Increase Financial Transparency Through Open Budget and Experiments with Open Spending and Budget Monitoring (NL0002)
Action Plan: Netherlands Action Plan 2013-2014
Action Plan Cycle: 2013
Lead Institution: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations
Support Institution(s): NA
Policy Areas
Access to Information, Fiscal Openness, Open Data, Public Participation, Publication of Budget/Fiscal InformationIRM Review
IRM Report: Netherlands Final Report 2013-2014, Netherlands Progress Report 2013-2014
Early Results: Marginal
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): High
Implementation i
The Ministry of Finance will, in line with current practice, present the annual budget and the amended budget in a simple, machine- readable and visually comprehensible manner.
The Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations will foster the
availability of financial information from the different levels of administration, and will communicate the results of the Open Spending and Budget Monitoring programmes.
Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations to explore open spending