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Implementation of the Climate Change Act (NG0038)



Action Plan: Nigeria Action Plan 2023-2025

Action Plan Cycle: 2023



Lead Institution: Federal Ministry of Environment

Support Institution(s): NOSDRA, NESREA, Great Green Wall Agency, Ecological Fund, Federal Ministry of Finance, Budget and National Planning, Federal Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Federal Ministry of Water Resources, Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Federal Ministry of Women Affairs, Federal Ministry of Justice, Central Bank of Nigeria, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS), Federal Ministry of Trade and Investment, NNPC, Nigeria Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (NEITI), Federal Ministry of Environment, Federal Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, Mining Cadastral Ofce (MCO), NUPRC, NASS; Nigerian Union of Journalists, Natural Resource Governance Institute, Global Environment Facility (UNDP/GEF), Green Promise Initiative International, Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), World Bank/FADAMA project, Miners Association, Civil Society Legislative Advocacy Centre (CISLAC), African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development (Centre LSD), Friends of the Environment, Centre for Climate Change and Environment Studies, Publish What You Pay (PWYP), The Meluibe Empowerment Foundation, Policy Alert, DEAN Initiative

Policy Areas

Climate Mitigation and Adaptation, Energy, Environment and Climate, Gender, Inclusion, International Environmental Agreements, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Nigeria Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief Description of Commitment: The Climate Change Act 2021 was signed into law by President Muhammadu Buhari on the 18th of November 2021. The Act will ensure that Nigeria actualizes its commitment to Paris Agreement, Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Kyoto Protocol, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), UN SDGs and other standards and guidelines relevant to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Strengthening the implementation of this Act will provide a framework for the attainment of low carbon emissions, promote inclusive green growth and sustainable economic development by ensuring that Nigeria develops climate change mitigation and adaptation strategies; ensure the close out of climate change action and incorporate it into national development priorities. It will mobilize finance, and other resources necessary to ensure that climate change policies and actions are integrated with other related policies and set a target for the attainment of net-zero emission by year 2050 – 2070. The Act is also aimed at identifying risks and vulnerabilities, especially ensuring that private and public entities abide by stated climate change strategies, targets, and National Action Plan.

General Problem / Challenge Addressed by the Commitment: Climate change - long term shifts in weather and temperature patterns - because of human activities such as fossil fuel burning, and industrialization has become an urgent concern for all. The Oil and Gas sector in Nigeria, a major contributor to Greenhouse Gas emissions also contributes over 95% of foreign exchange earnings and 7.24% to national GDP. Frequent oil spillages; increased durations and intensities of rainfall producing large runoffs, flooding and erosion; increasing temperatures, drought and desertification; as well as land degradation; have led to loss of biodiversity, socio-economic hardships and undesirable health conditions in Nigeria.

Specific OGP Issue(s) in Focus: 1. Low citizens engagement on environment and climate change issues. 2. Paucity of information and data relating to climate change. 3. Opacity in financial mobilizations for climate adaptation and mitigation.

Rationale for the Commitment: There is an urgent need to increase the availability of open data and timely accessible public information on issues relating to climate change. Transparency in the mitigation and adaptation efforts and promoting civic participation in implementing related policy and regulations should also be improved.

Main Objective: This commitment seeks to galvanize institutional reforms and civic participation for inclusive, green and sustainable economic development that are required for Nigeria to meet its COP26 commitments of achieving a net-zero carbon emission target by 2060.

Anticipated Impact: 1. Institutional reforms based on a multi-stakeholder approach are promoted. 2. Citizens' participation (including vulnerable persons) in the design and implementation of climate adaptation and mitigation measures is improved. 3. Improved response to climate change and environment issues.

Expected Outcomes | Milestones (Performance Indicators)

1. Institutional reform to mainstream Climate Change actions across the public sector. | Percentage of compliance/adaptation of the Climate Change Act by MDAs and non-state actors.

2. Improved Citizens' participation in designing and implementing climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. | Percentage of citizens' inuenced decisions captured in the climate change policies and actions.

3. Agricultural development and climate responsiveness is integrated and improved. | Percentage of Agricultural development initiatives integrated and responsive to climate change issues

Planned Activities (Start Date - End Date | Expected Output(s) | Output Indicator(s))

1. Advocacy engagements with MDAs, NASS & Influential stakeholders on the functioning of the National Council on Climate Change. (January 2023 - July 2024 | 1. Inauguration of Climate Change Council. 2. Number of advocacy engagements on climate change held. 3. Number of climate change remedial and adaptation actions implemented by the NCCC. 4. Number of inclusive actions and Representation/ visibility of gender and vulnerable persons participating in climate change NCCC | 1. Inauguration of National council on climate change 2. Number of climate change actions implemented 3. Number of oversight functions on climate change Actions held 4. Level of gender balance and inclusivity)

2 Collation and dissemination of information on climate change, local vulnerabilities and risks, relevant laws and protocols. (January 2023 - July 2024 | Citizens are aware of climate change-related information and laws that reflect their geographical peculiarities for their action. Increased access to the reports by gender and vulnerable groups for Inclusivity. | 1. Number of reports on climate change published 2. Number of local vulnerabilities and risks assessments on climate change carried out. 3. Copies of climate change laws and protocols produced 4. Proportion of under-served and vulnerable population that have access to the report)

3. Awareness campaigns on climate change adaptation and mitigation. (January 2023 - July 2024 | 1. Stakeholders have increased knowledge/capacities on climate change adaptation and mitigation. 2. Increased adaptation, mitigation, and resilience amongst targeted Communities. | 1. Number of awareness campaigns held on climate change adaptation and mitigation 2. Number of communities reached through the awareness campaigns held on climate change adaptation and mitigation 3. Number of stakeholders reached during the climate change adaptation and mitigation awareness campaigns)

4. Publish detailed national, regional, and sectoral climate vulnerability and risk assessment reports to serve as basis for the adaptation components of the National Climate Change Action Plan (January 2023 - July 2024 | Stakeholders are increasingly aware of adaptation, mitigation measures. | Number of national, regional, and sectoral climate vulnerability and risk assessment reports Published.)

5. Publish accessible guidelines for measurement, reporting and verification of national emissions to serve as the basis for the national carbon budget. (January 2023 - July 2024 | Citizens understand the basis for determining the annual national carbon budget, including how emissions are measured, reported and verified. | 1. Percentage change in level of inclusivity. 2 . Number of Guidelines in government portals and other accessible mediums on national emissions and carbon emissions published. 3. Number of people accessing the guidelines on national emissions. 4. Number of verification reports produced on national emissions.)

6. Establish climate change desk responsible for ensuring the integration of climate change activities into their core mandate by MDAs. (January 2023 - July 2024 | MDAs have established a structure for addressing climate change issues | 1. Number of MDAs with Climate change units/divisions/departments. 2. Number of MDAs with climate change desk officers. 3. Number of MDA Climate Change Desk Officers trained.)

7. Development of inclusive National Climate-Smart Agriculture strategy. (January 2023 - July 2024 | Agricultural development and climate responsiveness are integrated and improved | 1. Inclusive climate Smart Agriculture Strategy developed. 2. Number of states that have adopted and developed inclusive climate-smart agricultural strategies.)

.5. Undertake afforestation programmes in targeted communities. (January 2023 - July 2024 | Afforestation programme is strengthened | 1. Number of trees planted 2. Number of communities where programmes were carried out)

Source(s) of Funding: Federal Government Budget and Donor Agencies


Open Government Partnership