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North Macedonia

Cataloging and Categorization of Data Sets Held by State Institutions (MK0092)



Action Plan: Macedonia National Action Plan 2016-2018

Action Plan Cycle: 2016



Lead Institution: Ministry of Information Society and Administration

Support Institution(s): Ministry of Information Society and Administration; CCM, Other NGO

Policy Areas

Access to Information, Open Data

IRM Review

IRM Report: Macedonia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018, Macedonia Mid-Term Report 2016-2018

Early Results: Did Not Change

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): Low

Implementation i



Status quo or problem addressed by the commitment: According to the Article 7 of the Law on public sector data use, public bodies and institutions are obliged to submit electronic data catalogue to the Ministry of Information Society and Administration, created within their competence and published for public use, including date of data publishing (by data sets) for their use, dynamics and their updating (daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly) and a single link, that is a web location where data are published by the public bodies and institutions. The so far experience in this provision implementation shows that the public bodies and institutions need additional support in these catalogues preparation. Main objective: Implementation of an internal analysis by al state institutions obliged by the Law on public sector data use to publish open data and prepare appropriate Data Set Catalogue for each institution included in the measure. Brief description of commitment: This measure provides implementation of an internal analysis by al state institutions obliged by the Law on public sector data use to publish open data. As a result of the internal analysis, each institution should create a Data Set Catalogue, as a guideline what data sets are to be collected and published in the future. The Catalogue should be based on the analysis of the legal frame regulating institutions’ operation for keeping various records in their competence, as well as on cooperation with the civil and business sectors in respect of what specific public data they need. OPG challenge addressed by the commitment: Creation of data set catalogues for each institution will gives a clear picture of all available data sets in institutions that could be further ranked and prioritized for publishing on the open data portal. Reference to the global objectives of sustainable development: Reference to the Objective 16. “Peace, justice and strong institutions” Target 16.10: Ensuring access to information and protection of the fundamental freedoms, in agreement with the national legislative and international agreements. Measures of this commitment contribute for improving access, use and trends following in respect of public information and data. Relevance: According to the Law on public sector data use, institutions in the RM are obliged to keep a data set catalogue and inform the Ministry of Information Society and Administration about that on a regular basis. This is the central commitment for establishing a sustainable growth and development of the open data platform. Ambition: As a result of the internal analysis, each institution should create a Data Set Catalogue, as a guideline what data sets are to be collected and published in the future.

IRM End of Term Status Summary

For Commitment details, please see the IRM reports: Macedonia Mid-Term Report 2016-2018 and Macedonia End-of-Term Report 2016-2018


Open Government Partnership