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Kyrgyz Republic

Access to State and Municipal Authorities (KG0011)



Action Plan: Kyrgyz Republic Action Plan 2018-2020

Action Plan Cycle: 2018



Lead Institution: Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyz Republic

Support Institution(s): KR GO, SCITC, SALGIER Public Association “Civic participation”, Ms.Erkina Ubysheva, Mr. A.Dogadin Analytical center “BizExpert” Mr. K.Ahirkulov “ Council for Business Development and Investment under the government” Representatives of CSO’s: Mr.N.Toktakunov Ms.I.Arunova Mr.B.Matyev Ms.N.Kuletova Ms.E.Borombaeva Mr.B.Satybekov Mr.Ch.Beksultanov

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Legislation, Public Participation, Right to Information

IRM Review

IRM Report: Kyrgyz Republic Transitional Results Report 2018-2020, Kyrgyz Republic Design Report 2018-2020

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Improving access to information of state and municipal authorities
Commitment Start and End Date
September 1, 2018 – August 31, 2020
Lead implementing agency/actor Ministry of Justice of Kyrgyz Republic
Commitment description
What is the public problem that the commitment will address? The Global Right to Information ranking data for Kyrgyzstan for 2015 indicates gaps in the legislation on access to information (
The Law on Access to Information provides no comprehensive list of data subject to disclosure for public access thus allowing government agencies to manipulate the information disclosure issues. There are also no criteria for classifying information as confidential/limited access and requirements to publish reasoned justification for limiting access to information. This significantly limits citizens’ ability to access information of the state bodies.
What is the commitment? As part of this commitment, it is planned to reform the legislation on access to information and develop clear criteria for classifying information as confidential or limited access, in accordance with the international standards.
It is also planned to introduce a monitoring mechanism for fulfillment of the legislation requirements by the state bodies in the field of access to information, in terms of disclosing information maintained by the state bodies and local governments. Based on monitoring results, transparency rating of state and municipal authorities will be formed.
How will the commitment contribute to solve the public problem? A clear division of restricted access information with the rest of information administered by state and municipal authorities will improve citizens' access to state and municipal authorities’ information.
Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values? Transparency: Citizens will get better access to the state and municipal bodies’ information
Additional information
Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Budget Start Date End Date
Activity 1: Improving access of state and municipal authorities to information.
1.1. Develop draft RLAs in accordance with international standards and world practice in the field of state and municipal authorities’ access to information. Development partners’ funds October 2018 April 2019
1.2. Hold a broad public discussion of draft RLA to get recommendations and proposals from the civil society. Development partners’ funds April 2019 June 2019
1.3. Submit RLAs to the Jogorku Kenesh (Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic) for consideration. Within the national budget June 2019 November 2019
Activity 2: Introduction of assessment system and compilation of transparency rating of government agencies and local authorities.
2.1. Develop evaluating methodology of access to information held by state and local authorities, based on international best practices. Development partners’ funds

Within the national budget January 2019 September 2019
2.2. To conduct pilot monitoring of the official websites of state bodies and local authorities about the access and content provided and to get transparency rating of state bodies and local authorities based on the results of the pilot monitoring. Development partners’ funds

Within the national budget October 2019 April 2020
Expected result 1 1.1. RLAs on facilitating the access to information of the state and municipal bodies are posted on the website of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic for public comment.
1.2. An open discussion of draft RLAs was held with participation of representatives of civil society organizations, experts, the business community and other stakeholders.
1.3. A resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic on the approval of the draft RLA with amendments aimed at expanding citizens’ ability to exercise their rights for access to information and increasing transparency and accountability of state bodies and local authorities has been adopted.
Expected result 2 2.1. A methodology for assessing accessibility to information of the government agencies and local governments has been developed and approved.
2.2. Pilot monitoring of the official sites of all government agencies and at least 30 local government sites was conducted. The results of monitoring have been published.
Contact information
Name of responsible person from implementing agency Mr. U.Z.Abykeev
Title, Department Head of the Information Technology Sector of the Office of Legal Advocacy and Information
Email and Phone 0312 656493
Other Actors Involved – State actors involved KR GO, SCITC, SALGIER
CSOs, private sector,multilaterals, working groups Public Association “Civic participation”, Ms.Erkina Ubysheva,
Mr. A.Dogadin Analytical center “BizExpert”
Mr. K.Ahirkulov “ Council for Business Development and Investment under the government”
Representatives of CSO’s:

IRM Midterm Status Summary

For details of this commitment, see Kyrgyz Republic Design Report 2018-2020.

IRM End of Term Status Summary

For details of this commitment, see Kyrgyz Republic Transitional Results Report 2018-2020.


Open Government Partnership