Transparency of Red Flags in Public Procurement (PY0074)
Action Plan: Paraguay Action Plan 2022-2024
Action Plan Cycle: 2022
Lead Institution: National Directorate of Public Contracting (DNCP)
Support Institution(s): Contracting Agencies and Entities Public control entities General public Potential bidders or suppliers. Multilateral organizations (Inter-American Development Bank, United Nations, Inter-American Government Procurement Network, Open Contracting Partnership, etc.).
Policy Areas
Anti Corruption and Integrity, Public ProcurementIRM Review
IRM Report: Paraguay Action Plan Review 2022-2024
Early Results: Pending IRM Review
Design i
Verifiable: Yes
Relevant to OGP Values: Yes
Ambition (see definition): Low
Implementation i
Completion: Pending IRM Review
Brief description of the commitment: Red flags allow the detection of risk areas within the public procurement system by identifying, within the universe of procedures, those that show signs of anomalies that could be investigated to rule out the possibility of corruption.
What is the problem that the engagement seeks to address? The aim is to provide a solution to the problem of the lack of detection of irregularities that affect the integrity and quality of public contracting.
What is the Commitment? It is to make available to the public new network flags on public procurement, which can be used for citizen monitoring, promoting transparency and integrity of procurement activities. Detect irregularities in bidding processes. Empower citizens on the analysis of procurement data through the implemented red flags. Improve citizen perception through greater access to tools that make the purchasing process more transparent. Create opportunities for citizen control of the public contracting system. Comply with the right to information and encourage citizen involvement in the exercise of control.
How will you contribute to solving the problem? Improve the detection of irregularities that affect the integrity and quality of public procurement, through greater citizen involvement in the monitoring of bids from the network flags developed by the DNCP.
Why is it relevant to OGP values? Through the publication of visualization boards of the network flags in the Strategic Information System, located in the Public Procurement Portal. Through the availability of network flags, with continuously updated data. The DNCP will share the new tool through news on the Portal and in all the institution's social networks. In addition, the Institutional Data Committee will be attentive to answer any citizen queries that may arise regarding the use and interpretation of the red flags.
Additional information The proposed Commitment is linked to the following Plans: National Development Plan Paraguay 2030 - PND 2030 Strategic Axis Transversal lines AXIS 4. POLITICAL AND INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING B- EFFICIENT AND TRANSPARENT PUBLIC MANAGEMENT 4.2. Modernizing Public Administration NDP 2030 Institutional Policy Program and Project National Integrity, Transparency and Anticorruption Plan 2021-2025 Axis 2: Risk Management Strategy 2.2 - Ensure integrity in public procurement and contracting 43. Promote the inclusion of a guiding principle on integrity and good faith in the legal framework for public procurement. Sustainable Development Goal 2030 - SDG 2030 SDG 16. PEACE, JUSTICE, AND STRONG INSTITUTIONS SDG 17. PARTNERSHIPS TO ACHIEVE THE GOALS
Goals and/or major milestones (Milestones with verifiable date | Start Date - Final Date)
Identify and select possible red flags to be developed. | March 2023 - May 2023
Perform data analysis to design the flags. | May 2023 - August 2023
Implement algorithms according to the new data and adjustments made. | August 2023 - October 2023
Test the implemented algorithms | October 2023 - December 2023
Build the APIS call needed to have the data. | January 2024 - June 2024
IRM Midterm Status Summary
Action Plan Review
Compromiso 5. Desarrollo de red flags (banderas rojas) de acceso público, para el fomento del control ciudadano sobre las contrataciones públicas
- Verificable: Sí
- ¿Tiene perspectiva de gobierno abierto? Sí
- Potencial para obtener resultados: Modesto