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Gender and Intergenerational Awareness Campaign (IT0089)



Action Plan: Italy Action Plan 2024-2026 (June)

Action Plan Cycle: 2024



Lead Institution: PAs: National Youth Council (CNG), Unioncamere-Si.Camera | CSOs: Association of Public and Institutional Communication (Compubblica), Federmanager, Foundation for Active Citizenship (Fondaca), Moby Dick, Noi rete Donne

Support Institution(s): Inclusione Donna

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Gender, Inclusion, Open Data, Private Sector, Public Participation, Youth

IRM Review

IRM Report: Pending IRM Review

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: Pending IRM Review

Ambition (see definition): Pending IRM Review

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Probelm addressed:

Persistent gender and generational gaps hinder the country's socio-economic development. The number of female graduates exceeds that of males, but female participation in the workforce is the lowest in Europe (EIGE data 2023). This situation leads to a waste of trained but not employed human resources, inhibiting our country's sustainable economic and social growth. The involvement of young people and women in public decision-making processes is still not very significant at the national level. The political and legislative initiatives on transparency of remuneration and the gender pay gap, gender budgeting and gender and generational impact assessment, non-discriminatory use of Artificial Intelligence and the fight against youth disadvantage, while appreciable in their purpose and content, may prove to have little impact in the medium-long term if not supported by a targeted information and awareness campaign and by specific interventions for the direct involvement of women and young people in the design and implementation of innovative institutions and tools, to ensure the openness and inclusiveness of the decision-making processes that accompany the design and implementation of reforms. The OGP IT Community, made up of over 100 organisations, including CSOs and PAs, represents an opportunity to activate a shared, widespread, and continuous campaign to raise awareness of the
issue, not only for civil society in general but also directly for women and young people, so that they can play an active role in implementing policies promoted by public administrations in their favor

Description of the commitment:

The main goal will be to share information, data, and networks on the condition of women and young people in Italy, involving public decision-makers, private companies, and citizens, both young and old. Promoting information campaigns and initiatives on youth and women's issues, periodically established in collaboration with the OGP IT Community, based on defined indicators and linked to the purposes of implementing open government principles. The commitment includes creating a permanent, reasoned, and organised repository on topics related to gender and intergenerational inequality in Italy, to be updated during the 6th National Action Plan. This repository includes legislative initiatives of civil society, public administrations, and other organisations based on keywords for open government, such as the defense of civic space, rights, and participation. It will be disseminated with the help of the 100 members of the Community. The activities of the commitment aim to:
-Empower women and young people: promote awareness of their rights and their role in the
public arena, contributing to the definition of new standards in collective behavior, policies and
-Involvement of institutions and public administrations: to stimulate active and informed
- Effectiveness of civil society: to strengthen civil society's capacity to influence public policies.
In addition, the impact of artificial intelligence on women and young people will be considered,
integrating this theme into the proposed strategies in connection with Commitment 5 of Goal B.

How will the commitment address the probllem?

The proposed commitment focuses on two main lines of action:
1. Addressing gender and generational inequalities in Italy;
2. Promoting public awareness of these crucial issues.

The planned activities are mainly aimed at informing and raising awareness:
- On the opportunities for participation in the world of work (access, permanence, selfentrepreneurship, etc.);
- On the role that public administrations can play in supporting youth and women's employment. In addition, a permanent data-driven observatory on women's, youth and innovative entrepreneurship in Italy will be created. This observatory will allow for a deep understanding ofthe phenomenon, improve the effectiveness of communication actions to reach specific targets and contribute to the creation of new entrepreneurial realities. By implementing these tools and strategies, the commitment can contribute to reducing the problem of gender and generational inequalities in a concrete and sustainable way. Information, awareness-raising and continuous monitoring of public policies will make it possible to reduce disparities and promote a more inclusive society where young people and women can actively and consciously participate in the world of work and public life.

Why is the commitment relevant to the OGP values?
The permanent communication and awareness campaign on the situation of youth and women's inequality in Italy and on the norms and policies aimed at reducing gender and generational gaps is consistent with the following OGP values:
- Access to information, transparency and accountability: The commitment will contribute to increasing the qualitative and quantitative knowledge of the phenomena related to inequalities, as well as of the initiatives and regulations for overcoming them, and to holding public decision-makers and key institutions accountable;
- Inclusion and civic participation: The dissemination of knowledge about the reforms in progress will also help to expand and strengthen awareness of the opportunities available to women and young people to develop their potential in society, politics and the world of work, facilitating access to empowerment tools for a wider range of potential beneficiaries and promoting virtuous interaction with the institutions involved.

Description of the activities and output:
Permanent awareness-raising and communication campaign: creation of information materials, media campaigns and calls to action to raise awareness of gender and generational inequalities.
Outputs: Campaign planning document (January 2025), Information materials, media campaigns and related monitoring of results (ongoing)
Design and implementation of a dissemination and promotion event for applied experiences of VIG in Italy
Output: Dissemination event (May 2025)
Collaborative development of an open data schema on women's and youth entrepreneurship in Italy to create a representative and equitable data model on the phenomenon of generational and gender inequalities
Output: Open data schema on women's and youth entrepreneurship (December 2024)
The application of the developed data schema to a first-time interval of open data is needed in order to support the communication actions planned by the commitment.
Output: Operability of the developed data schema (January 2025)
Updating mapping of the services already active in the Chamber System, at national and territorial levels (with the involvement of the Chambers of Commerce), aimed at creating, developing and consolidating businesses, with particular reference to those for young people, women and innovative businesses.
Outputs: Mapping of services in the Chamber System (June 2026)


Open Government Partnership