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New Zealand

Inclusive Approach to Delivery of Government Information and Services (NZ0026)



Action Plan: New Zealand Action Plan 2022-2024 (December)

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: Department of Internal Affairs

Support Institution(s):

Policy Areas

Digital Governance, Digital Inclusion, Inclusion, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: New Zealand Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: No

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review



Provision of inclusive information and services by government agencies through multiple channels that are accessible to and meet diverse needs of all the people of Aotearoa.


This commitment will address the barriers people face when government services are delivered online, with limited alternative options for non-digital participation. The need for multi-channel access to support and services is an issue strongly supported by civil society representatives. This proposal aligns with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau New Zealand petition to ‘Leave no-one behind – Campaign to address digital exclusion’. The commitment will be achieved through civil society organisations and government agencies working in partnership, to identify best practice models, co-design, develop, and carry out a pilot or pilots, and to create a plan to implement integrated, cross-government, multi-channel public service delivery. By giving people a choice of channels for connecting and engaging with government services, a multi-channel service delivery environment will allow people to more easily access their entitlements and fulfil their obligations in respect of government. It will prevent the individual and societal costs experienced when people are unable to easily connect with services and will enhance social inclusion and individual and community wellbeing. The commitment will be achieved through civil society organisations and government agencies working in partnership with, and leveraging, the Government Chief Digital Officer’s (GCDO) System Lead role for digital government transformation. The GCDO develops and manages all-of-government frameworks, standards and tools to guide the development of accessible, inclusive and consistent services. Government agencies then use these to develop and deliver services that meet New Zealanders’ needs and can be accessed in ways that best suit them (including in person).

Status Quo

Over the past decade, there has been a push for digital transformation across the public sector. While this has provided benefits in several areas, many processes and interactions with government agencies are now designed to direct people to a digital pathway. Other channels for accessing services, such as public counters, in-person appointments, and phone services have been scaled back or removed.

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Māori have much higher rates of digital exclusion compared to non-Māori, and therefore face greater impacts of the Government’s digital-first or digital-only approach to service delivery and the loss of in-person services, especially of kanohi ki te kanohi services. The current approach serves only to create additional barriers to services and support, deepening the disadvantage Māori already face.

OGP Values: Transparency, Accountability, Public Participation


Verifiable and measurable milestones to fulfil the commitment | Start date - End date

Discovery Establish relationships and a cross-agency / civil society / NGO / iwi working group Run discovery process to understand all dimensions of the problem Confirm high-level approach | February 2023 - June 2023

Design Identify options Choose preferred options Develop preferred options Test and iterate | July 2023 - June 2024

Implement Report back on lessons learnt Promote deliverables | July 2024 - December 2024

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

Commitment 3. Establish an Inclusive, Multi-Channel Approach to the Delivery of Government Information and Services

● Verifiable: No

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Unclear


Open Government Partnership