Strengthening press freedom and publishing (MO0058)
Action Plan: Morocco Action Plan 2024-2027
Action Plan Cycle: 2024
Lead Institution: Ministry of Youth, Culture and Communication – Department of Communication
Support Institution(s):
Policy Areas
Civic Space, Freedom of Expression, Legislation, Media & Telecommunications, Public ParticipationIRM Review
IRM Report: Pending IRM Review
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Pending IRM Review
Relevant to OGP Values: Pending IRM Review
Ambition (see definition): Pending IRM Review
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
The participation of civil society in public life is considered one of the fundamental principles of human rights and freedoms. Also, open and pluralistic civil space, which guarantees freedom of opinion, expression and publication, is also considered as a fundamental condition of sustainable development and an essential pillar of Open Government. The media sector in Morocco has undergone several transformations which go towards strengthening freedom of the press and publishing. The most recent was the publication of the Press and Publishing Code, which was the subject of a complete and integrated reform, with a participatory approach, open reference and a progressive vision. The Press and Publishing Code came into force in 2016, and since that date, professional practice has experienced several dysfunctions, including the proliferation of electronic information sites which are created, without submitting to current legislation. Add to this the problem of professional ethics, technological challenges, human resources training, and fake news.
Proposed solution:
As part of this commitment, a "diagnosis of the situation of the print and electronic press" will be carried out to identify the issues encountered in professional practice by the Provisory Commission for the Management of the Press and Publishing Affairs, an independent elected body. In accordance with the attributions conferred on it by law no. 15.23, which established the commission, it has, from the beginning of its work, undertaken to diagnose the current state of the press and publishing sector. The objective is to propose the necessary measures to adjust the laws governing the sector, as well as everything related to access to the profession of journalism, the self-regulation of the profession, and all issues related to the sector such as initial and ongoing training. These measures aim to strengthen and advance the profession, improve journalistic institutions in terms of their human resources, legal framework, and management and administration means. In the context of strengthening cooperation and opening up to the components of the journalistic body and the publishing sector, as well as other concerned institutions, the commission has invited representative professional organisations wishing to participate in this project to contact it, either by sending written memoranda or through direct meetings, to jointly prepare their proposals and vision for the development of the sector. The commission is also reaching out to relevant national institutions to discuss possible reforms to develop and strengthen the sector. Furthermore, there will be an engagement with experienced organisations and individuals, as well as the regional press, to enrich the report. This participatory approach will also take the form of study days and roundtables, where issues will be discussed, as well as the preliminary diagnostic project, which will include the laws governing the sector and the situation of press companies. The communication sector will be informed of the proposed amendments to the Press and Publishing Code and the results of the diagnosis, with the aim of reaching a consensus on the proposed solutions. During the drafting of proposals, the recommendations of the UN human rights mechanisms from the review of Morocco's national reports, particularly those concerning the amendment of the legal framework, will be considered. It is also important to emphasise the contribution of Parliament to the reform project. During a meeting organised at the House of Representatives at the end of 2022, with the participation of representative professional organisations and parliamentary groups, it was unanimously decided on the necessity of drafting a framework law, which would serve as a roadmap proposed by Parliament. It should be noted that the report of the provisional commission will be comprehensive and cover all issues raised by the practice. It will address topics such as training, advertising, printing and distribution, copyright, social networks in relation to ethical values, the structuring of press companies, the socio-professional situation of journalists, and all matters concerning the sector.
Scheduled Activities (Activity | Start Date | End Date):
Diagnosis of the situation in the press and publishing sector | November 2023 | January 2024
Development of a comprehensive report on the state of the sector | January 2024 | April 2024
Organisation of listening sessions | April 2024 | May 2024
Proposal of modifications to the legal and regulatory framework of the sector | April 2024 | July 2024
Creation of a commission composed of the High Council of the Judiciary, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of the Interior to study the proposed modifications | July 2024 | December 2024
Opening of a public dialogue on the revision of the sector's legal and regulatory framework | January 2025 | March 2025
Creation of a technical commission responsible for the legal drafting of the proposed laws to reach a consensus | April 2025 | July 2025
Submission of the proposed laws to the approval process | October 2025 | December 2026
Expected Results:
The legal framework governing the press and publishing sector addresses all the raised issues and adapts to the profound transformations experienced by the sector. Moreover, it complies with international standards and our country's international commitments
Performance indicators:
▪ Number of participants in the consultation on the legal and regulatory framework of the press and publishing sector.
▪ Number of recommendations resulting from the consultation process.
Impact indicators:
▪ Number of authorisations for the publication of printand electronic newspapers.
▪ Number of structured media institutions that comply with the laws governing the sector.
▪ Number of electronic newspapers in compliance with the provisions of the Press and Publishing Code.
▪ Number of structured journalistic enterprises receiving public support.
▪ Number of professional journalists holding a press card.
▪ Number of press and publishing cases brought before the courts.
▪ Number of journalists who have received training on the ethics of the journalism profession.
▪ Number of disciplinary cases presented before the Ethics Commission of the National Press Council.
▪ Number of journalists who have received capacity-building in information and communication technologies