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Technology-Based Citizens' Feedback on Service Delivery (NG0041)



Action Plan: Nigeria Action Plan 2023-2025

Action Plan Cycle: 2023



Lead Institution: SERVICOM Nigeria

Support Institution(s): Federal Ministry of Communication, National Orientation Agency (NOA), Galaxy backbone, Bureau for Public Service Reforms (BPSR), Ministry of Science and Technology and Other related ministries; Centre LSD, BudgIT, WANGONeT, Centre for Citizens with Disabilities, CITAD, Enough is Enough Nigeria, Gavel, Citizen Common, Open Data Portal, Open Alliance

Policy Areas

Democratizing Decision-Making, Digital Participation, Digital Transformation, Public Participation, Public Service Delivery

IRM Review

IRM Report: Nigeria Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief Description of Commitment: This commitment seeks to increase the use, synergy and coordination of technology-driven applications, portals and platforms that will enhance citizens feedback on government policy, programs and projects for better service provision.

General Problem / Challenge Addressed by the Commitment: 1. Inadequate citizens' awareness on feedback platforms to engage programmes and activities of government 2. Lack of access to government feedback mediums 3. Non-inclusiveness of citizens in the governance process 4. Low knowledge of governance activities by citizens 5. The apathy of citizens concerning governance issues

Specific OGP Issue(s) in Focus: 1. Accountability and Transparency 2. Citizens Participation 3. Effectiveness of Public service delivery

Rationale for the Commitment: There is an increased number of citizens using mobile phones to connect with policymakers and engage in government processes. Several platforms have been created by government and citizen groups, such as the Citizens' Budget Portal, NOCOPO, Budeshi, Dubawa, Tracka, etc. However, to increase uptake, use and create a seamless feedback medium that encourages better service delivery, there is the need to synergise and coordinate the feedback from citizens for an effective government response.

Main Objective: To increase citizens' access to government processes through technology and synergise and coordinate citizens' feedback to enhance government responsiveness.

Anticipated Impact: 1. Improved national feedback mechanism 2. Improved Service Delivery

Expected Outcomes | Milestones (Performance Indicators)

1. Increased MDA policies and plans that reect citizens' views through ICT platforms, in the governance process. | Percentage of targeted MDAs implementing policies and plans that reflect citizens' views.

2. Increased responsiveness and accountability in government service delivery through technology solutions. | Number of resolved identified service delivery gaps from citizens' feedback addressed through the use of technological solutions

Planned Activities (Start Date - End Date | Expected Output(s) | Output Indicator(s))

1. To build a feedback portal into the SERVICOM webs ite to aggregate feedback from CSOs, Citizens and Citizens groups for MDAs. (January 2023 - December 2024 | Existence of a functional portal for aggregating feedback and data analytics from stakeholders developed | 1. Number of stakeholders visiting the feedback portal of the SERVICOM website 2. Number of items of feedback by stakeholders harvested 3. Number of items of feedback by stakeholders resolved)

2. Establish a stakeholder monitoring committee to work with SERVICOM in monitoring feedback process with MDAs. (January 2023 - December 2024 | A structure for monitoring feedback established. | 1. Establishment of stakeholder monitoring committee 2. Number of items of feedback and inputs received from participating CSOs and MDAs 3. Number of stakeholder monitoring committee reports produced)

3. Conduct a survey and mapping of technology-based platforms that promote transparency, accountability and Feedback. (January 2023 - December 2024 | Identification and utilization of technology-based platforms for promoting transparency and accountability in MDAs and Civil Society. | 1. Number of technology-based platforms created by citizens to aid citizens' feedback on government programmes operational 2. Number of MDAs with functional ICT platforms for enhancing citizens' participation. 3. Number of survey reports of technology- based platforms produced.)

4. Develop and disseminate promotional awareness campaign materials (fliers, videos, jingles etc.) to share information on available citizens feedback platforms. (January 2023 - December 2024 | Increase in the number of unique users/visitors of the platforms. | Number of promotional awareness campaign materials produced to enhance citizens Feedback.)

5. Quarterly review and analysis of citizen feedback on citizens feedback platforms for government attention and response. (January 2023 - December 2024 | Identification of areas of interest of citizens to ensure their feedback is considered in decision making process. | 1. Number of enquiries and feedback by citizens received for Government attention. 2. Number of government actions made to address enquiries/ feedback. 3. Number of quarterly reports produced.)

Source(s) of Funding: Federal Government Budget and Donor Agencies


Open Government Partnership