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Kyrgyz Republic

Citizen Inclusion in Drafting Legislation (KG0018)



Action Plan: Kyrgyz Republic Action Plan 2018-2020

Action Plan Cycle: 2018



Lead Institution: The Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic

Support Institution(s): The Ministry of justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, the State Committee of information technologies and communication of the Kyrgyz Republic

Policy Areas

Democratizing Decision-Making, Legislation, Open Parliament Plan, Open Parliaments, Participation in Lawmaking, Public Participation, Regulatory Governance

IRM Review

IRM Report: Kyrgyz Republic Design Report 2018-2020

Early Results: No IRM Data

Design i

Verifiable: Pending IRM Review

Relevant to OGP Values: No Data

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i



Commitment Start and End Date
September 01, 2019 – July 31, 2020

Lead implementing agency: The Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic

Commitment description
What is the public problem that the commitment will

The Law of the Kyrgyz Republic “On Normative and
Legal Acts” dated July 20, 2009 № 241 establishes
requirements for public discussion of draft normative
and legal acts (hereinafter referred to as the NLA).
Practice showed that the provisions of the Law on
public discussions are ineffective and do not ensure
the actual participation of citizens in the legislative
process due to the following reasons:
- Absence of public planning of law-making process;
- Regulations do not prescribe consideration of
alternative options at the early stage of law - making
and do not prescribe any regulating methods;
- Absence of notification mechanism of stakeholders
results in citizens incurring high costs while searching
for the information of interest on the draft NLAs;
- Absence of public mechanism to respond to
stakeholder comments;
- Absence of unified procedures that reflect the
principles of public discussions of the NLAs.

What is the commitment? The procedures of public discussions will be
improved to ensure the actual participation of
citizens in the legislative process, which will lead
to the improved quality of adopted laws and other
normative legal acts.
A unified portal for all drafted normative acts will
be created, which will allow citizens of the Kyrgyz
Republic to leave their comments.

How will the commitment contribute to the
resolution of the public problem?
The unified portal for public discussions of the draft
normative acts will facilitate access of the citizens to
timely information on the planned acts and provide
opportunities for feedback.

Why is this commitment relevant to OGP values? Transparency: Citizens’ ability to influence the
legislative process
Civic participation: regulation of civic participation in
the discussion of draft normative and legal acts and
state programs

Additional information
“National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz
Republic for 2018 - 2040” aims to establish
“digital society”, the necessary conditions for civic
participation, and the accessibility of the information.

Milestone Activity with a verifiable deliverable Budget

Task 1: Development of the amendments to the legislation to systemize and improve the
mechanism of inclusion of citizens in the discussion of draft laws
Expected results:
The Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic “On the
Regulations of procedure of the Jogorku Kenesh of
the Kyrgyz Republic” and “On normative and legal
acts of the Kyrgyz Republic” contain a detailed
procedure for organization and conducting public
discussions of draft laws:
- the formats for holding public discussions are
- The minimum number of meetings alongside
with number of seatings where hearings will
be held is indicated., as well as the forms of
feedback for citizens (online surveys, distribution of
questionnaires during meetings);
- the unified portal of public discussion of draft
regulations publish the conclusions on the
examinations of draft laws. -;
- - recommendations and comments received
during public hearings (irrespective of the format
of hearings, received during round tables, in form
of citizen appeals to the subjects of legislative
initiative, received through the designated portal of
public hearings), are issued in tabular forms with
justification of the reason for rejection of the offer (in
case if the offer was rejected) are attached to the
draft law together with the background statement.
Funds from
the republican

Task 2: Creation of a unified portal to enable online public discussion of draft laws.
Expected results:
Establishment of a unified portal for public
discussions of draft normative and legal acts that
-citizens to publicly comment on the draft laws, and
allow the initiating entities to publicly respond to the
received comments and suggestions;
- citizens to subscribe to topics of their interest
(for instance, in case a citizen is concerned about
the public benefits, he / she can receive electronic
notifications through the portal when any normative
act with the word “public benefit” is initiated;
- to keep the history of the adoption of the
normative and legal acts with all accompanying
documents for an unlimited period of time.
Funds of the

Contact Information
Name of responsible person from implementing
Ms. Aida Kasymalieva – vice Speaker of the
Jogorku Kenesh

Title, Department The Committee on the Constitutional Law, State
Structure, Judicial and Legal issues and the Rules
of Procedure of the Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz

Email and Phone, +996 312 638783

Other state actors involved: The Ministry of justice of the Kyrgyz Republic, the
State Committee of information technologies and
communication of the Kyrgyz Republic
CSOs, private sector,multilaterals, working groups Ms. Aida Rustemova, East West Management

IRM Midterm Status Summary

For details of this commitment, see Kyrgyz Republic Design Report 2018-2020.

IRM End of Term Status Summary

For details of this commitment, see Kyrgyz Republic Transitional Results Report 2018-2020.


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