, the commitment leverages the "AI Decalogue, Practical Guidelines for AI Use in Public Administrations," promoted by AGID, and the Three-Year Plan for Public Administration IT, which sets principles for public administration digital transition, such as inclusivity and accessibility of services, user-centered approaches, and software openness as the first option, to be ensured in all activities and the creation of public platforms and apps. This approach includes universal design, integrated accessibility, and adopting policies, regulations, and training and communication processes that promote equity in technology access and use. The commitment is relevant as it focuses on identifying AI opportunities and risks and aims to enhance the role and contribution of the OGP IT Community, composed of about 100 organisations, in the area of rights. It also seeks to establish a dialogue with government actors responsible for defining AI usage guidelines.

Description of the activities and output:

Launch a phase of collecting studies, information, and data to assess the spread of AI use in both private and public sectors in Italy
Output: Report to OGF on the findings (January 2025)
Engage in mentoring for representatives of organisations responsible for the
Output: Design of the participatory process “Risks and Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence to Improve Equity and Inclusion” (April 2025)
Organise a meeting on the topic, open to the Community
Output: Meeting agenda (February 2025)
Pilot initiatives to share tools developed by the Aequitas Project and other European initiatives with interested public administrations (within and outside OGP IT) to provide practical methods to address and mitigate biases and design new AI systems, applying fairness-by-design practices and methodologies
Output: Proposal document to public administrations for pilot participation (December 2025), Public workshop to disseminate and spread the identified tools (December 2025)
Implement and coordinate the participatory process with People Powered's support, involving the OGP IT Community and active networks within the Participation Hub
Output: Report on the process outcomes (January 2026)
Participatory drafting of recommendations to the Government on data and algorithm
inclusivity in AI and promoting them
Output: "Recommendations of the Italian Open Government Community on the use of Artificial Intelligence" (May 2026), Transmission of Recommendations to relevant national bodies (May 2026)


Open Government Partnership