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Setting up a National Integrity Portal (MO0033)



Action Plan: Morocco Action Plan 2021-2023

Action Plan Cycle: 2021



Lead Institution: National authority for probity, prevention and fight against corruption (INPPLC)

Support Institution(s):

Policy Areas

Anti Corruption and Integrity, Anti-Corruption Institutions, Capacity Building, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Morocco Results Report 2021-2023, Morocco Action Plan Review 2021-2023

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



CHALLENGE Morocco has committed to promote integrity, transparency, and anti-corruption principles through a series of projects. However, there is very limited communication around those projects, and no dedicated portal. This is a barrier to citizen participation, citizen engagement in public policy and to the promotion of integrity and transparency values.

PROPOSED SOLUTION The national authority for probity, prevention and fight against corruption proposes to build a “national portal of integrity”. This commitment is particularly in line with the 3rd axis of the national strategy to fight against corruption 2015-2025 related to “transparency and access to information”. This initiative will reinforce the efforts deployed to strengthen the principles of integrity and transparency by allowing citizens to access reports, studies and information related to the field of integrity and the fight against corruption. They will also be informed of the initiatives undertaken by the INPPLC and its partners in this field. This portal also offers the possibility to submit opinions and suggestions to enhance its content and allows citizens to report their claims regarding corruption. This portal will include the following areas: • A section dedicated to publications (legal texts, reports, studies, guides, memorandums...); • A section dedicated to national and international statistics published by the National Authority or by its partners in the field; • A section dedicated to claims; • A section dedicated to communication; • A section for remote services which includes an online library and a remote training; • A space dedicated to the media...

EXPECTED RESULTS Provide users with reports, studies and information related to probity, transparency and anti-corruption ; • Collect, examine and respond to user’s suggestions to improve the scientific content of this portal ; • Direct users to other platforms where they can access information in this field ; • ▪Directing users to the various channels for submitting claims ; • Strengthen communication around the achievements made by the National Authority and its partners regarding integrity and anti-corruption issues.

PERFORMANCE INDICATORS • Number of organizations that are contributing to the integrity portal ; • Number of institutions that have committed to provide up-to-date information..

IMPACT INDICATORS • Number of visits to the portal.

See action plan for milestone activities.

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 9. Setting up a National Integrity Portal

● Verifiable: Yes

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Modest

IRM End of Term Status Summary

Results Report

Commitment 9. Setting up a National Integrity Portal

  • Verifiable: Yes
  • Does it have an open government lens? Yes
  • Potential for results: Modest
  • Completion: Substantial
  • Early results: Moderate Results
  • This commitment focused on creating a "National Portal of Integrity," with the National Authority for Probity, Prevention, and Fight against Corruption (INPPLC) as the implementing institution. Milestones outlined in the commitment have been substantially completed. The portal was created in collaboration with key stakeholders involved in integrity matters (milestone 1) [43]. Subsequently, content and services for the portal were identified in coordination with the national authority's partners (milestone 2). The development of the national integrity portal (milestone 3) [44] and the preparation of guides [45] for updating the portal, along with training sessions for INPPLC's partners [46], were executed (milestone 4).

    The portal was launched in Spring 2024 (, after the end of the implementation period (milestone 5). [47] INPPLC reports that the launch was delayed to allow partners to disseminate information in preparation for the launch. The portal centralizes information on government anti-corruption, transparency, and integrity institutions and efforts, including information on the status and results achieved around the prevention and fight against corruption. [48]

    Stakeholder participation during the portal's preparation was ensured through a comprehensive approach (milestone 3) [49], involving meetings with representatives from the judiciary, constitutional institutions, government actors, private sector and civil society in defining portal sections and content, submission of portal development results for feedback, and training sessions on content management. A benchmarking exercise during the study phase revealed the absence of similar national portals involving multiple partners to provide points of comparison. The time invested in conceptualizing portal content, visual identity, and governance structure for broad involvement and sustainability was substantial. Furthermore, collecting diverse, representative, and updated content from 19 partners posed an additional challenge, resulting in a postponement of the portal's anticipated launch date, as stated by the Director of Partnership and Development at INPPLC. [50]

    The commitment achieved moderate results through the collaborative development of a national portal to provide centralized information on anti-corruption data, reports, efforts, and institutions. While notable, this reform did not achieve significant results at the time of assessment as the portal was launched after the implementation period. Therefore, the use and outcomes from the portal could not yet be observed.

    [45] National Commission for Integrity, Prevention and Combatting Corruption. Study and orientation for a communication strategy. .
    [46] National Commission for Integrity, Prevention and Combatting Corruption organizes training on investigation techniques for their partners: .
    [48] Comments provided to the IRM during the prepublication review period of the report by the National Commission for Integrity, Prevention and Combatting Corruption. July 2024.
    [49] The IRM researcher attended consultations in their capacity as a Program Associate at Impact for Development NGO. 11 May 2023.
    [50] Chokairi Yassir (Director, Partnership & Development, INPPLC) Email exchange with IRM researcher, 27 November 2023.


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