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Digitalization of Administrative Acts and Procedures (MO0028)



Action Plan: Morocco Action Plan 2021-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2021



Lead Institution: Ministry of Energy, Mining and the Environment - Department of the Environment

Support Institution(s):

Policy Areas

Democratizing Decision-Making, Regulatory Governance

IRM Review

IRM Report: Morocco Action Plan Review 2021-2023

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


CHALLENGE There is a lack of transparency in the procedures and formalities related to the administrative decisions adopted to provide the services to users and oversee their relationship with the administration in order to protect their rights, which implies a lack of trust in the administration and the spread of corruption. This is due to several factors: • There is an absence of regular and instantaneous transcription and publication of formal procedures related to administrative decisions; • The non-existence of a national, exclusive and consolidated database of administrative acts issued by public administrations; • There is no obligation for the public administration to comply with the formal procedures released through the available means of publication; • ▪The complexity, redundancy and overlap in the processes and formalities related to administrative acts ; • Lack of digitalization of procedures and formalities related to administrative acts.

PROPOSED SOLUTION In order to resolve these issues and to frame the overall relationship between users and the administration, the law No. 55.19 on the simplification of administrative procedures and formalities has been promulgated and entered into force on September 28, 2020. This law aims to establish new rules for the relationship between the beneficiaries and the administration and to strengthen this relationship through a set of new provisions, the most important of which are: • ▪Establish the principle of transparency in procedures and formalities relating to administrative acts and establish the obligation to have a legal framework for these acts ; • Impose on administrations the identification, documentation and transcription of administrative acts under their areas of expertise, and their publication on the national portal of administrative procedures and formalities ; Require administrations to provide a receipt of deposit to the beneficiary upon submission of his request ; • ▪Administrations are required to set a deadline to respond to beneficiaries requests ; • Beneficiaries are guaranteed the right to appeal in the event of an unfavorable response from the administration or when the administration exceeds the time limits for processing administrative acts. This law will be gradually implemented over a 5-year period starting from the date of its enactment. In this context, the following actions will be carried out between October 2020 and June 2023: • Collecting and approving administrative acts by the national commission for the simplification of administrative procedures and formalities • Posting the approved administrative acts on the national portal of administrative procedures and formalities • Simplifying procedures and formalities related to administrative acts through : » The standardization of administrative procedures and formalities and the removal of non-justified procedures ; » The reduction of the cost of these procedures for both the beneficiary and the administration » Taking into consideration the reasonability between the topic of the administrative act and the documents requested by the beneficiary ; • Begin with the digitalization of a first batch of the most used procedures and formalities, with the aim of completing the digitalization process of all administrative procedures and formalities by 2025 ; • Develop and carry out a communication plan to promote the implementation of Law 55.19 related to the simplification of administrative procedures and formalities.

EXPECTED RESULTS Strengthening transparency through the launch of a unified national portal dedicated to the publication of administrative procedures and formalities, to be used by the administration and beneficiaries; • Improvement of public services quality through the simplification and digitalization of a first batch of the most used administrative procedures and formalities.

PERFORMANCE INDICATORS • ▪Number of administrative acts transcripted ; • ▪Number of approved administrative acts by the national commission and published on the national portal ; • Number of simplified procedures and formalities ; • ▪Number of digitalized procedures and formalities.

IMPACT INDICATORS Number of legal appeals related to administrative procedures and formalities ; • Rate of user satisfaction regarding the quality of public services▪

See action plan for milestone activities.

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 4. Publication, Simplification and Digitalization of Administrative Procedures and Formalities

● Verifiable: Yes

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Modest


Open Government Partnership