Single Electronic Portal (KG0006)
Action Plan: Kyrgyz Republic Action Plan 2018-2020
Action Plan Cycle: 2018
Lead Institution: Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyz Republic
Support Institution(s): MJ, General Prosecutor's Office, State Committee of Information Technologies and Communications, MES, NISS Public Association «Result», Development Policy Institute
Policy Areas
Capacity Building, Democratizing Decision-Making, Legislation, Public Participation, Regulatory GovernanceIRM Review
IRM Report: Kyrgyz Republic Transitional Results Report 2018-2020, Kyrgyz Republic Design Report 2018-2020
Early Results:
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): High
Implementation i
Improving procedure of the draft RLAs’ public discussion through creating a Single Electronic Portal (SEP)
Commitment Start and End Date
September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2020
Lead implementing agency/actor Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyz Republic
Commitment description
What is the public problem that the commitment will address? The current public discussion of draft regulations practice does not ensure participation of citizens and entrepreneurs in the legislative process. There is no public planning of norm-setting activities, data search on draft regulations is difficult, there is no mechanism for responding to comments from the stakeholders.
What is the commitment? To ensure actual participation of citizens in the lawmaking process, amendments will be introduced to the legislation ensuring publication of legislative activity plans, mechanisms for responding to comments from stakeholders, and taking into account the alternative versions of drafts of normative acts.
A single electronic portal will also be created for all the draft normative acts.
How will the commitment contribute to solve the public problem? Amendments to the legislation and creation of single portal for draft regulations will provide citizens with access to timely information about planned regulations and create opportunities for feedback.
Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values? Transparency: Improving citizens' access to information on the lawmaking process.
Citizen participation: Increasing citizen participation in public discussion and development of regulations drafts.
Additional information
Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Budget Start date End date
Activity 1: Improvement of legislation on better involvement of civil society, entrepreneurs and stakeholders in the process of KR RLAs development.
1.1. Create a working group consisting of the government, civil society and business community representatives. The group will work on improving the RLAs’ public discussion procedure and SEP introduction. Within the approved budget of MJ October 2018 January 2019
1.2. Make appropriate changes to the legislation governing the process of draft laws’ public discussion. Development partners’ funds January 2019 December 2019
Activity 2: Providing opportunities for online public discussion of the draft RLAs.
2.1. Develop terms of reference (TOR) for the SEP creation. Development partners’ funds February 2019 December 2019
2.2. Create SEP to discuss draft RLAs with free public and other interested parties’ access. Development partners’ funds December 2019 August 2020
2.3. Conduct training seminars and information campaign on the SEP use. Development partners’ funds March 2020 August 2020
Expected result 1 1.1. The working group is created.
1.2. Amendments to the RLAs have been adopted. These amendments are aimed at involvement of civil society, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in the process of KR RLAs’ development.
Expected result 2 2.1. The TOR has been prepared.
2.2. SEP has been created and provides:
- public access to all draft RLAs;
- feedback from citizens;
- represents public opinion on the draft RLAs;
- final reporting for further analysis.
2.3. Seminars are held, publications released in media, and have raised public awareness about the SEP.
Contact information
Name of responsible person from implementing agency Mr. U.Z. Abykeev
Title, Department Head of Information Technology Sector Legal Information and Information Management
Email and Phone 0312 656493
Other Actors Involved – State actors involved ME
CSOs, private sector,multilaterals, working groups Public Association “Civic participation”, Ms.Erkina Ubysheva,
Mr. A.Dogadin Analytical center “BizExpert”
Mr. K. Ahirkulov “ Council for Business Development and Investment under the government”
Representatives of CSO’s: