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Papua New Guinea

Citizen Engagement in Budgeting and Planning (PNG0011)



Action Plan: Papua New Guinea Action Plan 2022-2024 (June)

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: Departments of Treasury (Recurrent Budget) & National Planning & Monitoring (Capital Investment/Development Budget)

Support Institution(s): Department of National Planning and Monitoring, Department of Finance, Department of Implementation and Rural Development, National Economic and Fiscal Commission, Consultative Implementation and Monitoring Council, Institute of National Affairs, Others

Policy Areas

Capacity Building, Fiscal Openness, Local Commitments, Public Participation, Public Participation in Budget/Fiscal Policy

IRM Review

IRM Report: Papua New Guinea Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Problem/Issue to be addressed The national budget (both the recurrent & development) is produced annually in the beginning of each fiscal year. However, the public at all levels lack understanding on the budget formulation and implementation processes. Due to lack of access to simple information on the budgets and plans by citizens, citizens also lack the capability to demand, monitor and report on implementation of the annual budgets & plans

Main Objective The objective of the milestone is to provide an avenue for citizens to participate in the formulation of the budgets and monitor and report on implementation. This will include building of capacity for the sub-national government and citizens on budget preparation and implementation as well as engaging citizens to participate in the national budget preparation process. Hence, engaging the citizens to provide their views on the outlook of the budget as part of the budget preparation process. The other objective is to make budget simpler and more understandable to citizens.

Brief Description of Commitment Citizen budget is a simpler, less technical version of a government’s budget specifically designed to present key information to the public. It can vary widely in focus, content and length and be presented in a form of report. The customised budget stimulator is at the cutting edge of online engagement and educates residents about government services, budget and limit to government spending in a user-friendly and dynamic way. It can also significantly increase the number of residents engaging in the budget process, providing budget organisers with a wealth of information. Under the citizen budgeting, more trainings will be offered to the subnational governments to ease understanding on the budget process (both formulation and implementation). A Round-Table will be organised as part of the budget preparation process for the CSOs to comment on the outlook of the budget.

OGP Challenge address by the Commitment There is very little or no participation by citizens in government planning and budgetary process in PNG. However, OGP commitment of public participation in the budget formulation process encourage citizens and sub-national government active participation. Civil Participation encourages government accountability and transparency in the budget formulation, funds allocation and distribution and effective management of public resources. It entails government confidence and trust in people and in turn citizen know government priorities and spending.

Relevance Briefly describe the way in which this commitment is relevant to further advancing OGP values of access to information, public accountability, civic participation and technology and innovation for openness and accountability. Global OGP Secretariat eligibility criteria identities citizen participation in the planning and budgetary process. The relevance of advancing value of civic space in the success of OGP, active participation in the planning and budget process keeps government accountable on the management of public funds.
According to the 2017 International Open Budget Survey, PNG scored 6/100 on the public participation which needs more civic participation in the budgetary process which will encourage accountability and transparency in the government.

Ambition The citizen budgeting is simple and understandable to all citizens. The engagements of citizens in the budget preparation process will make the budget formulation process becomes more transparent. The provisions of trainings will capacitate the subnational governments on budget implementation and reporting. Citizens monitoring and reporting on the implementation of the annual budget will enhance accountability in the way public resources are managed.

Milestones Descriptions Start Date End Date

Phase 1: Round-Table Budget Meeting

1.1 CSO and Private Sector Meeting CSOs and Private Sector meet prior to the round-table budget meeting with economic agencies. This meeting is purposely organised in preparation for the meeting with economic agencies to provide citizens’ comments on the outlook of the following year’s budget before the budget formulation starts. June, 2022 June, 2024

1.2 Round-Table Budget Meeting Have a Round-Table Budget Meeting between the Economic Agencies and the CSOs & Private Sector on the outlook of the following year’s budget. June, 2022 June, 2023

1.3 Budget interpretation Workshops & Trainings Conduct budget interpretation workshops and trainings for sub-national governments and citizens in 3 provinces selected for the citizen engagement and reporting mechanism (Milestone # 1) and align this milestone with it February – December, 2022 March, 2024

1.4. Citizens Reporting on budget implementation Monitor and compile report on implementation of 2022 Budget and present to Departments of Treasury & National Planning (Citizens Budget Implementation Report) Jan 2023 June, 2023

1.5. Host the national State and CSO Roundtable forum All stakeholders meet here to address all concerns and all reports on the budget will be presented in here February 2023 May 2024

IRM Midterm Status Summary

Action Plan Review

4. Citizen Engagement in Budgeting & Planning

● Verifiable: Yes

● Does it have an open government lens? Yes

● Potential for results: Modest

For reference in Papua New Guinea’s 2022-2024 National Action Plan, see Cluster 1, Commitment 4.


Open Government Partnership