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Papua New Guinea

GoPNG-CSO Partnership Policy (PNG0009)



Action Plan: Papua New Guinea Action Plan 2022-2024 (June)

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: Department for Community Development and Religion

Support Institution(s): Department of National Planning and Monitoring, CIMC , Transparency International PNG (TIPNG)

Policy Areas

Civic Space, Freedom of Association, Public Participation

IRM Review

IRM Report: Papua New Guinea Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Status quo or problem addressed by the commitment The CSOs and Churches have played a crucial role in nation building and their status as development partners needs to be formalised through policy and law. The social service delivery taking place in the remotest parts of PNG are delivered by CSOs and Churches. However, they have not been formally recognised as development partners through policy platforms. The Church-State Partnership program is hanging loose and is not sustainable. Furthermore, international NGOs are not identified and there is no policy framework that brings them and national CSOs together to enhance service delivery through their work. Therefore, the GoPNG-CSO Partnership policy will establish a sustainable partnership between the Government and the civil society and churches. The policy will provide the basis for commitment and formal recognition by Government of the stated partnerships captured in all overarching Government policies, plans and strategies such as the StaRS, MTDP III, SDP, Vision 2050 etc.

Main objective The primary aim of this milestone is to create a policy framework for the Government, Civil Society Organisations and International NGOs to work together in-service delivery. The policy will create a platform that strengthens CSO and Government partnership for effective service delivery.

Brief description of commitment The GoPNG-CSO Partnership Policy will be formulated which will establish a policy framework for the Government, CSO, and the International NGO to work together. For many years, CSOs and Churches have been the frontline in service delivery in the rural areas in a policy vacuum. The formulation of this policy will create a policy platform that forge into sustainable partnership in service delivery.

OPG challenge addressed by the commitment The GoPNG-CSO Partnership Policy framework has been missing for ages. The CSOs and Churches are frontline service delivery mechanisms that serve our people. Government delivers social programmes with engagement of churches and CSOs in a policy vacuum. Hence, the formulation of the policy will elevate the framework for effective partnership and service delivery.

Relevance Briefly describe the way in which this commitment is relevant to further advancing OGP values of access to information, public accountability, civic participation, and technology and innovation for openness and accountability. (A detailed description of these values is available in the OGP Values Guidance Note.) This partnership policy will achieve the aspirations of the OGP itself in PNG when endorsed and implemented. CSO encouragement in public service delivery and policy formulation is important. CSOs and churches have long been active players in the service delivery process in a policy vacuum. The State-CSO Partnership Policy will enable civic participation and give impetus for Government to recognise CSOs as equal partners to development and service delivery in the country.

Ambition Briefly describe the intended results of the commitment and how it will either make government more open or improve government through more openness. The policy will forge strategic partnerships between Government and CSOs. It will provide a means of check and balance ensuring that Government is committed and contribute to effective service delivery, monitoring and reporting. CSOs and Churches capacity will be enhanced through implementation of the policy. Specifically, the Government will provide resource support for CSOs to provide basic services.

Milestones Activity Description Start Date: End Date:

Phase 1: Fast track the State & CSO Partnership Policy Endorsement by Government

1.1 Meeting with DfCDR DNPM and CIMC meet with DfCDR to determine the lead policy implementing agency and the way forward. April, 2022 End of April 2022

1.2 Final Validation Workshop Final validation workshop/meeting to finalize the Policy May, 2022 End of May, 2022

1.3 CACC and NEC Submissions and Presentations Formulate CACC and NEC Submissions and presentations June, 2022 Mid-June, 2022

1.4 Policy endorsed by NEC NEC Policy Submission made and endorsed Mid-June, 2022 End of June, 2022

1.5 Policy launched Launch the State-CSO Partnership Policy July, 2022 End of July, 2022

1.6 Implementation of the Policy Implement the State-CSO Partnership Policy with stakeholders September, 2022 December, 2024

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

2. GoPNG-CSO Partnership Policy

● Verifiable: Yes

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Modest

For reference in Papua New Guinea’s 2022-2024 National Action Plan, see Cluster 1, Commitment 2.


Open Government Partnership