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Modriča, Bosnia-Herzegovina

Encourage the participation of young people in the implementation of green policies (BAMOD0004)



Action Plan: Action plan – Modriča, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 2024 – 2026

Inception Report: Not available

Commitment Start: Jul 2026
Commitment End: Dec 2026

Institutions involved:

  • The Department for Spatial Planning, Housing and Communal Affairs and Ecology
  • The Department of Economy and Social Activities
  • The Department of Economy and Social Activities
  • The Department for local economic development and European integration
  • Office of the Mayor of the Municipality
  • Women
  • Association of families with four or more children “Hope 4” Modriča
  • Public institution Elementary school "St. Sava"
  • Public institution Elementary school "Sutjeska"
  • Public institution secondary school "Jovan Cvijić"

Primary Policy Area:

Primary Sector:

OGP Value:

  • Civic Participation
  • Access to information


Commitment ID


Commitment Title

Encourage the participation of young people in the implementation of green policies through workshops and info sheet


This commitment is a response to the problem of weak participation of young people in the creation of green policies. Although there is a basic institutional framework to support the participation of young people in education, the results of the implementation of youth policies are still modest, which can be attributed to the absence of a holistic approach that would enable more efficient intersectoral cooperation and coordination that would ensure the synchronization of the efforts of different actors in this area.
UNDP's research on local policies and youth needs showed that more than 90% of the surveyed youth had never participated in the activities of local non-governmental organizations and youth clubs.
In the EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027. the goal of „Sustainable Green Europe“ is highlighted, which aims to achieve a society in which all young people are environmentally active, educated and able to change their daily lives.

Status quo

The municipal administration of Modriča does not have an established system of good management in the area of ​​environmental protection and climate change risk reduction.
It is extremely important that the municipality shows responsibility in the use of natural resources, but also in establishing a system of support and subsidies for citizens, in order to encourage innovative ecological solutions.
Capacities for adapting to climate change in the area of ​​the municipality of Modriča refer to the system's ability to adapt to climate change, mitigate potential damages, take advantage of opportunities, or face consequences.
Adaptive capacity depends on available financial resources, human resources, and adaptability and varies by hazard and sector.


This commitment includes activities with which we want to encourage greater youth activism in green policies. The expected results include strengthening the environmental awareness of young citizens.
Planned activities include the creation of an information sheet for young people on environmental protection and the organization of two workshops with young people on their involvement in the implementation of environmental policies at the local level.
The workshops will be organized in cooperation with two primary and secondary schools.
The Department for Spatial Planning, Housing and Communal Affairs and Ecology, and the Department for Economy and Social Activities, in cooperation with the Mayor's Office, will form a team for the realization of the workshops.
Considering the weak financial resources of the municipality, the plan is to increase the absorption of funds from the European Union and the competent ministries in the fields of energy, ecology, agriculture, and transport.

How will the commitment contribute to solving the public problem described above?

By empowering young people in the fight against climate change, we want to encourage greater interest of young people in green policies and participation in various initiatives that contribute to the creation and implementation of green policies in the area of ​​the municipality of Modriča.
Organizing educational workshops with young people on the application of green policies at the local level will contribute to the development of skills that young people can use in their immediate environment - the work of local self-governments in the sphere of environmental protection.
Therefore, through workshops and practical work, administrative processes are brought closer to young people, who get the opportunity to influence public policies and their implementation.
It is necessary to apply different methods of citizen involvement.
This commitment reflects a strategic approach to addressing the challenges of lack of knowledge, capacity, and uncertainty among citizens who want to participate.

What long-term goal as identified in your Open Government Strategy does this commitment relate to?

The vision of the municipal administration of Modriča is to build a prosperous society based on transparency, innovation, and cohesion, providing the best quality of life for all citizens.
Greater participation of young people in green policies is directly relevant to the values ​​of public participation and strengthening the responsibility of authorities in the creation and management of public policies.
Raising the capacity of citizens in terms of their active use of mechanisms in the decision-making process will lead to an increase in the number of citizens and the quality of the consultative process itself.

Primary Policy Area

Right to Information, Social Accountability

Primary Sector

Education, Environment & Climate

What OGP value is this commitment relevant to?

Civic Participation The values of open government - transparency, public participation, and responsibility - enable the municipal administration of Modriča and citizens to discuss alternative approaches for development and ensure adequate public oversight of local government activities. This commitment is precisely based on the mentioned values, which are a landmark in designing activities and planning results. Youth capacity building is at the heart of this commitment, which is designed to increase citizen participation in various areas of public interest.
Access to information Citizen participation is closely related to access to information and responsiveness of institutions, as well as their transparency and openness to cooperation.


5 Milestones

Creation of an information sheet for young people on environmental protection

Start Date07/2026
End Date09/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Creation of an information sheet for young people on environmental protection

Start Date07/2026
End Date09/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Organizing 2 workshops with young people on their involvement in the implementation of environmental policies at the local level

Start Date10/2026
End Date12/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Organizing 2 workshops with young people on their involvement in the implementation of environmental policies at the local level

Start Date10/2026
End Date12/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete

Organizing 2 workshops with young people on their involvement in the implementation of environmental policies at the local level

Start Date10/2026
End Date12/2026
  • Not started
  • In progress
  • Stuck
  • Finished
  • Incomplete


Open Government Partnership