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North Macedonia

Improvement of the Open Data Platform and Its Approximation to the Citizens (MK0090)



Action Plan: Macedonia National Action Plan 2016-2018

Action Plan Cycle: 2016



Lead Institution: Ministry of Information Society and Administration

Support Institution(s): Ministry of Information Society and Administration and state institution publishing data on the portal; Free Software

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Capacity Building, Open Data

IRM Review

IRM Report: Macedonia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018, Macedonia Mid-Term Report 2016-2018

Early Results: Did Not Change

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): High

Implementation i



Status quo or problem addressed by the commitment: Presently, open data license model has not been established in Macedonia, and the website takes over unlicensed sets. The website provides a possibility for keeping history of unpublished data sets, and it is an option for the institution that publishes a certain data set. Main objective: Definition/selection of an open data license model and posting licenses on the open data portal. Allowing greater participatory and accountability on the open data portal through establishing archives of published data sets. Brief description of commitment: Posting licenses on the open data portal for taken over data sets. Establishment of archives of all data sets according to the capacities of the institution that publishes data sets. OPG challenge addressed by the commitment: Selection of the most appropriate license model for Macedonia and its implementation on the site. Creation of a convenient environment for easier data sets identification and comparison in different time periods, and establishment of certain data sets trends. Reference to the global objectives of sustainable development: Reference to the Objective 16. “Peace, justice and strong institutions” Target 16.7: Ensuring representative decision making at all levels, to address the issues, based on involvement and participation of all stakeholders The measures of this commitment contribute for more quality decision making by the policy creators, based on consultations with all stakeholders Relevance: According to the Law on public sector data use, institutions in the Republic of Macedonia are obliged to publish open data in a computer-readable format in compliance with their technical capacities. Presently, the portal provides 154 data sets, and this number is expected to increase eventually. Increased number of open data sets increases the need for establishing appropriate license model to allow undisturbed access to open data, at the same time protecting institutions that create data first of all through open data abuse prevention. Ambition: This commitment includes establishment of open data licenses and open data archives on the for facilitated open data identification and use and easier monitoring of trends in certain fields. On the other hand, it will contribute for data sets abuse and protection of institutions that produce these data sets.

IRM End of Term Status Summary

For Commitment details, please see the IRM reports: Macedonia Mid-Term Report 2016-2018 and Macedonia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018


Open Government Partnership