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Integrity and Compliance Business Roundtable (PY0073)



Action Plan: Paraguay Action Plan 2022-2024

Action Plan Cycle: 2022



Lead Institution: National Anticorruption Secretariat (SENAC)

Support Institution(s): Central Government 51 private sector guilds that expressed interest in forming the articulation space. Institutions that make up the National Integrity and Transparency Team (ENIT), public institutions that interact with the private sector, unions, and companies.

Policy Areas

Anti Corruption and Integrity, Capacity Building, Private Sector, Public Participation, Whistleblower Protections

IRM Review

IRM Report: Paraguay Action Plan Review 2022-2024

Early Results: Pending IRM Review

Design i

Verifiable: Yes

Relevant to OGP Values: Yes

Ambition (see definition): No Data

Implementation i

Completion: Pending IRM Review


Brief description of the commitment: Promote the creation of a space for permanent public-private dialogue, formalized and structured, between associations, guilds and chambers of the private sector and State institutions to articulate actions and incentive mechanisms that stimulate the implementation of integrity and compliance policies in companies to promote the culture of integrity, the economy, confidence in the business climate, the attraction of investments and the country's image.

What is the problem that the engagement seeks to address? Issues to be addressed by the "Integrity and Compliance Business Roundtable": in accordance with the diagnostic work and SENAC's vision of approach, the following issues may be addressed and structured: a) Awareness Programs: to highlight the importance of complying with regulations, how it affects the formal economy, how it affects the country. b) Training Programs: focused on compliance, the concept of compliance, the scope of compliance programs and support for sectors that do not have the resources to pay for this training. Suggested talks from the public sector coordinating resources with the private sector. Initiatives promoted by the private sector. c) Visibility of Leadership: leadership understood as the explicit commitment of public authorities and authorities and referents of the private sector to fight corruption and the adoption of good practices applicable to both sectors. d) Fixed space for dialogue and coordination: generate a space for dialogue on issues of common interest to jointly develop an agenda with public and private sector initiatives. Report on the achievements of the activities and the benefits of the space to stimulate adherence to the Roundtable. e) Whistleblowing Channels and Whistleblower Protection Program: efforts should be coordinated with external expert associations and even with international organizations for the proper handling of whistleblowing channels, avoiding leaks and the disclosure of whistleblowers' identities. f) Facilitation Instances: not in all cases the steps to follow in certain procedures to be carried out in the public sector are known, so it is suggested an instance that can guide the private sector, through talks indicating the exact processes to follow, thus avoiding the circle of bribery regardless of the sector where it is generated. g) Generate integrity incentive mechanisms: initiatives from seals, promotion of certifications, contest to promote good practices. h) Communicational impact (progress report): generate reports on the achievements of the Group seeking to promote the actors involved in the process, as a form of recognition and to encourage more sectors to adhere to integrity policies.

What is the Commitment? The Integrity and Compliance Business Roundtable seeks to unite the particular initiatives of organizations and guilds that promote integrity policies from the private sector, to enhance their visibility, highlight them through joint agendas and the involvement of more actors; in the same line, it seeks to become a space for dialogue also with public sector actors, to motivate incentive mechanisms that promote the replicability of these policies in more actors in the private sector in order to expand the universe of actors.

How will you contribute to solving the problem? The proposal consists of establishing a permanent and structured dialogue between the private sector and the State to jointly coordinate integrity and compliance agendas that will have a positive impact on the culture of integrity, the economy, confidence in the business climate, investment attraction and the country's image. The articulation instance will allow the development of joint public-private agendas that, based on its mixed composition, will seek to force the effective execution of the planned activities for the benefit of the parties, thus promoting the development of a broad agenda of integrity with the private sector, coherent and uniform, as part of a state policy.

Why is it relevant to OGP values? The basis of the relationship of the instance is developed in a public-private articulation space, which allows the legitimization of decision-making based on a governance system that promotes the participation of both private and public sector actors. Its operation seeks precisely to guarantee the participation of the actors involved in the framework of promoting co-governance to promote policies with a state vision that have an impact on the interest and quality of life of the affected stakeholders and the economy in general, in alignment with the vision established in the National Integrity, Transparency and Anticorruption Plan (PNI 2021- 2025).

Additional information The proposed Commitment is linked to the following Plans: National Development Plan Paraguay 2030 - PND 2030 Strategic Axis Transversal lines AXIS 4. POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING B- EFFICIENT AND TRANSPARENT PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 4.2. Modernizing Public Administration NDP 2030 Institutional Policy Program and Project National Integrity, Transparency and Anticorruption Plan 2021-2025 Axis 2 "Development of the Integrity System and Culture", Objective 2.2. "To develop integrity systems in the various spheres of society and the State". "The creation, promoted by ENIT, of a working group with the business sector to promote actions aimed at fostering corruption prevention initiatives, implementation of compliance policies and exchange of good practices in the private sector". NDP 2030 Institutional Policy Program and Project Sustainable Development Goal 2030 - SDG 2030 SDG 16. PEACE, JUSTICE, AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS SDG 17. PARTNERSHIPS TO ACHIEVE THE GOALS

Goals and/or major milestones (Milestones with verifiable date | Start Date - Final Date)

Request by guilds, associations, chambers, companies, and public institutions that interact with this sector to officially join the Business Roundtable on Integrity and Compliance. | April 2023 - August 2023

Formation of the Integrity and Compliance Business Roundtable with the official adhesion of guilds, associations, chambers, companies, and public institutions that interact with this sector. | August 2023 - December 2024

Elaboration of work agenda | April 2024 - December 2024


Open Government Partnership