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Permanent Dialogue Mechanism for Citizen Feedback on Service Delivery (NG0042)



Action Plan: Nigeria Action Plan 2023-2025

Action Plan Cycle: 2023



Lead Institution: SERVICOM

Support Institution(s): Oxfam, Water Aid, Nextier, IITA, Action Aid,Centre for Citizens with Disabilities, Citizens' Gavel, Order Paper Advocacy Initiative, Public & Private Development Center, Connected Development (CODE), CSACEFA, Policy Alert, and their relevant partners from State and National levels – 4th tier (traditional leaders), Nigerian Policing Program (NPP), CISLAC,PRIMOG , Citizen Commons, Partners West Africa Nigeria (PWAN), Safe & Sound Youth Awareness Initiative, Ethics and Corporate Compliance Institute of Nigeria, Youths in Africa Anti-corruption Network, NBA, Open Alliance , Brekete Family, 'Majesty Media', Team Member, PRIMORG, Citizen Commons, African Centre for Leadership, Strategy & Development (Centre LSD), The Meluibe Empowerment Foundation, Nigerian Governors' Forum

Policy Areas

Democratizing Decision-Making, Gender, Inclusion, Local Commitments, Mainstreaming Participation, People with Disabilities, Public Participation, Public Service Delivery, Security & Public Safety, Youth

IRM Review

IRM Report: Nigeria Action Plan Review 2023-2025

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief Description of Commitment: The PDM framework developed in the first action plan recognized that citizens play a critical role in advocating and helping to make institutions more transparent, accountable, and contributing innovative solutions to complex development challenges. The framework proposed various activities in several platforms in the nationally organized PDM (Local Government Assembly, Peace, and Security Platform, Town Hall Meetings and Civil Society roundtable); sectoral organized PDMs led by MDAs, and citizens led PDM across organizations, demographic platforms, media platforms, research institutions and social media.

General Problem / Challenge Addressed by the Commitment: 1. Limited citizens' participation in governance process 2. Paucity of knowledge about governance activities by citizens 3. The apathy of citizens concerning governance issues. 4. Poor knowledge of existing citizens' rights 5. Lack of access to government data 6. No strategic communication and feedback by government 7. Mistrust by citizens

Specific OGP Issue(s) in Focus: 1. Decreasing public trust in government and governance decision process. 2. Low public participation in governance 3. Poor service delivery to citizens by government.

Rationale for the Commitment: To improve citizens' participation in governance and government's responsiveness to citizens needs Main Objective: 1. To improve citizens' participation in governance and make government more responsive to citizens' priority needs 2. To build mutual trust and confidence between government and citizens 3. To promote improved service delivery

Anticipated Impact: Improved service delivery to citizens

Expected Outcomes | Milestones (Performance Indicators)

1. Increased participation of citizens in governance process. | Percentage change in citizens participating actively in the governance process.

2. Increased responsiveness by the government to the citizens needs especially persons with disability, women, children, and Youths. | Percentage of government policies and programmes deployed to address the needs of vulnerable persons.

3. Increased citizens' trust and accountability in government. | Percentage of citizens with positive perception of Government projects, programs, and policies delivery

Planned Activities (Start Date - End Date | Expected Output(s) | Output Indicator(s))

1. Organize an inclusive (women, youths, men and persons living with disabilities) Local Government Assembly at least once a year in each of the 774 Local Government Areas in Nigeria. (January 2023 - December 2024 | Increased number of inclusive actions and resolutions emanating from the LG Assembly implemented by the Government. | 1. Number of Local Government Assembly held in the LGAs 2. Number of inclusive actions /resolutions reached at the LG Assembly 3. Number of Local Government Assembly reports produced 4. Number of citizens that participated in the LG Assembly. 5. Number of youths, women and persons with disability participating in the LG Assembly 6. Number of political office holders in attendance at the LG Assembly)

2. Hold Peace and Security Platform at least once every year in each of the six geopolitical zones in the country. (January 2023 - December 2024 | Increased number of resolutions on peace and security related issues discussed and solutions proffered at the platforms. | 1. Number of Peace and Security Platforms held 2. Number of citizens that participated in the Peace and Security platform (disaggregated by youths, women, and Persons with disability) 3. Number of political office holders in attendance at the Peace and Security platform 4. Number of Peace and Security platform reports produced)

3. Hold Town Hall Meetings once every year in each of the six geo-political zones of the country (January 2023 - December 2024 | Increased number of issues identified with resolutions reached at the Town Hall Meetings | 1. Number of Town Hall meetings held. 2. Number of citizens that participated in the THMs 3. Number of youths, women and Persons with disability participating in the Town Hall Meetings. 4. Number of political office holders in attendance at the Town Hall Meetings. 5. Number of Town Hall Meetings report produced.)

4. Support all OGP lead MDAs to develop a process and plan for engaging with citizens and citizens groups on plans, policies, budget, and service delivery issues twice a year (January 2023 - December 2024 | 1 . Ensure the incorporation of citizens needs in MDAs plans, policies, and budgets. 2. Enhance the process for public engagement with citizens by Government | 1. Number of MDAs meeting with citizens groups according to their engagement process. 2. Number of MDA policies and plans that reflect citizens' views. 3. Number of MDA budgets that reflect citizens' views. 4. Number of citizens views mainstreamed in government projects, programs and policies)

5. Work with citizens groups to facilitate Traditional and New Media discussion on OGP at least twice a year. (January 2023 - December 2024 | Increased sensitization of citizens by citizen groups on the OGP using traditional and new media discussion platforms. | 1. Number of citizen-led meetings and discussions on OGP held annually. 2. Number of engagements and interactions on the social media platform held by citizens groups 3. Number of media engagement with MDAs on OGP issues held 4. Number of views on TV 5. Number of listeners on radio)

Source(s) of Funding: Federal Government Budget and Donor Agencies


Open Government Partnership