Increase access to open data (LV0050)
Action Plan: Latvia Action Plan 2021-2025 (December)
Action Plan Cycle: 2021
Lead Institution: MEPRD, VARAM, FM (VID), VK, FM
Support Institution(s):
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Anti Corruption and Integrity, Asset Disclosure, Capacity Building, Fiscal Openness, Land and Spatial Planning, Media & Telecommunications, Open Data, Publication of Budget/Fiscal InformationIRM Review
IRM Report: Latvia Midterm Review 2021-2025, Latvia Action Plan Review 2022-2025
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
5.1. Promoting and explaining data and tools relevant to societal sectors, including open data, by promoting their comprehensibility and wider use, cross-sectoral analysis and data-driven solutions Ministries and their subordinates shall identify data relevant to the public interest and disclosure of information and make it available on their website or publish it as open data upon request. Ministries and their subordinate institutions promote and explain to the public the databases, data collections, platforms, support tools, digital tools, various thematic websites, etc. created by them. Ministries and their subordinate institutions proactively share their data and their analysis in solving societal problems. Using the support provided by MEPRD for the quality of the process, ministries and their subordinate institutions, for example, create visualizations, distribute explanations to target groups, organize events for the development of data-based solutions, such as data hackathons, including in cooperation with the media. Publishers of open data take measures to promote data, regularly publish information about available data, organize hackathons, data competitions, etc. to promote data and develop data-based solutions. Training is being developed in VAS, which introduces the public administration and the population to the existing data offer and teaches them to use the tools necessary for their analysis.
5.2. Promoting examples of open data and skills
5.3. Availability of data of public importance in certain areas: (a) facilitated access to information on state and municipal real estate; (b) Evaluations and work on the publication of the following data in open data will continue: • declarations by public officials, • data from the system of remuneration and personal accounting system of officials (employees) of state direct administration institutions and other state and local government institutions, • data on the use of state and local government budgets, taking into account the defined budget areas (anonymised information on the use of budget funds by budget types, programs, sub-programs, functions and economic categories of expenditure) (c) facilitating public access to media ownership information
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Commitment 5. Promoting the availability and comprehensibility of data by increasing citizens' access to and development of data-based solutions
● Verifiable: Yes
● Does it have an open government lens? Yes
● Potential for results: Modest