Develop and Implement Participation Policy at the Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (NL0012)
Action Plan: Netherlands Action Plan 2013-2014
Action Plan Cycle: 2013
Lead Institution: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment
Support Institution(s): NA
Policy Areas
Public ParticipationIRM Review
IRM Report: Netherlands Final Report 2013-2014, Netherlands Progress Report 2013-2014
Early Results: Did Not Change
Design i
Verifiable: No
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment has set up a Directorate for Public Participation, which provides services to help engage citizens, civil-society organisations and businesses, and advises on and develops policy for public participation. The directorate actively monitors and responds to new developments such as the ‘energetic society’, transparent government and social media. The authorities are considering how to use the energetic society in decision- and policymaking and in the implementation of government projects. The Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment is working on a vision, a strategy and specific products and services to underpin its dealings with the energetic society.
In this way, it intends to put into practice the Government’s policy document on stimulating social engagement – ‘do-ocracy’ – and particularly the objective of enhancing the government’s capacity to connect with society. Openness and transparency are important if this is to be achieved in an effective and efficient manner.